“I said, Zhang Xiaowei, what are you doing here, it won’t be Boss Fire or something, I want you to come and watch Ye Xiaoqian, right?”

After Xi Qi came out with breakfast, he stared at No. 1 Zhang Wei very unceremoniously, and asked him bluntly why he came.

Anyway, he has always been like this, and he has never been polite to anyone, and it is not surprising that this performance is not surprising now.

On the contrary, Ye Qian, who has always spoken directly, not only has his hairstyle been adjusted by the child today, but his behavior has also become more calm.

“I’m going to the east, go to the sea area to find some materials, and stop by to take a look, but your neighborhood has changed too much, I thought I ran to the wrong place…”

No. 1 Zhang Wei scratched his frizzy short hair, he was really passing by.

Of course, the original route would have deviated a little, but it was only a few hours of delay, and he wanted to come and meet the two men.

One is soft water, the other is violent fire, he really can’t understand, how these two can be neighbors and get along well!

Even if Xi Qi needs Ye Qian’s treatment, there will always be elemental conflicts between water and fire, right?

But this kind of doubt can’t be asked, he still asks something more practical, such as the mountains near here, how can it be gone!

“That’s you came late, if you came yesterday, there is no change here, Zhang Xiaowei, brother tell you, I almost spent my life in the past few days…” Xi Qi

sat down to eat breakfast, and by the way, he told No. 1 Zhang Wei how the surrounding mountains became flattened.

The level 6 flying insect was terrifying, and almost ate him.

In order to protect Ye Xiaoqian, he used the secret technique he obtained before, carried the wall of his courtyard as a shield, and ran around to hide…

Then, the big bug that can fly will hit the mountain and hit the water….

Later, presumably because of the movement was too big, he encountered an oversized bird, and after appearing here, he set his sights on the bug that almost ate him.

Just following the route he had made a few circles before, flying bugs and birds would fight and run, and then dismantle the surrounding mountains to the ground.

He described in such a colorful way, how to dodge, how to be beaten, how to run for his life.

Ye Qian and Fan Liyao, who were eating, listened to the side, and were amused by the overly vivid description several times.

But the more they laughed, the more No. 1 Zhang Wei believed it, because he didn’t think that the strength of a normal player could level the surrounding mountains.

It’s just that I feel that Xi Qi’s words are mixed with a lot of moisture, which is too noisy.

Of course, this ability to escape is indeed quite strong….

“Ye Xiaoqian, Fan Xiaoyao, you two are actually embarrassed to laugh !!”

Xi Qi was full, looked at the brothers on the other side, and was angry by their smiles.

He is so serious about making up stories, you two are a little more serious!

“Seventh brother is super powerful, my brother and I can’t help…” Fan

Liyao raised his head and looked at Xi Qi with a look of adoration, his small face was slightly red because he smiled down just now.

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But he praised Xi Qi so much, the ‘simple’ Xi Qi, and so on.

Not only did the satisfied tsundere raise his head, but also went to the kitchen to make a fruit catch for the child, and after eating and resting, he could eat and play.

“He’s usually like this…”

No. 1 Zhang Wei watched Xi Qi being coaxed by the child’s praise, not only to make something to eat, but also consciously went out to patrol and search, still felt quite awkward.

After Xi Qi held the little fire unicorn cub and carried a little black bear out by the way, he still couldn’t help but want to have a good chat with Ye Qian, about how this irascible fire system was domesticated.

Judging from the many information he had obtained before, Xi Qi should be the kind of person with a violent personality, a simple person, and not so many twists and turns, but he would definitely not be stable and obedient…

“At the beginning, it was also a little irritable, and then I encountered some trouble, Boss Luo came to my side to see, I don’t know how to tell him, and then that’s it, by the way, you are likely to meet Boss Luo when you go to the east, yesterday when Xi Qi was chased around in a circle, he said that he would take the bug to the east to find Boss Luo for help, but the bug didn’t chase when he ran farther…”

Ye Qian casually said some information, this information is true and false, true and false mixed together.

Boss Luo is indeed in the east, and he can already see the edge of the sea area, and he has also seen a lot of troublesome creatures.

But what kind of relationship is the relationship between Xi Qi and Boss Luo, and how he was taken care of and educated….

This kind of thing is left to other people’s own brains.

“It’s to talk to Boss Luo, ask him where he is, I have to readjust my direction when I rush later…”

No. 1 Zhang Wei pondered for a while, sent a few messages to some people, and then changed the original route and decided to meet Boss Luo.

Although they have always felt that Boss Luo may not be as selfless as everyone knows, what he did really benefited many players.

Especially these players, who are relatively high-numbered, almost all have some connections with Boss Luo and have also received some information benefits.

“You guys are, you’ve already mapped it?”

Ye Qian leaned back in the chair, watching No. 1 Zhang Wei unabashedly send a message to find someone, and suddenly widened his eyes, as if he suddenly remembered, staring at people with a little excitement.

Map, one thing that Boss Luo is currently working on.

I traveled to many places in order to draw a map of the current world.

“Now it’s only a part of it, not even a rough overall map of the land, but it should be fast, Boss Luo, that person, is a person with great ideals!”

No. 1 Zhang Wei shook his head and didn’t say too specifically to Ye Qian, because he didn’t know it comprehensively.

But Boss Luo’s person is really incomprehensible.

Has a very strong power, does not plan for itself first, but to benefit most players, this kind of existence that strives for big ideals….

This is a completely unimaginable level for people like them, who are constantly planning for money, power and material….

“Boss Luo is a good person, it’s just that it’s hard to be a good person, listening to Xi Qi, Boss Luo has also encountered a lot of chasing and killing, and the disclosure of some information always moves the interests of some people…”

Ye Qian sighed and said something that everyone actually knew.

Good people are also easy to hate….

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