Behind a large bluestone covered with thick moss.

Shen Zhao looked at the mother and daughter in front of him with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The golden double ponytail girl pouted, and a black footprint on her snow-white and delicate face was eye-catching.

A beauty with almost exactly the same appearance and figure as her, but with a more mature temperament, was busy wiping the footprints on the girl’s face.

Just now, Shen Zhao took Yingli to find the place where Mrs. Sawamura was hiding.

The girl who finally reunited with her mother pounced directly in excitement.

As a result, Sayuri Sawamura, who was highly nervous, was frightened and kicked her daughter out with a few random kicks.

One of the kicks also kicked Ying Li in the face.

The golden double ponytailed girl felt angry, depressed and remorseful.

Finding that her daughter’s white and tender face was getting dirtier and dirtier by her, Sayuri Sawamura gave up.

After holding his daughter into his arms and comforting him, he looked at the man next to him gratefully: “Thank you for coming to save me, Mr. Shen Zhao.” ”

Shen Zhao smiled and said, “You’re welcome. Everyone is an old acquaintance, and it is not my style to see death and not save it. ”

Ying Lili couldn’t help but turn her head to look at him when she heard this, and she was speechless for this man who said nonsense with his eyes open.

Obviously, she paid a huge price to get the other party to promise to help her save her mother.

Looking at her mother’s increasingly grateful expression, she shouted in her heart, Mom, don’t be deceived by him!

But she did not dare to tell her mother about her deal with this man.

You can only watch from the sidelines.

At the same time, a thought popped up in Eiri Li’s mind.

The mother is now saved, and on the terms of the deal, the man can do whatever he wants to her.

What means will the other party use to toy with her?

Various script plots are staged in Ying Li’s mind, and the heroine has all been replaced by her.

For a while, the golden double ponytail girl’s face gradually turned red.

Fortunately, it was covered by the smeared shoe prints, so that the mother who was close at hand did not see the abnormality.

What the girl didn’t know was that her mother could be said to be very experienced in this issue.

Because she had already made the same deal with the same man.

After that, he also did not dare to let her know.

At this time, the movement of the fighting outside subsided.

The high-pitched hissing of the flesh-eating oysters disappeared, leaving only the clatter of the feet and limbs of the iron-armored crab group and the opening and closing of the chelas.

The battle is over, and there is no doubt that the crowded ironclad crab herd is the victor.

Sayuri Sawamura looked at Shen Zhao: “Mr. Shen Zhao, what should we do next?” ”

Shen Zhao thought seriously.

Hiding here and waiting for the ironclad crabs to leave is also a solution, but it is too risky.

If discovered, escape will become much more difficult than when the crabs are now defenseless.

It is not possible to walk directly, and the movements of the three people when they move forward in the dense forest can be easily detected.

Unless the two weak women, Sayuri Sawamura and Eiri Ri, are replaced by two well-trained top special forces.

The safest plan is to lead the iron-armored crab group out of the way, and then evacuate with the mother and daughter.

The problem is that having just paid a huge price to hunt a flesh eater, this group of monsters will definitely not easily stay away from their loot.

“It seems that only the bottom of the cauldron is drawn.”

The ironclad crab herd will not easily leave the loot, so snatch their loot!

I don’t believe these monsters won’t catch up.

Shen Zhao whispered to the mother and daughter: “You guys wait here, I’ll lead away that group of monsters.” ”

Sayuri Sawamura hurriedly persuaded: “Mr. Shen Zhao, that is too dangerous, let’s think of other ways!” ”

Ying Li Li also came back from her cranky thoughts and followed: “Mom is right. Or let’s continue to hide here. ”

Shen Zhao smiled at her slightly: “That’s too uncertain, it’s all a gamble on luck.” Not my style! ”

“That’s it! You guys hide here, don’t run around, wait for me to come back.” ”

After saying that, he immediately left from behind the big bluestone and lightly touched the other side.

He wanted to go to the opposite side first, so as not to find Sawamura’s mother and daughter when the iron-armored crab group was chasing.

Yingli snuggled up to her mother, her eyes looking at the man’s back without hesitation.

She did not suspect that the other party wanted to leave their mother and daughter and run away by themselves.

If you want to do that, you will do it when the monster found it just now.

Even she had nothing to say, because the monster was alarmed by the sound she accidentally made.

The golden double ponytailed girl silently said: ‘It’s really safe to follow this man. ’

Sayuri Sawamura was also staring at the man’s back, and her heart was very moved.

‘After leaving here safely, thank Mr. Shen Zhao well.’ ’

The beautiful wife Yuyan thought with a blush of shame.

The other side.

Shen Zhao circled around the iron-armored crab group and came to the opposite side of the hiding place of the mother and daughter of Sawamura.

Open the lightsaber, and the blood-red blade pops out of the hilt.

He casually grabbed a sword flower, and his body catapulted from the spot and rushed to the center of the battlefield like the wind.

The huge corpse of the flesh eater lies there, and a group of iron-armored crabs are surrounding to divide the loot for transportation.

The iron-armored crabs on the periphery quickly spotted the arrival of an uninvited guest.

Raise your chela high and gather together to block the enemy.

The second battle, begins!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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