Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 327 - Adventurer Alliance Return

"Huh? Drill a hole in some floor on the first floor of the guild to create a direct passage with the castle?I'd like you to give me a break with that... but if there's anything I can do for you, you can call me and I'll talk to you. "

That's right.

The Adventurer Alliance Melinesburg deputy general manager's balance seems weak, rejecting my proposal, and Ifrita nods with a face to face that would be natural.

If it is dangerous to go to a merchants' union or adventurers' guild, it is safer and less hassle to summon the merchants' union or adventurers' guild to the castle than to purposefully prepare underground roads and orbital vehicles.It was a natural judgment to be told.

"My nose is frustrated."

"Gunn, huh?"

Considering how to extend the tunnel exactly in the direction of the castle and what kind of vehicle to build, the two of us who were discussing it fell off our shoulders.No, if you think calmly.

But I would definitely like to try to expand the range of motion of the limes by expanding the castle tunnels.Let's try experimenting next time.

"... as I've heard, Your Excellency seems to be quite pleasant."

The big old man who had been looking at our interaction with interest opened his mouth severely.

His name is Cresta, sitting next to Balan.Head of the Adventurers Guild HQ in Merlinesburg, Balan's boss - the leader of the Adventurers Guild, as his title suggests.

It's so sturdy that I can't feel the decline of age at all.I'm sure she's about the same size as Da Nang, and her body thickness is amazing.Besides, it doesn't feel fat and fat, but has the impression that it is fully armored with muscle.My hair and beard are pure white grandfathers, but they are very powerful.

The other day, Balan was the only one with a face because he had just gone to the Merchants' Union in a different way from ours.He had given us advance notice of our visit today, so he was waiting with Balan.

"Why don't we get down to business?

"Oh, yeah, that's right.Uh, yeah. As I was telling you, I'm here to talk to you about the progress of the Adventurer Support Initiative. "

Cresta and Balan nodded when they heard my words, and Balan opened his mouth.

"Yes, the Adventurers Guild's equipment system is starting to move, as Mr. Koske has been able to secure the budget not only from the Merchant Union but also from the Kingdom of Merinard.We are also very grateful to Mr. Koske for collecting a large quantity of inexpensive materials. "

Ah, maybe Goblin or Cobalt's body.Goblin's body will be useful leather and meat for me. "

Goblin skin and cobalt fur are thin or of poor quality, so they are almost useless. Meat smells bad and few people eat it.However, depending on my abilities, poor quality goblin skin and cobalt fur can be used in the same way as normal skin and fur, and the meat is no different from other meat if processed.

In other words, if you make a steak, it will look like beef, and if you make a hamburger or a winner, it will look like delicious ground meat.Before this clutter, the question of what the original material was becomes a matter of the end.

"Thanks to you, we have a huge increase in food stocks.And materials from animals and monsters.Tendon, intestine. "

Synthetic fibers and carbon coatings have not yet been developed, so tendons and intestines from animals and monsters are surprisingly valuable.I can't make it.The same is true for leather.

"... I don't think goblins or cobalt meat will taste good."

"Gizma meat looks like ordinary meat when you put it on a koske.I wouldn't be surprised if the meat of the goblins were the same. "

Gizma meat is like super shrimp meat, but when I use it for steak ingredients, it turns into beef.I can't help it.

"More and more requests from the Merchants' Union?

"Yes, you also owe it to Mr. Koske in a way.Thanks to the increased number of new merchants, the Adventurer Alliance has been able to hire more escorts, and the Adventurer Alliance has been able to lend you the right level of equipment to receive them.In addition, we have been able to respond to requests for monster slaughter and street security from rural areas around Melinesburg, and things are starting to go well overall. "

"Sure, the atmosphere in the Adventurers Guild has gotten a lot better."

The last time I visited the Adventurer Alliance, there were many people who looked dark and sat down without work, but I didn't see the Adventurer when I visited today.There seemed to be a small number of people, but they probably paid for it on request.

"The meal voucher is starting to work well.There are more restaurants and lodgings that can accommodate meal vouchers, and as a result, the restaurant is supposed to be consulted. "

"I see. It's a good thing things are going well.So, are there any inconveniences or troubles?I need you to tell me what to do without hiding it. "

"That's really nothing for now.Something might come up in a little while, but so far, no such cases have been reported. "

"Well... I wonder if the series of activities that started with my suggestions from the Adventurers Guild are helping to improve security slightly."

Balan and Cresta nodded to my question at the same time.

"At least the people we were camping for were working and eating.Not to say that we still have enough money, but the quality of life would have dramatically improved before Koske reached out.They didn't turn out to be bandits, so that would definitely help improve security. "

"I agree with the Director General.If those who have started working now are empowered as adventurers, they will eventually contribute more directly to maintaining law and order.And if the adventurer's wings get better, the merchant against the adventurer will be moisturized, and it will create a lot of jobs around.I wonder if what Koske has done will be greatly appreciated. "

"All right then. I can give you as much money as I can, but if anything happens in the future, please trust me.If you have a better idea, it would be helpful if you could throw a proposal to me at the castle. "

The top two Adventurer Guilds shook their heads vertically, though they were afraid of my offer.I want to stabilize the country with this kind of stack.Footwork can be lightened enough for me to patrol personally, and I will continue to get a little more, mainly where Sylphie and the others are poorly equipped.There are more people who would rather do something than do nothing.

What I'm doing is just giving out the money and saying, "Count it well," so I feel that my own reputation will increase somewhat differently.However, this kind of thing is best done by amateurs, providing only resources and letting people in the field do it.I don't think the policy itself is wrong.

Well then, why don't you take your time?I don't want to get in the way of my work. "

"Nh, that's good.I want to see what they did earlier. "

The assassins who were defeated by Isla and dealt with by Schmel and Harpi will now be brought to the royal castle for questioning.The royal castle has Ellen, who sees the truth, and Berta, who is an Adolese Inquisitor.Besides, there are Limes behind the scenes.No matter how much the assassin resists, the information will always be pulled out.Probably not even able to self-determination.

We greeted Cresta and Balan, quit the Adventurers Guild, and headed for the royal castle.There's a lot to be done, but if the assassins who targeted us show up, our relationship with the Holy King will be tense again.

It is difficult to solve the internal affairs problem carefully.Not at all.

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