Hearing Kasuganodome ask him which pair of shoes he liked, Shen Zhao’s eyes moved slightly.

Exactly according to his preferences, such a dome girl is really likable.

After glancing among shoes of various colors and styles, he finally picked out a pair of modest black shoes.

Then go to the living room, put the dome girl on the sofa and let her put on her shoes.

The silver-haired girl lifted a slender jade leg wrapped in delicate black silk towards him: “Brother, help me.” ”

The hem of the ruffled skirt flipped up with her movement of lifting her legs, so that Shen Zhao could clearly see the white fabric under the black silk tights with thickened legs of the girl.

He took a deep breath and crouched down in front of Kasugano.

Reach out and hold the beautiful little foot wrapped in black silk that the girl stretched out, pick up the leather shoes and put them on.

The spring wild dome was replaced with another leg, and the skirt was turned up and down between the legs, so that Shen Zhao, who was close at hand, could see more clearly.

“Okay, get up yourself.”

He endured the temptation to put on two leather shoes for the dome girl.

When she was about to get up, the girl leaned over and kissed him again: “Thank you brother.” ”

“Let’s go.”

Shen Zhao took the delicate little hand of the spring field dome, and then summoned a black ghost.

A huge amount of black particles poured out of his body, condensing into a black human form covered in bandages.

‘Go outside and explore the way. ’

He silently gave orders to the black ghost with his mind.

Without hesitation, the black ghost rushed out of the room and disappeared into the fog.

It will always circle Shen Zhao, acting as the outermost cordon.

Once the black ghost is destroyed or attacked, it means that there is a threat factor nearby.

After releasing the black ghost to explore the way, Shen Zhao led the spring wild dome out of the door.

2B guarded closely to the side, maintaining a high level of vigilance.

Shen Zhao didn’t leave too far, just walked around the house to observe the environment in this area.

They found that the place they were in was a typical American town, with no high-rise buildings.

There are only single-family houses with lawns and backyards, scattered on both sides of the road.

After walking around, he found nothing.

No people, no corpses, no monsters.

Shen Zhao thought for a moment and returned to the original house with Qiongmei.

There was no useful information at the moment, so he decided to do nothing first to be on the safe side, so as not to change everything.

Anyway, exploring the Mist Zone is just a non-mandatory side quest, and not doing it is nothing more than a reward less.

As for Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Rinko Poison Island.

Under the current circumstances, it is not realistic to rush over and join them.

You can only wait and see if there will be a turnaround later, such as when you sign in one day to get a god costume.

The two just arrived at the door.


A gunshot broke the deathly silence in the fog.

Shen Zhao suddenly turned to look over there.

After waiting for a while, there was no second gunshot.

There are two possibilities, either it was a misfire just now, or the shooter has killed the target.

He prefers to believe the latter.

As for the identity of the shooter, the probability of being a player is higher than that of a small-town native.

If both of his guesses are correct, then the shot just now is likely that one player is attacking another.

And a headshot!

“Brother.” Kasugano looked up at him, “Are you going over there?” ”

“No, let’s go back.”

Shen Zhao took note of the direction of the gunshot and took the girl’s hand and entered the door.

Shooting at such a time is either an idiot or a ruthless person.

Either way, he didn’t bother to bother.

However, this gunshot proved that he and Qiong Mei were not the only ones here.

Back in the house, Shen Zhao checked and closed all the doors and windows in the entire house one by one.

Then he smiled at Kasugano Dome, “Are you hungry?” I’ll prepare dinner. ”

Before entering the game, he exchanged a large amount of living materials in the mall and put them in the space backpack.

Materials, like equipment, are also divided into certified and non-certified categories.

Non-certified materials are mainly for players’ daily consumption in the game space, highlighting a good quality and low price.

However, it cannot be packed into a space backpack and used in the game scene.

The price of certified materials that can be brought into the game scene is more than ten times higher than that of non-certified materials.

Shen Zhao is not short of points, so all kinds of materials in the space backpack are prepared.

Even brought a dozen of all kinds of stockings!

It’s a pity that Junzi and Shiyu are not there, and the stockings in the space backpack are temporarily unavailable.

After a hearty dinner, it was dark outside.

Shen Zhao looked out the window and thought to himself: “I don’t know if the monsters in the fog are the same as the zombies in the last game, they like to come out at night.” ”

He would rather have a group of monsters come out of the fog to attack than the lifeless appearance now.

As soon as such a thought came to mind, the sound of gunfire came from the same place again.

This time it was denser than during the day!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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