Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 292 - Preparing for a Diplomatic Mission

"Messengers from the Holy King."

Sit on your usual bench and look up at the ceiling while keeping your weight on your back.

Earlier, Sir Leonard, who is in charge of the Oriental Guardianship, informed us that a group named the emissary of the Holy King had appeared near the border with the Holy King. The messengers appeared magnificently with the flag of the Holy King and the white flag raised.

"He visited for the return of prisoners and for a truce and peace talks."

Lord Leonard's voice, which sounded beyond the Golem transmitter, was mood itself. Sir Leonard wanted the eastern border guards to wave his sword first in the coming duel against the Holy King. You must be dissatisfied that your first job was to guide the messengers of the peace talks.

It won't be so easy to reconcile. Don't worry about it. "

I'm impressed that Sylvie was returning it to Lord Leonard. For Sylphie, the Holy King is a wretched enemy. Twenty years of reconciliation between the people and the Holy King, who has long been deprived of his family, tortured his people, and claimed the lives of many of his fathers, will not be so easy for Sylvie to accept.

"People aren't troublesome. Why don't we just stop killing each other?"

Grande says so, sitting on a bench with my lap on a pillow. I want you to stop giving up because it is inevitable that the horns will hit me no matter what. I really want to go.

"That's right, Grande. I don't think it's that easy for people who've been robbed of their families and compatriots."

Hmm? Is that what this is about? My concubines and dragons don't kill each other in groups, and if people and monsters kill me, it's a bad idea to be weak. "

"Hmm, is it weak eating, survival of the fittest, or super individualism....."

Dragons are born strong. It would be difficult for an individual to have the same values as a group of people who are weak and can only defend themselves by coming together to build a community.

"Dead is not dead. My concubine doesn't understand that I risk my life for that dead thing. I don't like being licked, I don't like being slaughtered, so if you're going to slaughter me, I can understand."

"... well, I suppose that's what happens when you take out all the buildings."

They took the country, they killed their people, they sold it out, they took the lives of their families! Loosen up! If it's true, it's true. I think it is a story of killing because it would be annoying if it was pushed. However, unlike fighting in an end-of-school tavern, war between nations is expensive and the number of lives lost varies greatly. Endangered wars that fight each other until those parts become stoppers and destroy each other's countries do not happen that way. Normally.

"I have to be careful...."

However, the current Royal Merinard Army has enough power to hold the Holy King's kingdom with its armor on its sleeves. Mass production of magic guns is progressing steadily, as is the development of aerial bombs for Harpy using magic crystals. The airboard seems to be mass producing as well as magic guns, and the preserved foods such as canned and dried noodles that I devised last year have also been mass-produced at a rapid pitch.

In the back base of the Omit Great Wilderness with pulsating holes, magic crystals, magic iron, and magic steel are mass-produced and armaments using them are steadily being made, and I sell products made by me from large agricultural land and black forest elves everywhere to the Dragon Nis mountain kingdom and small groups of countries in the west as trading items to make money. We are also in the process of mastering each city in Japan, and tax revenues from them are also expected.

Of course, there are many problems, big and small, in the country, but there is enough power to compete with the Holy King more than one another. What a light two-generation technology gap. No matter how powerful I am when I join them, I will not be able to fight them in the Holy Kingdom.

"What are you talking about?

"Don't let Sylvie or Sir Leonard murder the Holy King in abomination. I'm not going to say anything about killing myself right now, but I don't think I should be careful not to overdo it. I'm a little more responsible than putting my shoulders in Sylphie and bringing in the weapons of my world."

"Is that what it is? I think it's up to Sylvies to handle the power they give, and whatever they do with that power, it's not Koske's fault, it's Sylvies' fault."

"I don't know... mmm"

The blacksmith who made the knife is certainly not guilty of murder with a knife, and I don't think it's the same with a sword or an axe, but that doesn't seem to be the case if he clearly provided weapons or technology for use in war. Besides, it's not a business, it's a personal relationship. I am now not a third party to the dispute between the Kingdom of Merinard and the Holy King, but a party to it.

"You won't stay in Koske forever."

"That's right. I'm not a saint of unshakeable determination and steel. I'm an indecisive, lost person, no matter where I go."

"I don't think a man who kills tens of thousands or tens of thousands of his compatriots with his cheerful face to serve his purpose is a normal man."

"... I see. Exactly."

To thwart the invasion from the North and achieve peace with the two countries of the North - as a necessary sacrifice to demonstrate the might of my kingdom, or the kingdom of Merinard - I killed tens of thousands of people with this hand. I'm worried about not letting people die as much as I can.

Even so, it is. There are still few unnecessary sacrifices. We have to kill them anyway, efficiently, effectively. I'm going to hell anyway. Then let's reopen it and make a thorough selection of life and accounts.

"Don't look so scared. Koske despises himself, but if my concubine tells me, Koske is not everything you think he is. That's all I'm saying."

"Really... well, don't get too upset."

Hmm, let's do that.

Messengers from the Holy King's Landing travel from the border zone by horses and carriages. Even in a hurry, it will take quite a few days to get to Merlinesburg.

"I don't know what we're gonna talk about."

"Are we going to talk about this in the first place?

"That's it... I don't think it's a problem that you sent an envoy."

Sending a messenger is at least proof that the Kingdom of Merinard was recognized as a nation. It is impossible to send a messenger against a bandit whose kingdom is dominated by a great power like the Holy King. But it's different if the bandit establishes national relations with multiple countries and is recognized as legitimate by multiple countries.

Not only does the Kingdom of Merinard now interact economically and politically with the dragonish mountain kingdoms and small groups of nations in the west, but it also interacts with the Tigris kingdom and the Principality of Dihart in the north in a limited way, and the Vallag Empire, the enemy of the Holy King's kingdom, also has an ambassador in Merynesburg. The Stone Holy King would have had to recognize us as one nation.

"Is Koske out on this one?

"Looks like you want me to keep an eye on the Holy King."

Negotiations with the two northern countries led me to stand in the line. This time, the Holy King sent a diplomatic envoy suddenly because he knew I existed. and Sylphie and the others are increasing their vigilance.

Therefore, in this diplomatic negotiation, it was decided that not only Sylphie and Merti, but also Serafita and Doriada, as well as Archbishop Ellen, Archbishop Deckard and high priest Katerina and other Adolese archaeologists, would not put me on the table. As a result, most of the staff became busy for the meeting, so I suddenly became free.

"Can I go for a walk?

"If you're going, I'll go with my concubine. I've been told never to let Koske run alone."

Well, why don't you come with me?

It's about time the Cubby's hair changed and returned to its original mof-mov state. It may be good to go teasing. Perhaps it would not be a bad idea to ask Kirilovich, Ambassador of the Vallag Empire, for his views on the matter.

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