> [0997-Ye Qian: Qin Heng, your family is called a rabbit? ]

Ye Qian collected a treatment fee of 20,000 yuan, whether it can be cured is not guaranteed, but it will definitely be checked.

However, when a ‘rabbit’ squatting on the ground was more than a meter tall, with thorns on the tips of his ears, white hair on his front paws, big blood-red eyes, half a rabbit ear grass leaf in his mouth, and a big long tail behind him, Ye Qian couldn’t understand how this could still be called a rabbit!

[11111-Qin Heng: The mutated rabbit is indeed a little bit in appearance…] Qin Heng

was asked a little weakly.

His rabbit is indeed getting longer and more fierce.

That is, because the longer and more fierce, he is very entangled, obviously when he just picked it up and came home, the little blob was particularly cute….

[0997-Ye Qian: Check it, your rabbit is not a big problem, that is, it is quite annoying to you now, I want to clean up for a while and then go home]

Ye Qian sent a message to Qin Heng, and then looked down at the big rabbit with a fierce appearance, but when the black crow glared over, he hugged the big rabbit with legs in seconds.

This big rabbit who may not know what direction it mutated into is currently in a growing period, and the amount of food needed is relatively large, and Qin Heng that person….

Although he had never seen it, Ye Qian just felt that it was not very good for that person to raise rabbits, at least in terms of food supply.

So this rabbit will be hungry, hungry and unable to speak, just look for food at home….

As for why I like to eat rabbit meat, this matter… I’ll have to wait until I’m awake and ask.

Fan Liyao, who was originally worried by No. 2 Zhang Wei that he would sleep for a long time, woke up at noon.

Then, the big rabbit that stuck to Ye Qian was slapped away by the child….

“Brother, is this rabbit our lunch?”

Fan Liyao raised his little head, but looked at Ye Qian cutely and lovingly, and his little finger pointed to the big rabbit who was slapped.

He saw just now, this rabbit’s eyes are trying to stick to his brother!

“Its owner spends money, let me show it, you wake up just right, ask it why it likes to eat rabbits, understand it and send it back to others, this rabbit is at home, it is estimated that it is also quite humiliated.”

Ye Qian touched the child’s head and asked him to have a good chat with the pitiful, red-eyed rabbit.

“It cost money… Then I’ll ask.

When he heard that he had received money to see a doctor, Fan Liyao blinked and instantly laughed.

It’s not just a matter of staying in their house in the future, the situation of this rabbit is not suitable for their family, if my brother wants to raise such a rabbit, the experience in the field will be destroyed.

After a simple exchange of beast language by one person and one rabbit, Fan Liyao’s expression changed several times, and finally patted the head of the big rabbit very sadly, turned around and threw himself into Ye Qian’s arms.

“Brother, it’s so

miserable…” Fan Liyao said to Ye Qian, how miserable this rabbit was.

When I was a child, I didn’t have consciousness, and when I woke up, I was picked up by Qin Heng and raised it.

At first, it was good, and all kinds of berries, fruits, vegetable leaves, grass leaves and the like were fed.

But after feeding for a while, the rabbit grew up a little, and it wanted to eat more when it was hungry, but Qin Heng limited the amount of food.

There is no way, just look for food everywhere at home, and you can gnaw a few bites when you find grass roots.

Later, when the house was a little bigger, it had nothing to eat, so it thought of going outside the wall to find food.

At night, I dug a hole under the corner with great difficulty, but as soon as I dug the hole, I was flooded before I went out….

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This officially began, and later the area of the home became larger and larger, but the food was still a little bit, and the rabbit jumped out for a while with great grievances and encountered a hare outside.

If you are very hungry, naturally whatever it is, it will be eaten.

Before he finished eating, he was carried home by Qin Heng, and he pressed his stomach and picked his mouth again, and spit out the few bites of meat he had just eaten….

After that, the wall was raised, and the soil under the wall was particularly hard, and it could only wait at home for that little bit of food, barely starving.

In an effort to climb the wall to find a stutter, its front paws have evolved.

In order to find grass roots, its teeth have been sharpened….

However, if you can’t go out, every time you have to go out, you will be carried back.

It didn’t want to be carried back, and its ears grew spikes, but the bastard still grabbed it every time….

[0997-Ye Qian: What, your rabbit does not have mania, nor does it have a hobby of eating rabbits, that is, can you give it more food, it is such a large rabbit, the amount of rice is about ten pounds of meat, or thirty or forty pounds of grass, you only give it a meal to eat two vegetable leaves, that is, high-quality vegetable leaves, that can still make it hungry crazy]

Ye Qian never thought that a rabbit could be so ‘tortured’.

It’s miserable, it’s miserable!

However, thinking about some of Qin Heng’s strange state, Ye Qian now preferred to believe that this person did not know that the rabbit was starved crazy.

[11111-Qin Heng: It eats less, it can grow so big, if it eats more, it is not to grow bigger than me, several players in my manor have been scared by it many times] Qin Heng

is still nostalgic, the original little rabbit.

Although it is all from my own family, this is too big a gap….

[0997-Ye Qian: It will have all kinds of mutations, all for a bite to eat, with food, it doesn’t need to toss itself so much]

Ye Qian looked at the grinding, and came to the big rabbit lying at his feet, or help this rabbit, and told the unreliable owner of his family a little more information.

After Qin Heng said sadly that he would give the rabbit food in the future and take it out to play, Ye Qian let the child talk to the rabbit.

Let the rabbit learn to be sticky after returning home, and don’t find it yourself without food.

Because there is a high probability that what it can find in the manor is either ornamental or planted by some players….

“Brother, does Qin Heng really not know, the rabbit is not full?”

After returning the rabbit to others, Fan Liyao sat on the chair next to the table, his little head lying on the edge of the table, still entangled in the fact that the rabbit was starving.

Even if he can’t communicate, but the rabbit is hungry and looking for something to eat, how can he never find it as the owner.

“Maybe it’s because its growth speed and physical state don’t meet that person’s initial expectations, feed less, grow slower…” Ye

Qian looked down at his little tanuki, because with a grass rolling ball, the little tanuki was addicted to playing, pushing the ball around the house.

O beasts of war!

In the player’s personal information, there is a display.

So in the end, whether it is a disease, and whether it is hungry and crazy, as long as it is not an idiot, how can you not know.

But this is people’s business, make it clear, prevent some self-deception from continuing to happen, and the rest has nothing to do with them.

However, the rabbit….

It seems that it has a weak divine beast gene.

If you don’t raise it well, you will really starve the rabbit to the point of running away….

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