Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 135 - Suspicious Behavior Grande

"Aniki, it's a treat! Now I'll bring you a souvenir!

"I only want to salmon tomorrow, so I'll do my best."

After finishing his meal, his brother Dragons flew away. They're going to get their prey tomorrow. Depending on the item, you can give it to the Elf Village and exchange it for the Elf Village Specialty. There are a lot of good quality products made by elves... or aniki. Do you have a brother like you?

So I decided to talk to Grande and go on a deep exploration tour of the Black Forest.

"Wait a minute. Let me put it on my back a little....."


"No, no... no... no...?

As you say so, you roar like a sweet voice. The condition is still seriously strange. What the hell is wrong with him? As he leaned his neck, Silfi called out to him.

"Negotiations seem difficult, but what's going on?

"No, I don't know, but you don't want me on your back?

"Beth, I don't want to stick it on."



"It's not like I don't want another ride."


Sylphie also tilted her neck. I'll tilt my neck too. Grande is a little moody. What is this situation?

"There must be some beautiful scenery in the back of the black forest. I want to see where Grande grew up."

"Mh, mmh... that's true..."

"I want to see what Grande thinks is beautiful. Please."

"Fuahh... I see, I see..."

For some reason, Grande starts pounding his tail on the ground. I don't feel angry... I think it's close to being happy, but it's something I've never seen before.

"Are you okay?

"Something's wrong, but it doesn't seem like I'm feeling ill or anything. I think it's okay because you agreed... Grande, I'm going to put the saddle on."


Install a saddle for the grande to lower the posture. Yeah, I don't see any particular problem. I wonder why he suddenly went crazy?

"Well, where should I take him?

"Hmm, I don't know the terrain behind the woods at all. Sylvie, I've been asking where Grande should go. Do you have any requests?

"Hmm. How about Grande's hometown?

"Oh, that's good. Grande, I need you to take me home to Grande."

"Well, I'm not ready yet...!

The Grande rejects my offer in tremor and shake. I'm just getting ready.

"Well, then, take me to an appropriate and beautiful place. Waterfalls, flower fields, high places to look around."

"Did he say no?

"I'm not ready for anything. I don't know."


Sylvie starts thinking about something with a serious look.

"Wow, the beautiful scenery that my concubine thinks is different from the beautiful scenery that Koske thinks is..."

"Still good. I'm also interested in the view that I think the Grande is beautiful."

"I see. Hmm, I'll show you where it happens sometimes."

Now the tail starts hitting the ground in a good mood. Stop it, Mr. Ground's HP is already zero. It's only a little lower around the tip of Grande's tail.

"Sylvie, I've talked to you. I need a ride."

"Nh, oh, okay. Thank you for today, Grande."

"Koske, what did this black elf say?

"Say hello today. Give me your regards, too."

I see. Hmm, leave it to me. "

Guru then strokes Grande's cheeks as he roars closer to his face, then climbs up to Grande's back with Silfi and sits on a saddle to secure his body with a leather belt.

Looking toward the village of the elves, many elves came to the sight on the barrier. Did Grenade's explosion surprise you?

"I'm coming!

That's how Sylvie waved her hands, and the elves looked back. I waved my hand, and he looked back at me. I'm kind of happy.

"Grande, fly."

"Mm-hmm. Hold on."

The Grande lowered his posture to build up his strength and fold his wings. Apparently, he's going to fly without a rescue. Me and Sylvie stuck to the saddle following her advice.

Grande jumps up with a spring all over her body and spreads her wings. At that moment, a tremendous wind was blowing from beneath, and Grande's giant began to rise slowly.

Let's head for the rocky mountain behind the woods.

Oh, I'll take care of it.

"Mm-hmm. Fly slowly, but hold on tight."

"Oh, okay. Sylphie, first you go to the rocky mountain in the back of the forest."

"Oh, Iwayama. I wonder what's going on."

Looking forward to it.

Watch the black forest from behind the slow-flowing Grande. I'll just say black forest on the boulder, and I can't see the ground at all. The density of the forest... is this forest tree special, or is the soil special... yes, because we need black forest soil to build a farmland block, so we need to dig it while we're here.

"Oh, rocky mountain ahead."

"It's a rocky mountain that's been cut out for a long time... and it's pretty big."

"I can't imagine how the terrain was formed."

I can see some white things in the huge rocky mountain. Apparently, the water gushing out at the top is becoming a waterfall and pouring down onto the ground. Waterfalls become foggy as they approach the ground, and there are rainbows near the foothills of rocky mountains.

"Oh, that's amazing! Isn't the rainbow beautiful?

"It's beautiful... Hmm, I didn't know there was such a place in the depths."

"Fufu, yes or no. There's always a rainbow out there. But it's not like it's always raining over there. It gets wet when it gets close and feet are poor scaffolding. There are many monsters in the aquatic habitat, so it would be dangerous for the tribe to approach."

"I see. It's beautiful, but it's dangerous for us to get close."

Really? But it's enough to see from a distance. Such a beautiful scenery is hard to see. "

That said, Sylphie kept looking at the rainbow with a little excitement. Waterfalls that produce rainbows, huh? There seems to be precious materials in this fantasy world. Samsung with concentrated rainbow magic. They also seem to be home to powerful monsters. Maybe you should go someday.

We're going up.


The grande begins to rise sharply and feels like your body is pressed against you. It seems to be rising at a fairly high speed.

"There is a spring at the top of the rocky mountain that springs clean water. It's beautiful, too."

Heh, I'm looking forward to it.

As he circled around the cut rocky mountain, the Grande rose to a higher altitude and finally reached the top of the rocky mountain.

"Wow... this is amazing"

"This is a beautiful place...."

The summit of Mt. Iwayama was like a paradise. There is a spring full of beautiful water, and beautiful flowers bloom around it. Are they alpine plants?

"It's not safe there. We're going down."

"Okay. Sylvie, you're going down to that fountain."

"I see! I'm looking forward to it."

Sylphie's heart was drawn to the flower fields and the beautiful springs, and a pleasant voice returned.

The Grande was adjusting the landing point or slowly landed on top of the rocky mountain after a short spin on the rocky mountain. It is a thorough attempt to land on the rock so as not to crush the flowers.

"It's a boulder, Grande. Difficult to land without crushing the flowers, huh?

"Fufu, there's nothing like this. If my concubine tramples on the beautiful scenery of the corner, it won't be ruined."

As he seemed in a good mood, Grande turned his neck and turned his gaze towards us as he screamed. Looks like you're looking a little rough.

"All right, let's get off. Stay put for a while."

"Yes, sir."

"Miss Kyu. Silfi, let's get off."


Remove the belt holding your body in place and carefully descend from Grande's back. As I got down to the ground and approached the flower fields, I smelled fluffy and flowery. Looks like a pretty fragrant flower.

That smells good.

I see. I've never seen a flower before... why don't you pick some for a souvenir to Isla?

"That's good. Grande, can I pick some flowers?

"I don't think we should be rooting out."

"Of course. Now, hurry up."

Remove one-handed horticultural shovels from the inventory and carefully pick flowers from soil and roots. What happened to Mithrill Shovel +9? If I use such a thing, it will become a root.

After collecting about five flowers per species, I try to approach the spring with Silfi. I don't see any fish or other creatures in the boulders.

"Can I have a drink?

"If Koske takes it and puts it in the inventory, we'll find out.

That's true, too.

Pour the spring water into the wooden water bottle and put it into the inventory. It seems to be clean water.

"Clean water. I think I can drink it, but it doesn't seem to have any special effects. I was hoping."

"Hahaha, so conveniently, you can't find anything unusual."

Silfi giggled at me when I shook her shoulders disappointed.

"Still, this is a beautiful place....."

Sitting by the fountain, Silfi looks around with a generous expression. Around the spring, colorful flowers bloom, and when the wind blows, the fragrance of the flowers tickles your nose. Sure, it's a beautiful place.

"It's just a little cold."

"Hahaha, that's right. It's a high place. It's good because the wind is mild today, but I'm scared when it's strong."


Looking at what Grande was doing, she seemed to be observing us standing still in the rocks or smelling the flowers with her face facing the flower fields. I will make my way to the rocky ground where the Grande is.

"Oh, the flower fields are beautiful, but the view is amazing! I don't want to get too close to the cliff because I'm afraid of falling."

"Hmm, it must be quite a view."

What is the altitude here? I don't know the height, but I don't think it's very high because it's a cut rock wall. This top part is not much wider. I think the rocky area is narrower than the school ground.

But seriously, I don't know how this rocky mountain was made. Magma blowing out from the ground won't solidify into this shape, and if there are other rock mountains nearby because of the erosion, I think there are other rocks nearby. Hmm. I'm not a geologist, so it's no use caring.

"Whoa, there it is. Isn't that tree huge?

There was a big tree at the tip of my finger. It's obviously taller than the other trees, not just one or two, but about five. That one looks pretty thick.

"Hmm... that's pretty big. The tree in the town hall is splendid, but it's more than twice as tall as the tree in the town hall. Definitely the eldest of the woods."

"Want to go? The wings of a concubine don't fly."

"Great, I'd love to see it nearby. Sylvie, they're taking me."

Well, I'm looking forward to it.

Sylvie and I climbed up to Grande's back, sat on the saddle and fixed our body again. Next up is the tallest tree in the black forest. I hope there's something unusual in a material sense this time!

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