I think it was thanks to my dedication to the development of various things so as not to think as much as possible about things that worried me, or I think I squandered my time relatively peacefully until lunch time. But when I started thinking about Ellen away from the development, anxiety came back into my chest. Is Ellen okay? Are you in danger? I may not be able to do anything because I was there, but I am still uncomfortable knowing her critical situation.

"Koske, you seem worried."

"Yeah, honestly, I'm pretty worried. Isla may have heard about it, but he's been targeted by a dagger poisoned with basilisk poison once. I happened to be in the shape of a cover, so I got nothing, but I was hoping that the same thing would happen again."

I was honest with Isla walking next door.

I was able to survive because of my ability as a rare person, and because of the miracle of the healing of the Virgin Ellen immediately and the coincidence that she was stabbed in a temple that amplified the power of miracles.

If it had been Ellen, not me, who was stabbed at that time, it would probably have been difficult for her to survive. No... you didn't abandon Ellen, who was stabbed in front of me. Probably used antidote potions and life potions to keep him alive.

In that case, my encounter with Ellen may be fatal in many ways. No matter how I fell, Ellen and I would have met and become close. After all, don't feel the intervention of supernatural beings... what would have happened if I had been in the wilderness instead of in the woods the day I came to this world? What if Sylphie didn't set fire to it and chase it without engaging the lizard?

I wonder if you still met Sylvie, or if you were supposed to meet Isla and Merty... or if you were supposed to go to the Elves no matter how you fell.

I don't care what scenario is going on ahead... no matter what interferes with my destiny. I should do my best as I think. Whatever works, I should do everything I can to attract the results I want. Don't say that God helps those who help him.

"Nevertheless, you can't help worrying about real problems... Merynesburg is too far away physically. Even if I went to help without thinking about it later, if I died or were captured by the Holy King's Army, I would end up falling."


Ira agreed with me briefly. You really have something to say, swallow it.

From Isla's point of view, it's not funny that I'm obsessed with someone I've never seen on my own. Moreover, Ellen is an Adolese saint even though she is a nostalgic. It won't be much fun.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. It is unnatural for Koske to abandon the Virgin. I like it because it's so sweet and gentle."

"Really... thank you."


Eira grabbed my hand or something. Isla's hands are small. When I returned to the Lords Hall with my hands tied, Silfi, Merti and Grande were waiting in the dining room. It seems that Isla and I are the only ones who eat together.

"Danang and Miss Zamir don't eat together?

"It seems that Danang has plans to eat elsewhere. Zamir is afraid to eat my cooking."

Sylphie is a princess after all.

"What is it, in the meantime... Your Highness?"

Silfi, who brought a pot from the kitchen, lightly chops Merti's head. I wonder what the relationship between these two is. Especially on the Merti side, it feels like it's completely separated on and off.

"So, have you changed your mind?

"Well, yeah. I overthought it on my way back."

"Oh dear... well, I can't help it because it's a costume. Don't worry, I've got the limes guarding the Virgin."

"Really... well then, yeah. Safe?"

I know the strength of the limes by myself. I have no hands or feet in a frontal battle. I'm relieved that even Merty, who overwhelms the Grand Dragon with the Grand Dragon, has three limes on Ellen's guard.

You can also eat soup made by Sylvie or something like a sandwich sandwiched with chicken-like meat while exploring the classics, talk about the airboards made there, and talk about the prototype magic guns you've seen.

"You seem to have had an exciting day. It was a good day to say boring. Should I call it routine work?"

"I think it's a good thing we didn't have a big incident."

Merty smiles bitterly as she brings the salad to her mouth, rather than...

"Is that so? I think peaceful and safe days are invaluable things that are sometimes irreplaceable. Especially for the owners."

"For us. Sure, maybe."

Maybe we'll have a fight with the Holy King's Army soon. When that happens, it will be a bloody day for a while. I'm sure I won't go to a place where I get blood directly.

There is also a feeling that it is good to do such a thing on the soft side. It's like I'm weaponizing everybody and sending them into battle. So many enemies of the Holy King's army will die, and perhaps even the Liberation Army will suffer.

"Are you worried again?

"A little. Well, this is a split thing, and it's not like that."

I've always been ready to go to the bottom of hell with Sylvie. It is not good to do it halfway. Until you get through it. I feel like the worst mass murderer in the history of the world after that, but that's not what I know.

"Mr. Koske, this meal knife is for meals. I can't send this to the front as a weapon."

"I know what you're trying to say, but I think it's a little bit more swallowing, I..."

That's true too. Axe... that's as noisy as a Mithrill cutting axe. "

"Fufu, that's right, that's a lot of noise. I licked it with a logging axe, and it was just a bunch of weapons and armor."

"Isn't that weird to say? My concubine is still too sweet for that."

"Nh, Grande's right. If you let Koske go, if you suck, you'll dust the King's army alone."

"Isn't that too much to say?

Again, Isla quietly shook her head to Merty, who didn't take her jokes properly.

"Don't say that too much. I'm not kidding."

He said, "What if we use measures like we used to blow up the fort?

In Sylphie's words, Isla shook her neck.

"If Koske tries to destroy the Holy King's kingdom by pretending to be serious, the Holy King's kingdom can safely and without trace blow up the camp from afar, even if he leads 100,000 soldiers."

That's why Isla stared me in the face. I don't think I've ever really talked to Isla about rocket shelling with magic bombs and propulsion systems... but Isla's been making a lot of things with me for a long time. You've got an idea.

"Maybe we can talk about whether or not we can do it. I don't have any plans to do that for now. That way you can beat the Holy King, but if I do that alone, I'll have a lot of problems."

If you really want to do that, you have to build a Magic Stone bomb and do an explosive experiment, and you have to build an explosive device to make sure that it explodes, and you have to develop a rocket to make sure that Magic Stone bombs fly near their destination. If you shoot down a rocket loaded with a Magic Stone bomb and blow yourself up, it won't be stylish.

"How long has it been so hard...."

"From the beginning, yes, but I'm a completely strategic weapon frame."

Mass production of food and weapons, the development of powerful projectiles that did not exist in this world, and the ability to control a wide area from a distance. If I were king of the Holy King, I would take in or kill at any cost.

"... if they ask me that, I can't put anything on the front line anymore"

"That's right. But if you want to make the most of my abilities, it's best to keep it close to the front line."

The creeps of my abilities are my ability to dismantle buildings and craft. Especially the ability to dismantle buildings is much more useful near the front than behind.

"So take care of the back. Take me to the front."

Sylvie and Merty sighed silently at me. [M] I'm not giving up this place either. In a way, I am fuelling war, so at least I need to see the sight and the air with my own eyes and feel it on my skin. I guess that's my responsibility.

"Let's discuss the matter carefully at night. On the bed, anyway."

Right, let's do that.

"Oh, isn't that fun? Mix your concubines."

"... I won't give up all this."

You guys think you can do something about me in your sleep routine? My iron will won't turn in that way. If you don't turn, you don't turn. So just calm down. Quiet, huh? Don't mix it up, Grande, you bastard.

I feel bad if I don't let you forget about this by night... let's hope Ellen does! Please, Madonna! I really do!

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