[Day 49, 06:21:31, sunny, 13°C~17°C, north wind level 6]

[Mission: 1, reclaim the land and farm; 2. Construction of manors; 3. Patrol; 4, Collect]

Waking up during cultivation, Ye Qian looked at the time and weather, as well as daily tasks, and then walked out of the water.

It was still sunny, but the temperature dropped a bit.

Today’s daily tasks are not difficult, get up and hold the child who is still sleeping, and the little tanuki cat who has woken up, say hello to the black crow and go out for a circle.

After circling the outer wall of his house, and then at the height of a few stones halfway up the mountain, he collected several unidentified materials on the way, completing both tasks.

“You still have to work hard to make money!”

Ye Qian sat on the stone, looked at the half-lost mountain on the opposite side, and then looked at the river in front of him, and suddenly sighed.

He tried to use water to probe and found that the deep ravines at the bottom of the river had been filled in with gravel and sediment.

The bottom of the river is much higher than before, but the water surface height of the river is still maintaining a decline rate of more than twenty centimeters a day.

The temperature drops, the water level drops, and whether you face drought or cold next, it costs a lot of money.

Material, exactly.

He needed enough materials to build his manor better before disaster struck.

The 2,221 sweet potato seedlings hung yesterday sold a total of more than 620,000 survival points, bringing his existing survival points to more than 1.1 million.


Little Tanuki saw that Ye Qian always stared at the surface of the water, tilted his head curiously, and made sure that he didn’t find anything strange from the water.

Perhaps, just because you like water?

“Tanuki Hua, you like to eat dragons so much, the next time Master comes again, will you think that he is here to deliver food…”

Ye Qian touched Little Tanuki Hua’s head, and suddenly thought of those dragons that Master had in his house.

There are big and small, and there should be no problem with a large size, but those few little dragons may be targeted by the little tanuki.

Even if it can’t catch it, or can’t catch it, it should eat some different attributes by eating some dragon meat every day.

“Meow meow~”

Little Tanuki felt that Ye Qian was very happy, and his little head was attached to his face, and he rubbed and rubbed happily.

“It should be possible, it’s interesting…” Ye

Qian tilted his head, rubbed his head with the little tanuki, and then continued to check some flow directions in the water and some changes in the bottom.

After checking and making sure that no strange existence was found, Ye Qian returned home with the meowing little tanuki and the child who was still sleeping.


The black crow lay in the nest, watched Ye Qian come back, raised his head and said hello.

“We’re back, Crow, be hungry, Xi Qi can’t come this morning, and he wants me to make breakfast!”

Ye Qian said hello to the black crow, and then put the little tanuki and the sleeping child in the bird’s nest, and he went to the kitchen to start cooking.

Xi Qi sent him a message just now, saying that there was a purple quality mission today, and he needed to go to the vicinity to find a level 3 wild creature, so he would go to the task first.

Although a level 3 wild creature is not strange, it may be some hidden benefit if it appears in the mission.

Breakfast is not particularly exquisite, Ye Lian made it, is to simply cut some shredded meat and stir-fry two dishes, and then some meatballs and meatloaf, cooked or fried….

Although the technology is not very good, no one will dislike it, and the little tanuki flower is even more face-saving.

After eating and drinking, Ye Qian continued to engage in synthesis at home.

However, this time it was not directed synthesis, but took a lot of grass and tried to see if it could synthesize seeds.

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Grade 2 Tianxin pasture, blue quality, currently there are three clumps in each field, and the small shoots of the fourth clump are also beginning to emerge.

The previous part was used to lay a nest for the black crow, and now there is a part left, just enough to try it out.

[Synthesis Successful]

Nine parts of grass fused together in front of Ye Qian, the blue light flickered, and a ball-like object fell into his hand.

【Ornament Grass Rolling Ball: Blue quality, can increase 200 viewing points, can increase 100 fun points】 Grass

Rolling Ball, which is a palm-sized ball, is placed on the table, and when the finger clicks on the ball, the ball begins to roll in a small area with a circle.

It doesn’t require much force, it can roll for a long time before stopping.

It really fits the name!


The little tanuki was attracted by the grass rolling ball, raised his claw and waved at the position of the ball, his little head was raised, and he looked at Ye Qian with his eyes.

It wants to play, this, fun!

“Take it and play.”

Ye Qian saw the expectant eyes of the little tanuki, and suddenly felt that this thing was also very good.

Grabbed the ball that was still rolling, placed it under the tanuki’s paws, and let it play.

Although he didn’t understand what use this fun value could have, Ye Qian continued to synthesize, still completely random, trying to find seeds or other items that could be synthesized.

[Level 3 Tianxin Forage Seeds (Purple): Purple quality, plantable, self-propagating high-quality forage seeds]

was synthesized many times, until there was not much left of Tianxin Forage consumption, and finally Ye Qian saw a faint purple shimmer.

Although the purple light was very light, it was still certain and got what he wanted most.

Grade 3, yielding, self-propagating, high quality forage seeds!

Ye Qian, who was excited, went directly to the top of the mountain and moved another rabbit-eared grass field to the third layer.

Then with a pickaxe for land reclamation, this piece of wasteland transferred to it was quickly reclaimed.

[Level 3 Tianxin Forage: purple quality, self-reproduction type, seedling stage, 3 days after entering the growth period…]

After this seed germinated and planted, Ye Qian sat on the field ridge, looking at this purple quality yielding mutant plant, and the drop of water in his hand fell on the root range area of the pasture.

As the water droplets fall, penetrate into the land, and after the root system absorbs, the countdown number also changes rapidly.

After crossing the seedling stage and entering the growth period, the original level 2 Tianxin pasture was more than half a meter tall, and now this level 3 directly grew to more than one meter.

Broad and tender pasture with a light purple line in the center of the leaves.

Ten minutes later, the seeds just now were carefully accelerated by Ye Qian and added to the harvestable stage.

This process consumes a lot of mental power, which is a little more than the previous successive synthesis.

However, Ye Qian is not entangled in these now, he cultivates while irrigating, and he can also gain an additional pasture experience and energy harvest.

Although he could use a sickle, Ye Qian still chose to harvest with one click, although only this bush of grass could be harvested now.

[Experience point +600, level 3 wood energy +1 copy, level 3 Tianxin Pasture (purple) +1]

Harvest of purple grade, experience point is a random multiplier of 100, randomly obtained between 1 ~ 10 times.

It’s just that this time it’s the energy that’s dropped, not the energy core.

For this result, Ye Qian did not feel any surprise, because if the energy core could be obtained back, it would not be hung out at such an expensive price in the energy mall.

Feeling that his spiritual power was consumed by more than half, Ye Qian was no longer in a hurry to irrigate, but sat directly in the field and cultivated next to this grass.

A faint water mist shrouded around Ye Qian, and it also covered this ‘new favorite’…

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