Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 137: The Dragon's Nest

Get along with Sylvie and spend the night with her the next day. We cleansed ourselves and moved quickly to rendezvous with Grande.

Even so, walking around the dark clouds in the depths of this black forest is not a good idea. No matter how hard it is to find us in the woods from above, and because we can't see the sky, we can't find the grande either.

That's why I started cutting down on the shelter. To ensure visibility and at the same time to create a landing site for the Grande. And then you get the wood. Three birds a stone.

And Sylphie is gathering raw trees and burning them before I cut them down. Naturally, the smoke rises again. Yes, wolf smoke. We thought it would be easier for Grande to find us if we cut through the woods and raised the smoke.

Conversely, it could attract monsters deep in the Black Forest, but Silfi and I had concluded that we could deal with most monsters. We have built a high-floor defense base, and the forest has been vastly expanded, so interception is easier if we can even notice the enemy approaching.

"Koske, I don't know what that means... it's a weapon that feels like a lot of stuff."

"It's very good."

I planted a 30-calibre, or 12.7-mm, heavy machine gun on a high-floor defensive base. Would the power of the bullet be conveyed if it were used with what is commonly referred to as an objective rifle?

Some objective rifles use larger caliber bullets than this, but it is generally acceptable to assume that this bullet is used as an alternative to imagining an objective rifle. This is the one who can fire the bullet. Humans are worse than minchi. Maybe even a dragon would be pretty bad if it got shot with this.

The question is, is it impossible to operate ammunition so often because of its high cost? And it's so heavy that it's impossible to shoot something like this with your hand. It's like a newspaper reporter's superorganism, and I don't know if I can do that. He's gonna pull it out with his bare hands. That's why even if you get shot with an objective rifle, you're pinning. It is impossible to argue that it is human. Oops, that's off the record.

"If Grande would have come right away, we wouldn't have to use him."

"Isn't it that easy?

Yes, it wasn't that easy.

Oh no, this guy's always big too.

"This weapon is too strong...."

Raise the smoke and wait for a while. Hey, the monsters are coming. Something as big as a boar at home, a sea lion of the same size, a squid, something like a griffon, a helix made of hard to name tentacles, something that I don't really know.

Well, it was all crushed with overwhelming lead bullet violence. When I taught Sylphie how to use it, it was easy to use it. Well, if you put the target in the center, the switch will pop and pop. It's not that hard.

Pull him down as hard as you can, and when you do, I'll run to retrieve him and Sylvie will cover you. Since the appearance of enemies is sparse, it is not particularly dangerous to spend about three hours.


The grande with the saddle on her body came down from the high altitude. After all, we broke up yesterday.

"Good morning, Grande. You're here to pick me up."

"Hmm. I'm sorry I didn't come to pick you up yesterday. Fairies are afraid of dragons. I went to the sky several times to see how things were going, but I thought it was useless to interrupt because I was looking forward to it."

"That was a good decision. Thank you."

"Fufufu, that's right, that's right. My concubine is not a woman."

Grande flickers and exhales from her nose. I'm guessing you're looking pretty good at this.

"What are you talking about?

"I'm sorry I left it yesterday. I went to see how things were a few times, but it was bad to interrupt my fun with the fairies, so I left it there."

"I see. I guess you and Koske decided it wasn't a problem."

"Maybe. Grande, did you have breakfast?

"Hmm, I've been eating. What do you want to do today?

"I wanted to see Grande's hometown and I was talking to Sylvie. Are you okay?

"Of course I don't mind. Yeah, it's okay."

I see. Okay, I'm pulling it out. Just a minute. "

That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to start working with Sylvie on the evacuation. Mr. Silfi, can you carry that with your tripod on? Seriously? Where is that power in that thin arm?

Dismantle the high floor base while struggling with Sylvie's hidden power. The underground shelter you stayed in yesterday was dismantled in the morning, so you're all set. I've cut through the woods a little, but this should be fine.

"Ready. Say hello today, Grande."


I have a bad tooth cut. I wonder if there is anything to worry about. Push Sylphie while tilting her neck and ride on Grande's back together.

Well, here we go.

"Oh, please."

Grande runs out to help, jumps, and at the same time widens his wings and starts riding in the wind. No matter how many times you experience it, don't freak out at this moment. Somehow, I still feel excited about flying and worried about not falling.

"Koske, I was tilting my neck earlier. What's wrong?

"Nh, no. I wonder if Grande's behavior and behavior are suspicious, or if she has a bad tooth cut. I wonder if there's anything I think of as the home of a dragon."


Sylphie thinks deeply.

"Dragons put people on their backs seem important to dragons, so perhaps dragon custom or something is influencing them."

"I see. Maybe you should ask Grande's parents about it."

I see. It's hard to hear from a dragon. Of course, I can hear things that Sylphie doesn't even know. "

"I guess so. I'm looking forward to it."

Silfi smiled softly. When I was in Arihibourg, I looked relaxed while I was with my family, but I felt more natural when I came to the Black Forest. I guess he was stressed out on his daily errands.

And enough to fly on Grande's back. We had reached the deepest part of the black forest.

There's a rocky mountain in the back of the black forest.

"I see. I wonder if no one's ever seen this before."

It seemed like something like a rocky mountain had been going on since the end of the black forest. Isn't it more accurate to say mountains than rocky mountains? It is a rocky mountain with few plants.

"Is this the home of the Grande?

"Hmm. There's a family of dragons living all over that rocky mountain. Let's make a hole in a rocky mountain and make a nest."

I see. Do you live in a dragon other than the Grand Dragon?

"It's not just the Grand Dragon. Sometimes Sky Dragons borrow money, but they shouldn't be here right now."

Borrowing money?

"Because they fly around the world. When you're tired of flying, you can borrow from other dragon nests and rest your feathers."


"What? Did you hear anything interesting?

"Ah, that's it...."

I'll tell Silfi what Grande told me.

"Sky Dragon... I've seen some, but I don't really understand the ecology of the dragon."


When I asked Grande for more information, it seemed that Sky Dragons usually fly at supersonic speeds, so people rarely noticed their presence. Perhaps the sighted SkyDragon was seen coming down to the ground to rest his feathers.

"Well, that's where my concubine was born and raised. We're going down."

"Oh, Sylvie, I'm getting off when I get to Grande's house."

"Okay, okay."

The altitude gradually drops as the grande turns. If it's just the Grande, we'll descend and land, but if it does, we could be seriously injured. I think the caring Grande is a gentle dragon.


"Ooh... it's just a cave."

Sure, it just looks like a cave.

Me and Silfi, coming down from the back of the Grande, look up at the big cave that opens its mouth to the rocks and leak the same feeling. The entrance to the cave had a gentle uphill slope, which seemed to prevent rain from entering.

"You want to go inside?

"No, it's going to be tough. Sylvie, would you like to come inside?

"In the dragon's den? Hmm... I think I'd like to come in, but are you okay?

Grande, I'm asking if Sylphie's in there.

"If your concubine is with you, it's not a problem. It's not my concubine's home."

"I see. It's Grande's parents' house, so it'll be fine."

Well, let's go.

"Okay. Grande, show me the way."

Hmm, let me handle it.

I stood first and started walking behind the grand...

"The tail is super dangerous."

"I'm sorry...."

My mood swinging tail almost ripped off Sylvie and me. Yeah, that's what happens when you walk in the back.

"Let's get in the back."

"Let's do that. Grande, put me on your back."


That's why the dragon nest sightseeing tour on Grande's back began. Does Grande care about you, too? There is hardly any vertical movement. It seems like this would be enough without the Merlion state.

So I rode on Grande's back to the back.

"Hahahaha! Hey, tribal liquor is delicious!

"This Hanbanga-kun is also delicious!

"Whoa, I'm gonna cut my knob. Somebody grab it outside."

"I don't know. I'm going to get a boar or something."

As you can see.

No, you don't understand, do you? In the back of the Grande's nest, or in the back of the Grand Dragon's nest, it's connected in a rocky mountain. This is what the Grand Dragons call a shared space. A banquet hall with a nickname.

It's a huge underground space as big as a little city, with lots of stone stages and tables (super big because it's dragon-sized). And now there are about twenty grand dragons lying there.

"It's a terrible place."

"It's not a living space for ordinary people."

The dragons that are moving around are like the monsters that always appear in monster movies. Just getting caught up with them confirms the existence of a tribe of people like us.

How do we keep ourselves safe in such a space? That's true.

"Somehow, I feel like a carp on a cutting board."

"I don't know the word coin, but I know what it means."

We were on a huge table made of shredded rocks. I don't like sitting directly on the rock skin, so I take the fluffy cushion out of the inventory and sit on it, just sitting down. Faces, faces, and faces of horrible grand dragons in front of you. Looking from the side, it is a prey placed on the table of the Grand Dragon.

I don't know about Grande, but she said she'd take her to Grande Mama and face the other dragons in the corner of the banquet hall. I wonder what you're doing, that.

"I'm telling you, there's not unlimited food and alcohol coming out of my inventory."

"Ho, ho, I know, I know. This rare person has interesting abilities."

"It was boring to come here before. It was just sturdy flesh and strength."

"It was depressing. It's hard to give up even if I hurt you, and it's hard to die."

"Every time I ended up smelling like trouble, I was throwing my best shot at the people who lived in the tribe."

Old Grand Dragons with a lot more spikes than Grande surround me and start talking. Apparently, the ancients have met rare people other than me. I mean, the Grand Dragons hurt me and I couldn't die, and eventually I got in trouble and I was dealt with by Bashira (Physics). Hercules or something?

"Did he talk about rare people? With dragons."

"Just in case. But it's not like we can talk or we can talk!

"I said something I didn't know, and suddenly it came at me. I don't remember anymore."

Apparently it was even muscular to the brain miso. It's hard for a dragon to get caught up in that. But it's harder for me to get caught in a dragon and collect half my inventory supplies.

Considering what happened, a grand dragon approached from the corner of the banquet hall, making a noise with Dosudos. A familiar dragon.

"Grandpa, there was a dragon who fell in love with a human daughter a long time ago, right?

"Whoa, whoa. That's your favorite Aquadragon. It's all the way west from here."

Lulululu, the dragon rang with a loud voice. This is Grande's mother. Grandpa is Grande's great-grandfather, this dragon.

"Surely the dragon has become human and accompanied you, right? How did you do that? Is it easy?

"Why are you worried about humans now? Who are you dealing with? You're such a rare person.

"It's not me. Delgis is an idiot, but he's not my husband. So, what do you think?

"The technique itself is not difficult, but it's impossible because we need catalysts. Because I need a magic stone the size of a human eye."

"That's right. That's hard....."

Sounander, Soleham's Cassinay. I'm not stupid enough to wonder why Grande Mom is listening to that. I'm not stupid, but... you're lying, right? Was there such an element? What is the flow here? Isn't that too abrupt?

"Hey, don't you have a Magic Stone or something?


"Son... you smell like lying."

Guru... and Grande Mama peels her fangs. How do you know? Esper or something. Or can you tell by the smell?

When I was sweating cold, Sylvie looked at me and called out with her neck tilted.

"What's the matter, Koske? Isn't the dragon Grande's mother? Are you threatening me?

"Hahaha, it's kind of... uh, Grande's mom?

"What is it?

"Well, I'd like to make sure. What do you use it for?

"Of course it's used to transform Grande into a human being. You can't lust the dragon Grande, can you?

That's impossible.

"That's why I wanted Grande to be human."

"My thoughts are leaping too far...."

Unexpectedly hold my head. My arm was pulled like that. [M]

"Koske, translate the communication."

"Uh, um... okay. Don't be surprised."

"? I don't know, I got it."

I will translate your previous correspondence to Sylvie.

"... it's shocking."

Me, too.

"Well, yeah. I'll talk to him. Could you translate Korske?"

"Eye Mom"

And I turned it into a machine to translate.

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