Survival In the Crypt Starting In Tokyo

Chapter 19: I have an obligation to choose the right king for them

"You... just so sure I will let you capture?" The virus's real name was slightly sullen. This was the first time she felt this feeling of being despised after replacing her real name with the will of the virus.

ANTIBODIES (antibody) people blindly worship themselves, believing that she will be the key to the new era of humanity.

The people behind GHQ both desire and fear their own power, and carefully try to find a balance in this power.

The Sefira Gene Pharmaceutical Research Institute tries to use the power of science to pry into the secrets of the evolution behind the Apocalypse virus. The materialistic trend allows them not to blindly believe in their own power, but does not deny the possibility of the existence of gods.

They treat their own power dialectically, make assumptions carefully, and boldly seek proofs. Moreover, they really explored a set of feasible methods suitable for the Apocalypse virus.

But she did not expect that Lin Anlan and the civilization behind them were even more crazy.

"Is this also in your calculations? Lin Anlan!"

For the first time, she felt the horror of the human heart, and then she suddenly remembered the reason for her symbiosis with Lin Anlan, and she breathed slightly:

"In the past life, you are afraid that you did not simply capture me while I was weak. They made the same choice as you, threatening the survivor who last maintained my strength, and asked me to take the initiative to give up resisting, otherwise they would take me. The existence of it was exposed.

The last to greet me must be destruction. So, I chose to give up cooperation and surrender to you, right? "

Lin Anlan was silent, and shook her head with a smile. It seemed that her ally was not stupid, and she quickly realized the point.

His own practice is nothing more than a change of the practice of Laurel Base City back then. The guy who murdered almost all the resistance in the "Apocalypse" world was the real old coercion.

Worthy of being a lawyer, he became the tactical commander of the Laurel Base City afterwards. He couldn't be more black in his heart.

But it's really useful, isn't it?

"You, you still have to learn." Lin Anlan's ears moved slightly, as if he heard some slight movements.

He spread his hand toward his real name, and focused his eyes on the "Void Sword" that was thrown in the corner of the bed after he pulled it out, and his smile gradually became presumptuous:

"These people react very quickly."

"You didn't intend to hide it at all!"

"Yes, it's so blatant. If they haven't figured out where I am based on clues, I will doubt the ability of outsiders to control the three major forces in the base city of Tokyo."


The door of the dormitory that GHQ prepared for Kentaro was violently blasted, and antibody troops holding explosion-proof shields and holding thermal weapons swarmed in.

"Raise your hand, don't move..." Soldiers wearing white helmets and white bulletproof vests rushed in, pointing their guns at Lin Anlan.

Lin Anlan didn't resist, and stepped forward to block the soldier's view of his real name.

As soon as the leading black soldier wanted to speak, he heard Lin Anlan make a gun gesture towards the crowd.

With a clean smile, he opened his mouth slightly: "bang~"

In an instant, the body of the soldier who rushed in was pierced by the AP virus crystal pillars that pierced the epidermis.

There is no blood, because the bodies and souls of everyone present have condensed into the AP virus crystals.

No hobby, because Lin Anlan didn't even leave them the opportunity to make them wailing.

This is why Lin Anlan is willing to live with his real name.

Because he knows that the Apocalypse virus still has this high development potential, which has been acknowledged by many researchers in the "Laureus Base City" in the previous life.

He stepped on the broken virus crystals and picked up the Void Sword on the bed, but the real name of the virus opened his hand towards Lin Anlan, and then Lin Anlan's surprised gaze was drawn:

"what are you doing?"

"The prince saved the princess. Isn't it normal to give a hug as a thank you?"

Lin Anlan's face was sullen: "Be serious, I have been professionally trained, no matter how funny I am, I will not laugh."

Then in the next second, the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "The third batch of crypt civilizations that invaded your world, spread a low-level meme called'monster' in your world, although it is only the most basic meme. But it is unexpectedly good for your world.

This meme comes from the world of "sweet home" and is an uncontrollable meme caused by man-made. It will give people with imperfections dream-seeking ‘wings’ by consuming life force.

People who are unable to move due to a disability will get a speed comparable to a supercar at full speed.

People who are poor and weak will become powerful men who can overturn large trucks.

A mother who has lost a child becomes a womb that feeds the baby.


Unfortunately, in this world where the Apocalypse virus is permeated, almost everyone is affected by the virus, and the wounded heart becomes more likely to be exposed.

Because void itself is a weapon created by taking out the **** heart that others don't want to be known to others, using the power of human genes as a template and AP virus crystallization as a framework.

The low-level meme of ‘monster’ is unlikely to spread widely, because the heart wall formed by the three views and experience is basically sufficient to resist the power of this meme.

Only those poor people who have been pierced through the heart by the past will be the main infected person of this meme. "

He picked up the Void Sword, grabbed the waist of his real name, and looked at her: "But the apocalypse virus dug out the wounded heart of the infected person, and successfully erased the biggest weakness of the meme. Its destructive power increases exponentially.

Real name, do you know, because of you, because of the existence of the apocalypse virus, no matter how many invaders this world has carried before, when faced with this meme, it is doomed to completely collapse and be swallowed by the crypt. "

"I don't care about the world, I only care about myself."

The real name of the virus blinked with the pink pupils, and countless strange sights flashed by: "I just want to multiply, I just want to continue to live, grow, grow, and tolerate everything. But even if it is the Apocalypse virus, there are males and females, and I am them. Queens, I am obliged to choose the right king for them."

"Then did you find it?"

The real name of the virus raised her head and looked at Lin Anlan, who was taller than her, and said in confusion:

"I don't know. I chose my brother and Chao Shenya for my real name. I thought I would be the same with her memory, but when I woke up one day, I found out that I never had my own. select."

"You can try to choose and see, for example, me."

She chuckled. At that moment, she seemed to have become a little girl, or that she was essentially the same as a little girl. Her memory, her appearance, and everything she had came from Yingman's real name.

Born because of her, inherit her feelings, but can never become her.

She looked at Lin Anlan very seriously: "I want to live."

"Okay, I'll help you."

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