“But, Boss Luo said…”

Xi Qi looked at Ye Qian with a dull expression, hesitated for a few seconds, stumbled and spoke, and mentioned the title he had never said before.

Boss Luo, most of the players in this world, call Luo Shan that.

Now that Xi Qi said Boss Luo, Ye Qian’s face darkened in an instant.

“Boss Luo said to save? Then you go to Boss Luo, Xi Qi, is your brain not good, I really accepted what he gave, but it doesn’t mean what he said, I have to listen, who loves to save this person, I can’t save!

Ye Qian stared at the man on the ground with disgust, and then looked at Xi Qi with a smile, a pair of eyes that were almost calm, flashing with mockery of Xi Qi.

Boss Luo is very bullish, but not everyone wants to listen to him Boss Luo!

“It’s not… Ye Qian, what’s the matter with you, this person is really Boss Luo’s side… I can’t tell you clearly, you ask Boss Luo, I didn’t lie to you! Xi

Qi really didn’t know, but he knew that there was something wrong with this person on the ground.

Since that’s the case, then he will cooperate and act!

Anyway, life is like a play, who can’t order acting yet!

“Soul Eater, it’s time for dinner!”

Ye Qian drew out the water from the breeding area, and the hydration was made into a water rope.

Under Xi Qi’s shocked eyes, he directly strangled the seriously injured person outside the gate, and then dragged the body into the door with a water rope and threw it to the soul devouring rose that came out of the ground on the side.

“Ye Qian… Are you crazy…” Xi

Qi looked at Ye Qian’s series of operations with a dull expression, he didn’t have to act, he was really frightened by Ye Qian’s operation.

When the water rope was wrapped around the man’s neck, the dense water needles pierced the man’s neck into a sieve.

Isn’t this hatred a little big….

“Five million survival points, you can buy half an irrigator, I’ll see what materials are needed later, you buy it first…”

After Xi Qi entered the door, Ye Qian waved the door shut, and then said his next plan as he walked.

This can also be regarded as an extra fortune that can allow Xi Qishao to hunt for a few days.

“You and him… Is he from your world? ”

Xi Qi had already collected the money before he came, five million was there for him, and of course he came to buy materials.

However, he doesn’t understand now, Ye Xiaoqian, your mood has changed so much, do you have a hatred or not!

“No, isn’t this the enemy of the fire boss’s world?”

Ye Qian turned his head curiously to look at Xi Qi, when did he say this.

This guy has a big brain.

“Wait, wait, you have no feud with him?”

Reaching out to stop the person, Xi Qi felt that he needed to ask well.

This matter, why is it so wrong.

It was the person from Huo Yanyan’s side, and then the person who claimed to be Boss Luo, and asked him to save his life, go and ask Boss Luo if he knew.

Then Old Master Luo asked him to bring someone over to Ye Qian, and he had to emphasize that this person was saved by Boss Luo.

Then this master and apprentice played such a strange game, and he, who ran errands in the middle, didn’t know anything….

“No hatred, Master said that this person has passed a lot of ‘useful’ information back, and finally passed this wave of information to die, and if you don’t die, it may really cause chaos on Master’s side, don’t you know?”

Ye Qian looked Xi Qi up and down, and then shook his head with a little disgust, and everything was in his eyes.

It can be seen that the master also thinks that this guy can only accomplish certain things without knowing it.

“I don’t know… I don’t want to know either, you’re a black heart! ”

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Xi Qi is now suddenly sure that he is on the thief’s ship!

Not only Ye Xiao is dark, but Old Master Luo is also a super heart-eyed.

Moreover, the degree of blackness on Huo Yanyan’s side may not be Ye Xiaoqian’s opponent at all….

This kind of natural black, which has no concept of its own, is the most deadly!

“I think I’m okay, at least I won’t go out to pit others, it’s just, I don’t want to be pitted…” Ye

Qian came to the tree and rubbed his face on the wings of the black crow.

He just didn’t want to be disturbed, but there were always many people who wanted to disturb the peace of his home.

Really, it’s annoying!

“I didn’t say you’re bad…”

Xi Qi sat by the pool, looked back at Ye Qian, and muttered in a small voice.

He didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with Ye Qian’s behavior, but…

Although he always said that Ye Qian had a black heart from the beginning, he really had never seen what Ye Qian did.

But just now, I killed people very calmly, without the slightest change in emotions, it was not as good as when I killed the rabbit yesterday….

“It turned out to be scared…”

Ye Qian shook his head with a smile, he also didn’t understand why Xi Qi was entangled because of this kind of thing.

The enemy, and the invading wild creatures, in his senses, there was not much difference.

In addition to the difference in appearance, there is a more important point, that is, the enemy will be more troublesome, while the wild invasion creature will be much simpler.

“Ye Xiaoqian, how did you do it, I grew up in the training base, and I can be regarded as having received training in this area, but there will still be some different feelings, there will be no sadness, but I will still distinguish it…” The

tangled Xi Qi still did not hold back, and continued to chat with Ye Qian about this topic.

When he was a child, he grew up in an environment where there were only various tasks, and there was no concept that people could not be killed.

However, there will always be some emotional fluctuations, even if it is some emotionally crazy people, they will have emotions because the other party is a person….

“Probably… It’s innate. Ye

Qian really couldn’t answer this question.

“Born… Born?

Xi Qi felt that Ye Qian was deliberately angry with him.

But Ye Qian’s expression and eyes did not smile, as if he was explaining very seriously.

“Don’t worry about this, buy materials, I’ll plant these sweet potatoes, and the seedlings harvested are also experience points!”

Ye Qian didn’t want to get entangled in these things, anyway, he felt that it was okay.

He still went to plant sweet potatoes, studying how to earn experience and make some money!

The level 5 snake, he went home before cutting and processing, snake misty grass and soul devouring rose, and the seven-colored flower were all divided into parts, cut into pieces and put for the black crow as a snack.

As for selling money….

There are many ways he can make money without having to snatch food from his partner’s cute creature…

“Buy materials, I buy materials… It’s so expensive, ahhh-”

Xi Qi’s sad mood, after seeing the price of materials, he instantly had no time to entangle himself with the previous matter.

Such an expensive material, Ye Qian, you are too much!

However, complaining and complaining, this money still has to be spent, fortunately, all the family’s bottom has been dug up just now.

By the way, what is the name of that man, what is Ye…

It doesn’t matter, people who have disappeared, don’t need to get tangled up anymore….

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