Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 317: Dinner Difficulties

"In other words, Koske's work slightly enters the gap between women's hearts."

After running away from my pursuit, Levi Ella told me that she was sitting at dinner and said so when she started taking dinner. I don't know why.

"Even if they say so...."

As for me, I have no choice but to be confused. It won't snap even if they say it's made into the gap between your heart!

However, many people nod in agreement with Leviera's words. What do you mean?

"Well, Koske doesn't judge by his appearance...."

"It's obviously different from a normal human man. Preferences."

"Ordinary human men are afraid of demonic women like us."

"Mr. Koske is kind to us, Harpy."

"My husband doesn't look bad when he sees Harpy."

"Wow, we're like fucking birds...."

The demon daughters and Mr. Harpy talk about me, but that's...

"Isn't it just a lack of maneuverability?

That's what Mr. Aquawil said, and he turned a blind eye to me. No, well, yeah. I thought the same thing. I don't know how men in this world feel about subhuman women with different looks. I don't have common sense or universal values in this world. From my point of view, demonic women like Schmel and Harpy women like Fronte only look like fantasy beauties and beautiful girls.

"I don't think so. Koske was kind to the concubine of the dragon before he became what he is."

Cover fire came from an unexpected source here.

Sure, I've been dealing with Grande normally since he was a dragon. Maybe it hasn't changed much now.

"Koske treated the concubine of the dragon equally and fairly, and he was kind. When I saw my concubines being treated roughly by my brothers, I got angry and sold the fight to my brothers alone to make them give in. Don't take two dragons with you. You don't feel guilty about your concubine who stayed like a dragon. That's what Koske said himself."

Sure, it was impossible to have sex with the dragon's grande opponent. Grandma recommended it, but she refused.

"That's right... that's amazing, Koske. I've reviewed you once again after listening to what I just said."

"Mr. Grande's brother means two adult grand dragons bigger than Mr. Grande when he was a dragon, right? Besides, it's not easy to sell a fight."

"Well, Koske might be able to deal with two dragons... but it's still amazing to have two dragons fight and give in."

The gaze of respect from Grande and the demon daughters dazzled me. It's not such a big deal, it's just that Grande was kicked by his brother's dragons and lost his coolness.

"I wonder if such indistinguishable kindness is the charm of Mr. Koske."

That's how Levi Ella stares at me. It would be embarrassing to be seen so seriously.

"... that's right."


I feel something dangerous from Levi Ella murmuring in a dangerous atmosphere. This is a wave in predation mode...! No, not yet. But one mistake seems likely. You must be careful.

"Even so, did you succumb to the dragon... I've heard that you almost managed the turmoil in the north by yourself, but it doesn't look very likely."

Aquawil glances at Jito while sucking a spoon to drink the soup. Ohii-sama. You have bad manners.

"Mm, you can't believe what my concubine says?"

Grande shouted at Aquawil's words. Calm down.

"When I look at how I built this base, I know that its power is not unusual..."

"Then let's have a good look at how Koske works from tomorrow."

Shumel shook his shoulders and carried the filled meat I had prepared for dinner to his mouth, making a good noise and chewing it off a thousand times. Then chew with the mog, swallow, and then open your mouth again.

"That way, you'll understand enough that you don't like the abnormality of Koske. Based on Koske's natural strength, how much do you really need an escort like us?"

"Isn't that an exaggeration for a boulder? That would be the case with the Golem, but otherwise I wouldn't be that strong myself?

"Really? In my opinion, it's hard for us to beat Koske without using those big bumps.

That's what Schmel laughs at. And Aquawil's suspicions are getting stronger. I want you to behave in such a way as to raise a hurdle without much darkness. You're under a lot of doubt.

"Ah, you'll see tomorrow, so take a rest today and prepare for tomorrow."

Gerda hurried up to blow up the strangely tense atmosphere in the dining room. Seeing such a desperate Gerda, Mr. Aquawil returned silently to the meal, and Grande remained unhappy but devoted to advancing the meal.

It's worse than Aquawil-san and Grande thought...! I hope you get along by the time you get home.

There was no special lucky sketchy event, and on the first day, I took a bath after a meal and went to bed. You weighed yourself on the boulder. It was nice to take a bath alone after a long time.

It didn't happen in the evening, especially as usual, and I just fell asleep to make the grumpy Grande sweet. Very peaceful.

Well, the bedroom or dormitory is divided into separate buildings, but if you do, your voice will leak. If that happens in the current state, Aquawil's gaze will be absolutely zero the next morning, so he may have weighed himself.

It's more of a problem.


Yeah, Golem Turret is really loud.

It would be nice if you could intercept it automatically, but the loud firing of a large-calibre firearm is a good place to interrupt sleep. Grande fell asleep completely unaware, but I woke up many times in the middle of the night. Schmel and the others only woke up the first time, but the rest seemed to be asleep. Stray stones are adventurers.

"Koske, come on...."

"... (Blurring)"

"This is so scary...."

On the contrary, Mr. Harpy and I seem to have had a bad relationship, and all three of them have dived into the bed where Grande and I sleep. Every time I hear a shot, my body starts shaking, so I get woken up every time.

I kept sleeping and waking up again and again thinking that Mr. Aquawil was going to complain tomorrow.

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