Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 180 - Reunion with the Virgin

It took me a few minutes to walk around the castle asking my walking aunts and grandmothers how to get to the castle... it all took me less than an hour. I finally got to the front of the castle. Too long? No, Merynesburg is wider than Arrihibourg, and the road to the castle turns that way, turning that way and not reaching the castle straight away. As it gets closer to the castle, there is a sentry standing at the inner wall gate, and it took a lot of trouble to present a visitor's letter each time to confirm it.

I feel a tingling sensation in the soldiers. When asked why, it appears that there have been several attempted assassinations of the Virgin. It seems like she collapsed when she rushed toward the Virgin, fainted when she tried to use magic, and fell into flames from the roof of the shooting point when she tried to shoot the Virgin with a bow and arrow. Definitely what they did, this.

Then I met the knight who guarded the castle gate.

"You....? Hmm, black-haired face, as we talked about."

I'm so sorry for your incredible face! I can't take any more care of you, idiot! Swallow the words into the back of your smile and let the knight say what he wants to say. I don't think my face is handsome by myself. No real damage. Oh, yes, zero damage.

"The visitation letter is definitely authentic. I don't have a problem getting into the castle, but I'll keep all my weapons."

"Of course."

"I'm sorry, but I'm gonna need you to take off your armor."


There's nothing to be ashamed of, and there's nothing wrong with getting weapons and armor out of the inventory.

Leave Wyburn leather armor in the knife and round shield with the knight. Leather bags and visiting letters in the wallet are kept as valuables. I finally entered the castle after being checked for weapons.

By the way, I feel strangely touched my buttocks and groin when I was checking my whole body for hidden weapons... but let's not talk about this. I don't want to think about it.

"I just put it out for use. There's a guide coming, so just wait here."


Upon completing the inspection and entering the castle, I was able to see various people. Particularly noticeable are soldiers and knights armed with spears. After all, there is a difference in the sense of intimidation or presence when carrying weapons. It seems to be quite tingling due to repeated attacks on the Virgin.

And busy moving around are men and women in monk clothes. Speaking of castles, aren't you a maid? I don't think so, but perhaps it means that they are consolidating the castle with their own family in fear of assassination. But aren't you the one planning the assassination in the first place? I wonder what's going on around here.

A familiar sister walked along as she waited for the conductor. Uh, I'm sure her name is.

"Mr. Amarilier?

"Yes, it's Amarier. It's been a long time."

That said, Sister smiled nicely and kindly. Indeed, she was a Sister who was pulled by a tyrannical saint wearing a crown that visualized the glow and beauty. He was also a Sister who took care of me when I fell by a poison dagger.

"Eleonora is waiting for you. Please come this way."

"Yes, thank you very much."

"No, Eleonora is already looking forward to seeing you. I've been sober since yesterday."


Ellen, they wonder how you got in touch with me... or are you explaining things to Amarier? As far as she's concerned, I don't seem to have any doubts or anything in particular....?

"Eleonora seems to have given a lot of gods these days, and they also gave you the gift of coming."

Nah, I see.

Ellen seems to be using information obtained through the limes as a myth. Is that okay? In a faithful sense.

I walked down the corridor for a while and walked up the stairs several times to reach something luxurious, in front of a thick wooden door. Amarier knocks on the door.

"Eleonora, your guest is here."

"Come in."

I heard Ellen's reply. Then, for some reason, Amarillier stood me in front of the door and looked around, making sure there was no one around before opening the door.

A golden object suddenly jumps into your chest as you tilt your inner neck into a mysterious action.


You try to catch an object that jumps into your chest with an inadvertent voice. But something was rubbing my torso before I could catch it. This is an arm. And the golden object that jumped into my chest would be my head.

"Ellen, I'm surprised at this boulder."

"I don't care about that. You should hug me, too."

"Ah, that's enough... that's enough"

She buried her face on my chest, held Ellen back, and stroked her back. After a while, Sister Amallier coughs up the cohon.

"Eleonora, Koske, I don't know when to touch people's eyes, so how much can you do? If you want to continue, please enter the room."

"... I can't help it."

When Ellen unscrewed the arm that she was holding back because she was surrounded, Ellen walked away from me with no expression, but with a sign of something unforgettable. As a matter of fact, my motives are getting intense, so it's not quite normal. I was surprised to be hugged all of a sudden, but I couldn't seem to be normal when I touched Ellen anyway. What the hell is this?

When I entered the room dressed as calm as possible, it was like an office room. A fairly spacious room with a heavy desk in the front and quite a luxurious reception set in the left hand, behind which you can see the door. Looks like there's another room over there.

There are not many condiments at all. I feel that unnatural spaces, or unnatural spaces like where I did what was originally there, are scattered.

"What's the matter?

"No, because of the size, it's refreshing."

"I guess so. Originally this was the office of a white pig named Bishop. I've already disposed of it because it was all a terrible and bad hobby."

"Eleonora, your words are a little dirty."

"This is because I was having a frustrating day with too many bad hobbies."

While saying that without expression, Ellen walked towards the reception set and sat on a sofa that seemed comfortable to sit on. And I slapped myself next to a pom pom pom, and I sat face to face.

"Why aren't you sitting here?

"No, there's something I'm going to give you right now, and it'll be easier to face it."

"I don't care about that building."

Rooted in Ellen beating her seat next to hers, she stood up and moved next to Ellen. Then Ellen leaned against me in an atmosphere of satisfaction and started rubbing her cheek against my right arm. Cat or something, you.

"It's about time, okay?


"I don't know... it's nice because it's cute."

Are you satisfied with making me like you for a while, and now you're starting to pillow my knees. I have no choice but to gently stroke your head while being careful not to rub your golden hair.

"You look so sweet... Was it such a character?

"I don't know, but since you left, I've been expecting to see you again all day. I'm sure God will forgive me for all this."

She turned around on the sofa, and Ellen stared me in the eye with her red eyes. It's so cute that you want to kiss one if you don't have eyes, but you can't do anything like that. Considering each other's positions, it is a big problem. Maybe now.

"Dear Virgin, please be more self-respecting."

"I can't help it... I'm a little satisfied, so let me get to the point."

"I like Ellen's noodles, yeah."

Ellen seemed to be trying to take a grand attitude. When Ellen woke up after quitting her lap pillow, she smelled a nice smell. Strange and exciting. I wonder what this is.

"Well, for the time being, it was more talkative...."

Turn your eyes to Chilari and Amarilier.

"What is it? Are you using color eyes on Amarier? Put me in front of you?

"Because it's not. I was just wondering if we could talk in front of Amarier."

"That's fine. I'm telling Amarier everything."

"I see... then this is the example."

That's why I put the Omit kingdom-era Adolese scriptures, their originals and manuscripts, and their translations from the inventory on the table between correspondents. Amarier seems surprised to see my abilities for the first time.

"I see, these two books are old for you to see. It's just for making."

"It was stored in an underground library with the magic of preservation. This is the original, this is the copy, and this is the book I translated and written by Isla. I think there's probably no mistake because it was translated by my abilities, but I think you should do research and translation anyway. There are sticky notes between the translations and the manuscripts, but as far as we know, this is a place where there are differences from the current teachings of Adolescence. Use it as a reference."

"I see. Can I see it for my hand?

"Of course."

When I said so, Ellen began to read the original in a parallax fashion. Can you read the letters of the Kingdom of Omit?

"Can you read?

"Yes, it's our job to read the scriptures. Hmm, the rhetoric is still a bit old... I see."

Ellen narrows her red eyes as she scrolls the page with parallax and finds something different from what the mainstream now claims. It seems to focus on the parts of the current scripture that suggest subhuman exclusion.

"Amarier, please check the contents of your manuscript."


Amarier sits face-to-face with Ellen and carefully hands-on starts checking the scriptures for content. Eventually, she also applied a little wrinkle between her eyebrows to describe the problem.

"What does it look like as an expert?

"That's right. I was convinced that the current mainstream claims were the result of tampering."

"Are you worried about the authenticity of the scripture, or the evidence that it is authentic?

"I think there's probably no problem with that. The original was issued from a cathedral in the then famous kingdom of Omit, and the seal appears to be authentic. However, if you give it to the mainstream like this, it will crush you."

"What are you gonna do?

"We need to think about what we can do well, but it's our job, so you can leave it to us. Regardless, this scripture will be a powerful weapon that will cause a huge rift in mainstream claims. It could be a way to put the damn Pope and the pig cardinals on fire."

Ellen clouds her red eyes and leaks a creepy laugh. Amarier had a bitter smile on her face, but she wasn't going to be careful. I've been careful with these remarks before, but apparently I have something to think about with her.

"I will keep these three volumes in strict custody."

"Do it. Never be stolen."

"Of course. Only me and Amarier know that this is here, so you'll be fine. If they don't know it, they won't find it, they won't steal it."

That's why Ellen put the scripture on the table and looked at me.

"When the scripture is finished, the next thing I know is in four days."

"Oh, the boss is coming."

"Yes, thank you ─ ─"

In the middle of my words, I heard a very rough noise from the door when I knocked.

"What is it?

Ellen leaned her head and Amarier immediately took a seat and headed towards the door. I quickly got up, put the scripture in the inventory, and moved to Ellen's face-to-face seat.

"What's the matter? The Virgin is currently in a meeting with a customer."

"Ah, the Archbishop is on his way here, and a messenger has arrived from the lower line."

"A messenger....?

"Ha, can I take you here?

Amarier sent Ellen a gaze. Ellen nods after thinking about something for a moment.

"Let me through."

I don't know what it is, but something happened with Ellen's boss on his way here. At this timing... I have a bad feeling about this.

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