For some reason, my health and stamina ceilings were as low as when I was poisoned, but I must have seen something wrong because I recovered after eating breakfast. No matter how exhausted I was, I suspected that I would recover from eating well, but I'm sure it was my fault. That's what I'll do. I don't feel like I should ever find out.

"Are you feeling better already?

"With energy and guts."

"It's amazing how much you've been sucked."

What's going on?

"Mr. Koske is a lot out of standard, right?"

Admittedly it's out of standard, but what do you mean it was smoked? No, you don't have to tell me because I'm scared. I don't know what to do with a god I don't touch... I feel like there are a lot of things I haven't seen since I woke up this morning, or try not to remember.

Slime, don't mix your daughters with Merty. I remember Koske.

"Well, let's go... I'll collect the workbench or something. I might use it."

"I can't help it."

I miss you a little bit.

"Because it's smooth ~, how's it going?

"Oh, it's okay. I'll take the usual size, so I'll communicate at night."

No matter how hard we move, we will not be able to move beyond the normal Golem communications range by today. Probably. I also installed an external antenna to increase the sensitivity of transmission and reception.

"Okay, are you okay?

Looks like you're ready.

Merty and I nodded as they checked each other's gear.

My outfit is a common mercenary style of leather armor, a sword on my waist, a backpack and a yen shield on my back, and a spear on my hand.

Merti's outfit is a hooded robe with a slightly more exposed skin, a back pack and a hidden body on top. A well-made dagger with 50% left. Except for clothes that are highly exposed, it seems like a typical traveling woman.

"Wouldn't it be better if your clothes were a little tighter?

"It's unnatural for a subhuman sex slave to wear a robust dress."

"Is that what it is?

Merty nods when I ask a question. Hmm, if that's what locals do. But are you okay? I hope you don't get caught up in weird stuff... as long as you're wearing a robe.

"Well then... shall we go?"

"Yes, I'll serve you. Master."

Smile and Merty leans in. Nh, Master... what a nice sound. Is this what you call your husband? It's kind of sneaky. I feel like I'm playing with something I shouldn't.

"Lime, Beth, Poison, you really took care of me. I will not forget this favor. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later?

"It was fun living with Koske."

"Again. Be careful with your body.

Slime and her daughters embrace each other and say goodbye. The lime is fluffy, the beth is moderately elastic, and the poison is... so fluffy. Yeah, it's a little loose, Poison's body.

"I've been taking care of you for a short time, too. I owe you this."

Yeah, give me a skewer.

"I'll take it mercilessly."

"Naturally, you'll have to give it back."

Three people say it in an atmosphere of naturalness. No hugs.

"Are you reacting too differently to me and Mr. Koske?

"Is it because of you?

"It's my fault."

"It's my fault."

What kind of temperature difference? What do you mean, even that sweethearted lime can handle salt? Melty and Slime's daughters aren't close...? No, I don't think so. I don't suppose it's a reluctant relationship.

Anyway, it's my fault that Merty took care of the limes this time. Making Merty pay for that ass won't make sense.

"Merti came for me, so you owe me a debt."


"If that's what Koske says, I don't know."

"It's fun."

The slime daughters smiled at my offer. Melty's happy to see you, too - you have a subtle look. I see, maybe you pushed me and didn't like it very honestly.

"If you're worried about Merti, just do something for me."

"... I see. That's a good idea."

"Ah, yeah. Please soften your hands."

Nico... and Merti smiled deeply. Huh? Something went wrong. I want to come back five seconds ago. Still implementing Save & Road?

Is there anything like that in a survival game? That's right!

Well then, shall we go? Sylphie will be waiting for you with a long ear. "

"Ah, see you later!

Now it's time to say goodbye to Slime's daughters and leave the sewers behind.

Still, waiting for an elf lengthens your ears rather than your neck... the worldly rhetoric is interesting.

We got out of the sewer and ran straight for the street. Run through the woods all at once, shaking off the chasing goblins and other monsters.

Nevertheless, we can't pull them to the streets. In fact, a monster train accident is a fine crime in this world.

Let's just get rid of them before we leave the woods.

He stopped near the forest exit and said quietly. I ran quite a distance, but my breath wasn't disturbed, and I didn't sweat a bit. She looks like a beautiful sister, but she still only has to say that she can beat the slime daughters if she's one-on-one.


I will also stop and take out the goats foot crossbow.

Spear? I'll use it when I get close. If they get close. I don't even have proximity skills. I'm not afraid of having to engage in a melee fight.

"Melty, I'm gonna do this. This is..."

"No, I'll handle this."

Making a noise, Merti took a step forward as if he were covering for me. At the same time, three goblins pop out of the bushes in the back.




The jumping goblins watched Merty standing in front of them and smiled ugly. Do you think she looks weak because she is a woman? Or is it a smile in a different sense?

Speaking of which, what kind of ecology is goblin in this world? Are they the ones who take the women and children of other races to their nests and do the eighteen forbidden things? Let's ask someone next time. Except for women.

"Only three?"

"If it's like that, I'll..."

In a moment, three blossom flowers bloomed.

Whatever logic worked, the three Goblins were turned into blood smoke by some unknown attack. Merty hasn't moved a step from the spot. However, at some point, three goblins were pointing their palms in the direction they were.

Uh, what is that? Just 0 waves? ○ Palm waves?

You noticed my gaze, and Merty smiled back.

"Shall we go? Let's get out of here."


I nodded honestly.

Silent, invisible and deadly blow. And range attacks. There's no way I can defy Mr Merty, who fires such a blow. I wonder if Merty would be alone in the Holy King's Army or anything?

"Hey, Merty."


I walked through the woods and shouted at Merti as he walked towards the street, and Merti looked up at me while walking beside me with a firm clasp in front of the robe.

"In fact, how strong is Merty? Compared to Sylvie and Lord Leonard and Miss Zamir."

"That's right... if you're serious about Sylvie, maybe I'm up there a little bit. I think Sir Leonard and Miss Zamir would be better off in a battle that simply uses weapons and flesh, but I don't think I can defeat them with magic alone. And I think Isla will win because of the difference in skill and in the breadth of what she can do if she just uses magic and magic to fight."

"... Merty's not so strong."

"It's strong. Because it's a demonic species."

I lean my neck against Merty for saying such an obvious thing.

"Why did you hold the position of Home Secretary when you were so strong? Or is it a demon species?

"That's right... the reasons are many and complex. Mr. Koske, do you know what a replacement is?

"Replacement ring"? Is it like an elf is born between human parents?

What I know about change rings is about change rings in the fantasy world. There seems to have been a legacy in the real world, but I don't know much about that one.

In my case, I have the impression that it is a secular inheritance that occurs because one or both of my parents had half-elf or elf blood in their bloodline.

"Yeah, that's right. My parents were very ordinary shepherds. Physical abilities and magic are typical of people. Being human means being standard amongst Shepherds."

I see.

"But I wasn't normal. Running will tear apart cat-beasterns and Blutbaats, and lift luggage with one hand like a bear or elephant adult can finally lift. The magic is no less powerful than the monocular and Tenma tribes. It soon became known to the surrounding world that I was a demonic species and, of course, to the Kingdom of Merinard."

"That would stand out."

Such a masterpiece would stand out. As long as the existence of the demonic species is widely known, it is not strange that there is a mechanism for the country to sense its existence.

"When I was taken over by the Kingdom, I was educated and secretly assumed the royal guard duties. Because it looks like a normal shepherd, it's hard to be alerted."

I see.

As far as I'm concerned, a normal Shepherd can't use the Rigidbeard Palm. I'm scared if I can use it.

That's why it's perfect for personal security. We can protect our subjects without intimidation or mistrust if we lie to the Praetor or the Maid and leave them beside the dignitaries.

"During the war, I was going to go mad, too. The king told me. Now we need you to lurk down to Sylvie and stay close to him. However, it is difficult to cross the Omit Great Wilderness alone. Years went by while we were lurking for a chance, a rebellion broke out, and Danang and the others managed to cross the Omit Wilderness and reunite with Silfi to this day."

"Is it difficult to go longitudinally?

It would be possible if we had enough supplies. It seems like water and shelter can be made by magic.

"It's hard. Gizma can be anything, but the amount of food and water you can carry alone is known to be high, and you can't rest alone. If you can't rest, the magic will soon run out. And if a gizma attacks you while you're asleep, you'll die. It's impossible to go to the wilderness alone for ten days."

"I see... I see."

I think it's easy because I can carry supplies with me and make safe shelters wherever I want. Certainly you can't do it alone without your abilities.

Yeah? That's how it's called Merty...

Hugo, there was a noise and Merty was moving in front of me. Her face smiles nicely, but she feels intimidated.

"Mr. Koske, don't you think asking a woman how old she is is is a delicate act?

"I don't think so in general, but I don't think so about Merti. I mean, no matter how old you are, you're still beautiful and beautiful. There are long-lived species like elves, so you don't have to worry about them. I wondered if it was a demonic species that had a longer lifespan than ordinary shepherds. Surely Wesen don't have the same lifespan as humans, do they?

I developed my theory without losing my sense of intimidation. I'm afraid of intimidation, and I think you're right, but intellectual curiosity can't be suppressed, I am.

After staring at me like that for a while, Merti meditated and exhaled.

"I'm a little older than Sylvie. Much younger than Sir Leonard. Also, the demon species has a long life span. They usually live about five times the size of the species."

"Well, that's amazing. I wonder if it's a mutation rather than a secular inheritance."

It seems strange to say that sudden mutation increases longevity. I somehow have a short-lived image.

In fact, sequelae and mutations are not phenomena, but perhaps more different phenomena.

I went out on the street while I was listening to such stories about Merty. The streets were sparse, and some people looked at us strangely from the forest, but as if we weren't going to get involved, we quickly lost interest and moved forward towards our destination.

"You went out on the street. What do you want to do?

"How long does it take to walk the streets with Nosonoso like this?

"... shouldn't it take about a month?

"That sucks... I'd better get off the street and dash home."

"The map of the kingdom of Merinard is in my head, so I can guide you. I'm also confident in the sense of direction."

Melty looks up at me right next door. I'm confident in the sense of direction, hey... wasn't sheep a mess? Is it different because it's a demonic species...? But has it actually reached Merynesburg? Is there a track record?

Well then, please guide me. Guide me on the best route. You can rest safely in a shelter without having to reach the city. "

"Okay, follow me."

That said, Merti crossed the street and walked from the forest that had just come out to the other side of the street.

All right, hold on, Sylvie. Whatever stops me, I can move forward!

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