Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 143 - Return to Arihiburg

After returning for the first time in a week, Arrihiburg did not have a dramatic atmosphere - it was normal. There is even a feeling that the number of merchants, farmers and adventurers entering and leaving Ningro has increased and is becoming active.

"Looks like nothing's wrong."

I see. I'm sure they're doing a good job. "

The gates that enter the walls of Arihiburg - lined up to dive the gates - we watched the people in the same line. Everyone seems to be generally full of life. As far as they are concerned, the PLA's tactics are not so bad at the moment.

Is the ratio of people lined up 60% human and 40% subhuman? Most humans are merchants and few are farmers. On the other hand, there are 30% to 40% peasants, merchants and craftsmen, and the rest are Liberation Army soldiers carrying weapons - no, adventurers and so on. Maybe they came to join the PLA as soldiers.

"I'm alive."

"Arrihiburg is now the largest PLA base and front line."

Arihiburg is also an important transportation hub with roads to various places. It is also a gateway separating the Kingdom of Merinard from the North and the South. Surrounded by harsh mountains and deep forests, it's very difficult to get to the south without passing through here.

In fact, Melty and I were attacked by a mountain of Wyburn as a result of our tremendous hills and encountered a Grand Dragon. If it's an ordinary army, maybe the deserters will just leave.

"Kosuke, my concubine is hungry."

"Yes, yes..."

The Grand Dragon is snacking while pulling the hem of my clothes. I don't know why this happened... but why would it have happened to a pet frame? Is everything God's will?

Pass a block cookie taken from the inventory to Grande with a silver bracelet on his arm. Originally an emergency meal for refugees, it has good food and is suitable for snacks.

"Hmm, it's not too hard. When you chew it, it crumbles and is sweet."

"It's hard to eat when you're tight."

But I'm thirsty.


I will also give you the water from the pet bottle with the lid open. This will keep you quiet for a while.

Two Liberation Army soldiers arrived while the line was proceeding like this. The people in the line are probably patrolling to see if they're causing any trouble.

They patrolled from the front to the back as they watched the people, checked on us, then moved further backwards - they stopped and peeled. It's a splendid twice.

"Um... if it's Sylvie and Koske...?

He was a stranger soldier. It is a pair of wolf or dog beasts and Lizardman.

It's Sylvie, anyway.


"Aren't you going to be able to come back in a dragon...?

"Oh, I got it."

"Well, my concubine brought it in."

Silfi and the mysterious subhuman - the words of Grande make the soldiers look black and white.

"What is this...? What do you mean...? No, you don't have to line up any more!

"Really...? That's right."

I see.

I can't help arguing that there are others lined up here who can't do it. The purpose of the inspection was also fulfilled, and it would be better to have the soldiers take the lead.

"Can I line up?

"Neither I nor Sylvie are top PLA and number two. Exceptional."

"Are you sure? That kind of thing."

"Come on, I hope it's not too late."


It seems that Grande stopped pursuing it even while twisting his neck. Me too. Why? I'm having trouble responding if you say so.

If the rulers, such as leaders, commanders, and aristocrats, were stopped at one gate or the other, how much would that be because it would hinder quick judgment and communication?

Attention is drawn from the people lined up to enter Arihiburg from the gate, passing through the gate and heading towards the Lords Hall, which serves as the headquarters of the Liberation Army. The three of us said we didn't need any information.

"Oh, it's flourishing. Is this what the tribal capital was like?"

"You've only seen it from afar."

"Mm-hmm. People are pathetic when they get close. My concubine doesn't like pain."

"Didn't you see it when you were right on the side?

"You're afraid to peek inside, aren't you? My concubine is a good dragon."

"Hahaha, Grande's a good kid."

"Let's see, let's see. You should praise me more."

Keep Grande's head in just the right place. Then Sylphie slammed her shoulders. Regardless of what happens, my eyes and cheeks swell without a heart. Are you jealous of yakitori?

"Sylvie, you ready?

"... no, it's fine."

Silfi strayed from his face to think he was ashamed of the boulders, imagining that he could stroke his head like Grande. Mimi is a little red.

"Koske, Koske, where are your concubines headed?

"You can see the big building right over there, right? That's the Lords Hall. It's me and Sylvie."

"Wow, it's Koske and the others. I'm looking forward to it."

"I'll get Grande's room. It's just a lot of rooms."


As I walk along the Grande, my acquaintance will sometimes call out to me.

"Hello, Princess, are you coming home?

"Ah, from behind. I've put together a conversation with Elves."

"Thank you for that. Do you have any elf items in there?

Oh, whatever.

"Oh, it's Koske. I haven't seen you in a while."

"Stay back with Sylvie for a minute. How's it going?

"It's not bad. Demand for meat is rising, so profits are rising on the right shoulder. The Adventurer is kind of a hunter, but I don't know. Where's your kid? It's a species I don't see."

"Grande. It looks small, but it's powerful. I can't beat ten of them."

"I think Koske's arms are shiny."

Occasionally, I arrive in front of the Lords Hall, where Merti and Isla, as well as Danang and Ms Zamir, are waiting. Does the absence of Sir Leonard mean that the South is at peace?

"Welcome back. How was your visit?

"I had a good conversation with Elves. You've checked the network, right?

"Yeah, you don't hesitate. How about you?

I look at the Grande where Merty is grabbing the hem of my clothes. What are you hiding? You're a stranger.

It's Grande.

"It's not my fault."

"... a dragon?

Ira leans her neck. Da Nang and Ms Zamir were looking suspiciously at each other. I see. They've only seen big dragons.

"This is how Grande, who was a big grand dragon in the samsung like the dragon's secret art, came to be. Isn't that amazing?"


Everyone, including Merty, looks like "Again."

"No, I didn't do anything. Seriously, it's a dragon trick. I've done nothing... I've stopped. I just gave you the ingredients. But Nakan, Nakan. Numerous adult Grand Dragons have threatened me in the middle of the day, Nathan. I'm not bad."

I desperately insist on my innocence. Everyone's gaze was on Silfi.

"Well, yeah. I think Koske's responsibility ratio is about 50%."

"Eh, 50%...?

I am not satisfied with the subtlety.

"Well, no matter how it goes, you're welcome. Yeah, you're welcome. It seems to have come to understand the words."

Merty smiles at Grande. Grande hid in my shadow. I'm trembling with a subtle pull.

He's scared.

"Ah, is that...?

"Merti had the worst first impression...."

"Ah, that had to be done a lot. I won't do that anymore, so let's get along. Right?"




Tickle, tickle, and Grande's tail slaps the ground sharply. He's really vigilant or scared. I guess we'll just have to wait for time to sort this out, huh?

"Anyway, let me check on the situation. What about Koske?

"If you want me to ask, I'll ask. Otherwise, I'll show Grande to his room."

"In the meantime, won't Her Highness be all right?

"I think so, too."

Da Nang and Miss Zamir seem to have decided that I shouldn't be here. Merty nodded after a little trouble.

"Well, just the princess."

"Okay. Then I'll show Grande to his room."

I'm coming, too.

Ira is quietly approaching me. They're going to follow me.

"Well, that's what I'm talking about. I'm slow, so come back when you're done."

Yeah, I'll see you later.

That's why Sylvie kissed me on the cheek and then took me up to the office upstairs with Merti and the others.

My name is Ira, and I'd like to say hello again.

"It's not Grande. Nice to meet you."

I feel dusty watching Isla and Grande greet each other. They both look like little girls... but they're totally girls. I think the combination of the single-eyed witch and the dragon daughter is full of fantasy.



After Isla, who started walking with Grande's hand, I started walking again. It is about time that the time is already in the evening. We'll start moving in earnest from tomorrow.

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