Bang Dang! Bang Dang!


Shen Zhaomai, wearing XS1 power armor, pushed forward step by step with heavy steps, and a rotary tube cannon in his right hand spat tongues of fire.

In front of him, a group of black-pressed zombies blocked the way.

However, under the back and forth sweep of a long whip of flames, a blurry gap of flesh and blood appeared little by little.


The sound of huge cannon fire alarmed the corpses.

Hundreds of zombies howled and turned around and pounced one after another, but before they could get closer, they were bombarded by shells into flesh.

Occasionally, a few lucky ones avoided the fire and managed to approach the Iron Warrior.

The two beautiful girls who followed the iron warrior immediately swung their swords to meet them, killing them on the spot.


Several rockets were fired from the launcher on the Iron Warrior’s left shoulder and fell into the middle of the corpse.

In the violent explosion, fireballs swelled one after another, and the gushing flames devoured the surrounding zombies and burned them into a ball of char.

Immediately afterwards, a strong shockwave spread, sweeping away a large number of zombies outside the fireball like broken dolls.


It was because of the inhuman roar outside that several women who were terrified heard this series of explosions.

The beautiful black girl wearing a JK uniform was pleasantly surprised: “It must be Shen Jun who is back!” ”

After speaking, he took a pair of slender and well-proportioned black silk beautiful legs and ran straight to the balcony.

“I’ll take a look. Yingli pear, Lun Ye-kun, don’t run around here if you stay here. ”

The mature and dignified kimono beauty instructed the two children and followed outside.

Passing through the floor-to-ceiling windows that had been pushed open to the balcony, the kimono beauty saw at a glance that the dense group of corpses surrounding the downstairs had been torn open.

Two familiar figures followed behind an iron warrior and advanced towards the entrance of the apartment building.

The black long straight beautiful girl who was lying on the railing and looking down turned around and smiled: “It’s Miss Poison Island and 2B, and the one in front of you wearing armor is Shen Jun!” They came in right away. ”

A relaxed look appeared on the kimono beauty’s delicate face, which could not see the traces of age: “It’s wonderful!” ”

The girl’s burgundy eyes were a little confused, and she muttered, “I knew he wouldn’t leave me, he promised to protect me…”


The cannon and rockets opened the way, and the Iron Warrior and his party successfully entered the apartment.

After eliminating the zombies in the hall on the first floor, Shen Zhao said: “Ji Zi, you and 2B go upstairs first, I will block the corpses here!” ”

Poison Island Junzi did not say anything: “Shen Jun, be careful.” ”

Then he quickly went straight to the corridor with the Edman alloy knife in his hand.

2B in a black gothic dress followed closely.

Shen Zhao, who was wearing heavy armor, faced the endless tide of corpses gathering again outside the apartment, and his expression was indifferent: “Come up and lead death!” ”


Thousands of hideous-looking zombies roared and rushed towards them.




The cannons roared, and the rocket volleys were fired.

A deadly storm was set off among the corpses.

On the other side, Poison Island and 2B killed all the way to the door of the residence.

After solving the zombie that was slamming the door, the purple-haired royal sister stepped forward and knocked on the door: “We’re back”

The door was quickly opened, and the beautiful girl with an excited expression stood in the entrance and shouted, “Shen Jun! ”

Poison Island Junzi looked calm: “Shen Jun is blocking the zombies downstairs, let me and 2B come up first to help you solve the siege.” ”

“Miss Xia Zhiqiu, it’s good that you’re okay, otherwise Shen Jun’s efforts will be in vain.”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka heard the hidden meaning of her words, and bit her delicate lip: “He really risked his life to kill it back for me!” ”

At this moment, she couldn’t wait to immediately throw herself into the man’s arms and give everything she had to the other party.

Even if he wanted to go through the back door, this time she would not refuse again!

The kimono beauty in the rear asked, “Miss Poison Island, what should we do next?” Want to get out of here right away? ”

Poison Island Zizi shook his head: “There are too many zombies outside, and it is difficult for Shen Jun and I to ensure the safety of everyone.” ”

“Everyone wait in the house first, remember not to scatter, and be ready to evacuate at any time.” 2B and I will clean up the zombies that break in. ”

The kimono beauty bowed slightly, “Hard work for you, Miss Poison Island.” I’ll take care of everyone. ”

Poison Island Tsuko said no more, holding the sword and returning to the battlefield.

In fact, if they only protected Kasumigaoka Shiyu to transfer alone, they could still do it.

However, whether to do this depends on Shen Zhao’s thoughts, and she will not make any claims.

Downstairs in the hall.

Looking at the prompt that the ammunition was about to run out that popped up on the screen, Shen Zhao, who was turning into a fearless warrior to kill all sides, frowned.

“Ghost, you hold it for a while first!”

Countless black particles poured out of the body, converged into a black human form covered in bandages, and rushed forward with a low roar.

Shen Zhao took a step back, opened the system space under the cover of the black ghost, and took out another reward item.

“System, get [Airdrop Beacon]!”

Airdrop Beacon: When activated, an ammo supply box will be sent to the beacon to select the ammo category.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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