“You two don’t want experience?”

Ye Qian just tried to shoot a few arrows, and then he was not interested.

Looking back at the two people who were standing in the open space in front of the house and chatting idly, they were not coming to work, and he stopped.

“Brother, leave it to me!”

Fan Liyao jumped to Ye Qian’s side, raised his small hand and patted Ye Qian’s hand, and then jumped out.

Those out there are experience points and survival points!

Although the price has been seriously reduced recently, the price of 1 grade rabbit meat, 1 pound also fluctuates between 20~30.

This rabbit, the small one can also produce more than a dozen pounds of meat, and the more can produce thirty pounds, which can be sold for money!

“Hey, hey, can the smelly boy grab it, there is mine too!”

Xi Qi saw Fan Liyao’s movements quickly, his small hand grabbed the rabbit and smashed his head, the skills of the hunting players were decomposed, completed in a second, and the materials were directly packed in the bag….

At this speed, after looking at a few of them, he suddenly realized that this is not just a hundred or hundreds of points of experience, this is also a survival point!

A big one and a small two people outside catch rabbits, kill rabbits, decompose rabbits….

Ye Qian stood on the courtyard wall, looking at the manor simulation map, waiting for the next wave of wild creatures to appear.

With rabbits, the second wave of refreshing wild creatures, is the wolf.

A small number of level 1 wild wolves mixed in with it, accounting for 90% of the number of level 2 wild wolves, and a smaller number of level 3 wild wolves.

After the second wave of wild creatures were hunted, the third wave of wild creatures also brushed out.

The third wave of wild creatures is a level 3 peak tiger, and hundreds of level 2 mice that have refreshed on the other side.

Among the rats, there is also a level 3 rat king.

“Seventh brother, do you want a tiger or a mouse?”

Ye Qian watched the two staring at the refreshed tiger and asked Xi Qi which one to choose.

“Of course it’s a tiger, if it’s a real man, you have to fight a tiger!”

Xi Qi patted his chest and said, the adult masters just have to fight tigers!

“Far away, the rat group is in the north, this tiger will be handed over to the seventh brother, you are a child, let’s catch the mouse!”

Ye Qian called the children together and ran along the courtyard wall to the north.

For the tiger that roared with its head bowed after refreshing, he had no interest in appreciating it.

Outside the north courtyard wall, rats dug holes to get into the ground.

But Ye Qian kept the protective shield open, and there was also a blockade range underground comparable to the height of the sky, digging down a little, when touching the edge directly below the courtyard wall, the rats were blocked….

The child brought water in, and the rat ran out digging a hole next to it.

The child caught mice and had a lot of fun, while Ye Qian stood on the courtyard wall, but at this time he was entangled because of a private chat message.

[0600-Lu Tingfan: Ye Qian, pay more attention to yourself, some people are publicizing everywhere, saying that you can heal]

Lu Tingfan, after adding friends, once talked to Ye Qian about mutant plants.

Since then, he has not contacted again, and Ye Qian has not taken the initiative to talk to someone.

[0997-Ye Qian: I know, thank you]

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Ye Qian didn’t know what the other party meant behind this information, and after thinking about it, he simply replied with an understanding and thanks.

People reminded him that he should be seriously thankful.

[0600-Lu Tingfan: You don’t refute it, sure enough, you really know how to heal, it’s terrible, you can communicate with plants, and you can heal…]

Lu Tingfan gave Ye Qian a long series of messages after a while.

There is no specific information, just lamenting that some people are really lucky, he is envious and jealous.

However, at the end of this paragraph, he taught Ye Qian a way to protect himself.

It is to find a lot of combat mutant plants, feed them so that they can survive nearby, and the higher the level can protect themselves….

Because, Ye potential communicates with plants, even if it is not raised by their own family, try to communicate outside, in case there are willing to join, it is also a very strong guarantee.

Although Ye Qian couldn’t use this method, he still thanked him very seriously and said that he would try hard.

After ending this private chat, Ye Qian looked at the child next to him and laughed.

Fan Liyao had already cleaned up the rat group, and when he killed the level 3 rat king, he also gave out the energy core.

The energy core of level 3 is also more than 300,000 at a market price.

Energy cores are good things that are used to make certain equipment, or to cultivate certain mutated animals and plants, which have the probability of stimulating certain elemental abilities.

Of course, this depends on the probability, but if you don’t put the energy core, it’s completely gone….

“Yaoyao, brother will tell you, fighting the tiger is the real hero, look at what this is, the tiger is the king of the forest, and the energy core has been dropped!”

Xi Qi took the energy core and saw Ye Qian and the child come back, and began to scream.

However, Ye Qian just took the treasure chest of random events, glanced at this guy, turned around and jumped back into the manor, walking to find the black crow to open the box.

As for Fan Liyao, he waved his small hand, and then took out the one from his backpack, which was also a level 3 energy core.

“Seventh brother, the rat group, there is a level 3 rat king!”

The little hand held the almost round translucent energy core ball, and the child smiled, and then ran back.

“No, the rat is the rat king, how come there are no wolves and rabbits just now, the wolves also have level 3, don’t you rush to run, why don’t the wolves…” Xi

Qi tangled over the courtyard wall and ran to the front of the house.

“You ask me, I ask who to go, the wolves just don’t appear the wolf king, I can’t go nearby to pick one for you, this random mission has ended, there is no hiding and other possibilities.”

Ye Qian sat in the bird’s nest, leaning against the edge, holding a random reward treasure chest in his hand for the black crow to open for him.

Look at the still tangled, why there is no Wolf King’s Xi Qi, Ye Qian is also quite helpless.

He hopes that there will be a wolf king, no matter who kills, it will not be cheap for outsiders.

“That’s right, let me ask you why, your good luck is rubbed, unlike brother, brother is his own luck!”

Xi Qi looked at the man who had to go to find the black crow even to open the box, and immediately looked at it with disgust, waved his hand and turned to leave.

Although he hunted some materials, it was certainly not enough, he had to go home to see Jean, and then look further east.

It’s not easy for him to beat a worker!

However, an increasingly comfortable body is also something he can’t ask for from anywhere else.

Part-time work, earning money, paying for treatment….

This is all a normal way to seek medical treatment!

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