After collecting the components, we decided to start development at once.

"You mean you can keep turning this part at a constant speed, right?

"That's what I'm talking about. Now I feel like I'm rotating this pedal up and down through the crank."

A blacksmith watching the improved workbench scrutinizes the structure and nods.

"Then there are two ways. Either control the up-and-down motion of this pedal in a golem fashion, or make it a golem fashion, like the wheels that are directly powering us."

"It is easier to control the upward and downward movement of the pedal if it means controlling the golem. The point is, it's the same as a golem barista."

"Oh, I mean, you just have to put your arms and legs on here. I think the problem is continuous operation time, maintenance, fuel consumption."

"I don't think fuel consumption or deterioration of parts is a problem if you just move it up and down. It depends on how strong it is."

"You don't need a pedal to move up and down with a golem arm. You can raise and lower the crank directly with the golem arm."

"The fewer parts, the fewer malfunctions. Should we review the design in the first place on the premise of using a golem arm?"

We will discuss the specifications of the new workbench while exchanging opinions. The improved workbench is disassembled for reference at that stage. Well, maybe one. If you want to make it, you can make it very easily.

"The supply of magic is creepy when it runs for a long time. I don't have any magic."

"Nh, there's definitely a problem with Koske using it. That's where it helps."

That said, what Isla put on the table was like an irregular form of clear crystal.

"What? That."

"This is a magic crystal. Refined and crystallized magic that gushes out of the vein hole of the rear node. Finally, production stabilized and was sent last week."

"Oh, that. Speaking of which, you said you were doing that before."

You said there were other mass-production of magic metals and the creation of magic guns. I wonder what happened to you.

"What happened to the mass production of magic iron and steel and the development of magic guns?

"Mass production of magical metals is not yet going well."

"I showed you the prototype, but it's not good. Certainly not Magic Iron or Magic Steel, but there is unevenness in the same ingot. I can use it by tapping, stretching and homogenizing, but it's a hassle."

The blacksmith shook his head to the side saying it was very unsuitable for mass production.

"It turns out that it is necessary to homogenize and stabilize the magic drawn from the pulse failure before irradiating the metal. Now we're experimenting with it."

"I see. Magic and magic are refreshing, but that's what they are."

"Nh, yeah. But now that you can make magical crystals, I think it's very practical. Magic needs to be refined in order to make Magic Crystals. We should be able to divert that technology."

"I see. So, magic crystals are like crystals of high-purity magic or something."

"Yes, we can use this as a power source."

"Then we need to design the new Golem workbench to replace the empty magic crystals."

I am worried that it is completely incorporated into the mechanism and cannot be exchanged. I'll do it.

Unlike previous workbenches, operating hours will be limited, but it is common for craft gauges to require power and fuel to move it when it is a top craft platform. I think it's reasonable.

"It would be useful if someone other than Mr. Koske could use it."

"Indeed. In this way, even when there is no magic crystal, Koske can use the workbench with the help of a magical person. It also incorporates that mechanism."

That is why the specifications of the new Golem workbench have been decided.

The power source is magic. Magic supplies are either magic crystals or direct supplies from people with magic.

Move the crankshaft with the golem arm to gain power. Reduce the number of parts as much as possible.

Allows some switching of the rotation speed.

Use magic steel or mythrill for cutting blades considering durability, etc.

This is the place.

"If you switch the rpm, you'll need a gear."

We're going to need the strength of the parts.

"If the strength of the mechanism and parts cannot be maintained, you can simplify them and make them durable. It's easier to strengthen the golem or devise controls."

"That's true. Let's try something else."

We started to pull the blueprints together as we argued. With the diagrams, I can quickly make fine parts. Yes, if it's an item creation!

I rebuild the pieces of the improved workbench, and I make the fine parts according to the blueprints, and the blacksmiths and woodsmiths assemble them. Alchemists and sorcerers then modify the barista's Golem arm and its core to create a powerful Golem mechanism. Next to that, the carvers and alchemists use magic crystals to create a mechanism to supply magic to the Golem Arm.

I finished lunch with the hamburgers and hot dogs I took out of the inventory on the way, and I continued to make prototypes with Wiiga Yagaya for half a day.


"It's a prototype. I thought you could fulfill your demands.

"That's right... that's right, but what should I do with this?

Indeed, we were able to build the Golem workbench as requested. However, the improved workbench I have been using has been upgraded by opening the menu of the workbench I crafted. I didn't make it myself.

I could easily access it and open the craft menu, but I couldn't access the prototype Golem workbench in front of me.

"Can you do something with Koske's abilities?

"That's right... no, wait.

I came up with an idea, and I brought a given workbench that was made with an improved workbench that was left in the warehouse.

"This is a Granted Workbench made of magical materials, but I wonder if we can use this to create a Golem power mechanism and upgrade the workbench."

"Can you make it?

"I don't know. It's my first time using it."

Therefore, a grant workbench will be installed in the corner of the R&D department's workshop. Pom.

"Oh, that sounds like it."

What was installed was a workbench with a magical atmosphere. A table engraved with intricate patterns and magical formations, and some glowing crystal balls. And colorful jewels embedded all over the table.

Ah, this is it. It has an atmosphere similar to the cursed work bench of a major RPG where the hero screams and blows people away and runs around the city.

Looking back at Isla with no such benefits in mind, the light was long gone from her eyes. Yeah, why?

"Koske, what is this?"

"Huh? It's a licensed workbench... is something wrong?

"The magic is pouring out."

"Well, that's convenient. I hope you can make up for my weaknesses."

Does the fact that magic springs from the workbench itself mean that the workbench itself can't be used as a power source for magic? No, even if you don't bother to do that, you might be able to build a power reactor (reactor) that supplies magic to the endless on this workbench. Don't spread your dreams!

"Shh, what can I make?"

I'll leave you and the alchemists and magicians who are talking to Hisohiso and the craftsmen who are doing something with the prototype Golem workbench to access the Grant workbench.


Apparently, in addition to the item craft, we can also work as an Enchant. Let's try the item craft first.

Magic Stone Material - Material: Stone Material × 3

Magic wood - Material: Wood × 3

Enchanted clay - Material: Clay × 3

Magic iron - Material: Iron × 3

Magic steel - Material: Magic iron × 2

Mithrill - Material: Silver × 5

Magic Stone - Material: Magic Stones × 3

Magic Stone - Material: Gems × 3 Magic Crystals × 5


It's plain. No, it just looks plain to me because I don't know what it's worth, and if I tell Isla about it, there's a good chance of falling apart. Silver is a terrible way to make mythrills.

"What's it like?

"It seems like we can make materials that are enchanted with stone, wood, clay, and other materials. And it looks like we can make one Magic Steel from three irons and one Magic Steel from two irons."


Isla wasn't surprised. Look at Isla's reaction. Isn't the conversion efficient? I thought, but the alchemists and magicians who were talking to Hisohiso behind me looked amazing.

"How long will that take...?

A magician with blue skin and black and white eyes who looks like a "demon race" feels scared. Well, let's make it.

"Um... it takes eight seconds per stone to make a stone that's enchanted from three stones."

It's supposed to be ten seconds, but thanks to my skilled craftsmanship, I've lost 20% of my craft time.

Take out the magic stone you've created... and it's heavy!?

"Guoh, this is it...."

"Eh...? Did you just make it? That."

"Phew... yeah, I just made it."

I managed to put the enchanted stone on the floor and exhaled. When I looked up, the magician of the demon tribe I was talking about had white eyes... no, he had black eyes. I'm a little scared.

"Huh? That amount of demonized stone in eight seconds...?

"That's unreasonable... why is Isla flat?"

"Because it's what Koske does. Somehow I expected it."

Ira looks at the human alchemist.

It seems that Isla, who once fired unreasonable calls and sometimes was reassured, grew up by spending a long time with me. It doesn't seem to move at this level.

And five silver pieces to make a mythrill.


Everyone is silent on my words. The craftsmen who were playing with the prototype golem workbench a little farther away also peeled their eyes at me.


As a precaution, I tried to say it again, and it was assembled in Isla with great momentum, and the alchemists and magicians blocked my mouth.

"Koske, don't go any further. Guys, this is no use saying anything else."


"I don't know what you're saying about making mythrills out of silver... is that true?

My mouth is blocked and I can't make a sound, so I nod with richness.

"Koske, Mithrill is about 1500 times more valuable than silver of the same weight."


"Just keeping Mr. Koske with you is a left-hand fan of life....."

"I wonder if you'll feed me...."

The human alchemist (female) who is holding me back and blocking my mouth, and the blue skin black and white eye witch (female) are looking at me suspiciously. Rather than gold, it's a chicken that lays mythrill eggs, me.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do any more. I can't lose my body."

Sylphie, Ira, Harpy, and less than twenty Merty. Harpy and the others are unexpectedly less burdensome because they can explain the nature of making harem around one man from the beginning, but Merty is bad. I'm fine because Isla is both small and physically fit.

Sylphie? Sylphie is a separate frame.

"That's all I can make right now, but I think there's more I can make with item creations... but this is it. It doesn't feel like we can create the power mechanism of the Golem."

It's like a workbench that really imparts magic to materials and spoils them.

With regard to the power mechanism of the Golem, perhaps we could make it with an improved workbench if we had all the materials available. Would it be better to create various materials on the magic bench and then try item creations?

"And there's also an item called Enchant."

Ira and I stand by my words. [M] No, no, don't be so vigilant. I don't think it's going to be that bad. Probably.

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