“Terrible, ahhhh-”

Xi Qi held the little fire unicorn, turned around and jumped out of the courtyard wall of the snake misty grass.

But he didn’t run far, he jumped above the outer wall with a scream, his finger pointed at Ye Qian, and the corners of his mouth were trembling.

“Cut, coward, the eyes and corners of this scarecrow’s mouth were adjusted by Yaoyao just now and adjusted with his fingers, you are even afraid of this, you meet strange-looking wild creatures outside, how do you fight…” Ye

Qian let go of the scarecrow who stood obediently in front of him, except for his control, the other times there were only two modes of scarecrow taking fertilizer and fertilizing.

Looking back at Xi Qi, who was frightened, he smiled and shook his head, feeling for the first time that this guy was so timid.

“It’s different! Wild creatures, I can see what they are, but your scarecrow shows nothing, the unknown is the most terrible…” Xi

Qi came back with the small fire unicorn, and looked at the scarecrow many times, still a little sad.

Just now, it was really scary, especially Ye Qian also made that ghost look!

“Then what if you encounter something that can’t be seen, such as the player’s war beast, their information, you can’t see, and some creatures created by special abilities, such as this…” Ye

Qian raised his finger to the side, and when Xi Qi looked over, a clay figure on the ground was coming out of the ground little by little.

“I’m just a bit of a psychological shadow about scarecrows, you don’t have this at all… Hey, hey, Ye Xiaoqian, don’t go too far! ”

Xi Qi was just about to say that the clay figure was not scary at all, but when the clay figure mixed with dead blades of grass, one appeared from under his feet at the same time, and also grabbed his ankles…

This is really too much!

Ye Xiaoqian, you bully!

“Get used to it more, you can’t do it in this state, aren’t you just some strange

creatures…” Ye Qian looked at Xi Qi’s state of fear of unknown creatures, not sure how this guy lived when he first came to this world.

There are many strange creatures in the wild, and plants can run around with legs….

He could survive then, but now he is so frightened because of the scarecrow?

Is this guy a personality mutation?

“I just didn’t like the weird things outside, so I built my home very early, and then… There is only one wall left in

the house…” Xi Qi held the small fire unicorn and sat on the field ridge, lamenting the construction of his house again.

It’s terrible, although the walls are really good, they can be used as a combat aid.

It doesn’t prevent him from occasionally nostalgic for the first few days before he came to this world, his initial efforts.

“That’s still not good… Since you are not going out hunting today, you just happened to accompany Yaoyao to do a training, and you will come from afar…” Ye

Qian called down the child running around on the Fusang tree, explained to him, created more ‘small surprises’ for Xi Qi, and then let Yaoyao go out with Xi Qi, who was blue-faced.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Huo, both stayed, and could not follow to see the liveliness.

“Wow~” ”


Xiao Hei and Xiao Huo, I don’t know if it’s because their owners have already fought on the opposite mountain, and they both turned around and pounced on each other, clawing their necks and gnawing at each other….

“You two rest, just like the two of you, what else to fight…” Ye

Qian grabbed one in one hand, carried these two in his hand, looked at their aggrieved and glared at them, shook his head and jumped to the wall with them.

Standing on the fence and looking at the two people who were fighting on the opposite mountain, Ye Qian sighed and hugged the two one by one, letting them wait honestly.

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The black crow was originally sleeping on its stomach in the nest, and when he heard the movement on the other side, he opened his eyes to take a look.

Seeing Ye Qian come to the wall, it also came over and stood and watched together.

“Compete and test each other’s abilities.”

Ye Qian looked at Xi Qi, who was beaten by children again and again, and he had some understanding of this guy’s ability to resist beating.

That is, his psychological endurance of various abnormal creatures is still a little poor.

However, it felt that Xi Qi was not afraid, but rather like he was observing….

“Crow, I don’t see it particularly clearly, you look at Xi Qi’s reaction, are you familiarizing yourself with these unknown species…” After

looking at it for a while, the more Ye Qian looked at it, the more he felt that Xi Qi’s situation was true, and he was too stupid.

“Observe, record, weakness.”

The black crow looked at it for half a minute and gave Ye Qian certain information.

After all kinds of strange creatures were created, Xi Qi dodged first, and only after observing many times to find weak points did he start trying to fight back….

Perhaps because he was not an enemy, Xi Qi’s reaction was always slow, and he would be beaten if he was not careful.

“Dive, man.”

After watching for a while, the black crow suddenly disappeared.

And Ye Qian’s face, also under the control of an invisible force, turned a little angle towards the side of the opposite mountaintop.

Someone, right in front of his line of sight.

It’s just that within Ye Qian’s line of sight, there are no traces of people, but he knows that the black crow will not lie to him.

Quickly sent a private chat to the two people on the opposite mountain, only saying that there was someone more than 300 meters behind them.

The two people, who were still stably engaged in the ‘turn-based’ battle mode, looked at each other, one tall and one short, and suddenly a chaotic attack hit the slope on the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, the violent aura began to boil, and regardless of whether burning the mountain would cause any problems, these two directly caused a fire and water war on the top of the mountain….

How strong is the mutated fire, the dense water curtain created by Fan Liyao, which seems to be suppressing the flames, is actually covering the halfway up the mountainside with combustible elements.

The flames passed, and the trees and gravel were gone….

[0997-Ye Qian: Master, 4414 Xu Zhicheng, soil player, combat power of about two thousand, not your people, right? Ye

Qian looked at the player who was burned on the opposite mountain, jumped out and fought with Xi Qi, and sent a message to his master.

[0001-Luo Shan: I don’t know, I went to sneak attack?

Luo Shan flipped through the friend column, there was no such person.

But the question is, is someone going to do things again?

This stupid apprentice of his family, there really is no leisure life to live.

Day by day, those people are not annoyed!

[0997-Ye Qian: I don’t know if it’s a sneak attack or voyeurism, it has been burned out by Xi Qi, Master, your old man continues to be busy, this matter is handled by us]

Ye Qian returned the message to Luo Shan.

Then, he sent another private chat to Xi Qi.

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