The old hens purchased from the Survival Mall are of high quality and taste great when stewed.

Even Violet, who seems to have no normal human feelings, has shown her love for this casserole stewed chicken with practical actions.

I ate a lot of chicken and drank a lot of chicken soup.

After dinner, Shen Zhao sent Violet to ~ the next room to rest.

Although the blonde girl who regarded herself as a weapon did not mind sleeping in the same bed as him.

But that princess bed in the room was a bit too crowded for three people.

And he will severely punish the firmament sister tonight, which is not suitable for Violet, an “outsider”, to watch.

Violet obediently went out and left.


The door closes.

Shen Zhao called softly: “Dome, come out for dinner.” ”

As his words fell, the tablecloth was lifted, and a beautiful and tender silver-haired girl slowly crawled out from under the table.

Fine pink neck with a black positioning collar.

The skin that is as fair and tender as the milk on the girl’s petite body contrasts strongly with the pure style white underwear she wears.

Shen Zhao picked up the light body of the dome from the floor, put it on his lap and sat down facing him.

The silver-haired girl leaned softly in her brother’s arms, her small mouth pursed, and her angelic snowy face was stained with red light.

Shen Zhao filled a small bowl of fragrant and hot chicken soup from the casserole, scooped up a spoonful and personally fed it to the little girl in his arms.

“Dome, let’s take a sip of your favorite fresh chicken soup, this one is the most nutritious.”

Kasugano carefully opens her pink and delicate lips and holds the ceramic soup spoon, sucking the delicious and rich chicken broth into her stomach in small sips.


A bowl full of chicken soup was quickly drunk by her.

The silver-haired girl touched her little belly, which was filled by her brother, and felt that it was warm and comfortable inside.

“Here, eat another big chicken leg.” Shen Zhao took another chicken leg and put it in Qiongmei’s bowl, “This is specially left for you by my brother.” ”

Kasugano looked at him pitifully with big brown eyes: “Brother, I can’t eat.” ”

“How about eating such a little.” Shen Zhao picked up the chicken leg and handed it to her mouth, “Well, open your mouth, eat more to grow a good body.” ”

The silver-haired girl had to open her small mouth and was stuffed with big chicken legs.


Looking at the cute appearance of the bulging cheeks of the dome girl, he laughed mischievously.

After feeding the dome girl, Shen Zhao turned her to face him, and then stood up from the chair holding the girl’s young and immature body.

“To stay healthy, you need not only to eat more nutritious food, but also to exercise more. Next, let’s exercise with my brother. ”


Outside the window, the night is getting darker.

The hissing and roaring of the misty xenomorph monster rose and fell one after another, and entered the room where the two were.

Shen Zhao leaned into the ear of the silver-haired girl who was shouting and reminded: “Dome, be quiet, otherwise you will lead the monster over in a while.” ”

When Kasugano heard this, he subconsciously wanted to reach out and cover his mouth.

But as soon as the hands hooked around his brother’s neck were withdrawn, his upper body involuntarily fell backwards.

Frightened, she hurriedly reached out again and wrapped her arms around the man’s neck to stabilize her body.

He tried to keep his mouth tightly closed to avoid making a sound, but he only lasted for a moment before it failed.

In the end, it was Shen Zhao who took effective measures to make the shouting in the house stop abruptly.

Next room.

The blonde girl, who had nothing to do, habitually took out the black and white double gun given by the commander and wiped it carefully.

The sound of banging from behind the wall was unheard.

The black one is ebony.

According to the officer, this pistol fires steel-core armor-piercing bullets, which have a long range and high power.

Violet squeezed her handkerchief and wiped it lovingly on the body of the gun.

After wiping, another silver-white pistol of the same style was pulled out of the holster.

White is white ivory.

The commander said that the gun fired empty-tip shells with a fast rate of fire and could be used to suppress fire.

The blonde girl meticulously wiped the two guns clean and shiny from the inside out.

Then stared at the pair of beautifully decorated double guns and fell into a state of distraction.

She loved the weapon immensely.

However, even the most beautiful weapons cannot realize their own value if they cannot kill the enemy in battle.

How long will it take before she can use ebony and white ivory to fight her superior?

Violet longed for that moment.

Just like the black and white double gun named “ebony and white ivory” in her hand, she also needs to prove her worth by fighting.

The blonde girl was eager to fight for her superior.

On the other side, Shen Zhaoyi ended the exercise without ending.

He carried Kasugano, who had been tired and fainted, to the bed, bent down and put the girl on the bed, and pulled the quilt to cover her.

The exhausted silver-haired girl closed her eyes and fell asleep, tears remained in the corners of her eyes.

“Obviously I can’t bear it at all and think of exclusivity, Qiong Mei’s possessiveness is a little too strong.”

Shen Zhao shook his head.

Just now, the dome was too tired to do and did not want to loosen his mouth until he passed out beyond the limit.

The level of stubbornness made him really not know what to say.

“You have to continue to be intense, and if you can’t do it once, come a few more times!”

Shen Zhao pinched his face and said to himself extremely firmly.

Anyway, he will not be tired or tired, and he must correct the personality of the firmament sister, otherwise I am afraid that the family will be restless in the future.

Then, he didn’t rush to bed.

Pull your chair to the window and sit down.

Looking out the dark window, I began to think about the hidden mission.

“The key to the world, where is the value embodied and how valuable is it?”

At this time, he somewhat regretted that he had killed the 1v3 elite player of the Crimson Guild too early.

It should be locked up and raised first, used to answer all kinds of difficult questions for him, and then kill when the game is over and leaves.

That way, he wouldn’t have to scratch his head at the reward of the hidden mission.

After thinking for a while and never having a clue, Shen Zhao slapped his thigh and made a decision.

Since it is a reward for hidden missions, even if its value is not clear for the time being, if you have the opportunity, you still have to get this thing as much as possible!

It’s a big deal to throw it in the space backpack as a special collectible.

In this case, the question becomes how to proceed with this task.

“Destroy five large lairs of misty xenomorphs with queen-level individuals.” Shen Zhao muttered, “If the iron armored crab’s nest is counted, the flesh erosion that can fight it should also be counted.” ”

In the vicinity of this house there are traces of the escape of carnibal carnapped larvae.

Although almost two days have passed, with Force Perception, it is not impossible to track it.

“The flesh eater nest is counted as the second first, where should I find the other three nests required by the mission?”

Shen Zhao looked in the direction where the monster’s neighing sound was heard in the distance.

Do you want to run out and run around the town now to find the misty xenomorphs and follow them back to their nests?

That’s also too inefficient.

There is also the question, how to destroy the nest after finding it?

Inferred from the size of the iron-armored crab’s nest, the misty xenomorph nest that meets the requirements of the mission is definitely not small.

The only miniature nuclear bomb has already been spent.

Without heavy firepower, relying on a lightsaber and twelve Edman alloy flying blades, then he must be exhausted to death.

Shen Zhao has no good way to solve the two problems for the time being.

Thinking of this, he silently prayed in his heart.

System God, hurry up and get me something good. Whether you can get this task done or not is up to you! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“That’s right!”

Shen Zhao suddenly remembered something.

The only miniature nuclear bomb loaded on the Fat Man launcher that was checked in this morning was already in use.

But it is not impossible to add.

Open the system space and quickly find a check-in item.

Airdrop beacon, from the last survival game, the sixth day check-in bonus.

When activated, you will receive a space-dropped ammunition crate of your own category.

The most important thing is that this thing is not a disposable item!

Instead, it can be used once in every survival game.

The only uncertainty now is whether the miniature nuclear bombs used by the fat launcher can be resupplied.

Shen Zhao took out the airdrop beacon and did not use it directly here.

The violent thing of summoning a nuclear bomb is still far away from the delicate and delicious dome girl.

So he got up from the window and left, walked out the door with light steps.

As soon as she closed the door, Violet came out from next door, ebony and white ivory in her hand.

“Sir, are you going to fight?”

The blonde girl’s sea-like blue eyes seemed to have a hint of anticipation.

“Violet, you haven’t slept yet?” Shen Zhao raised his eyebrows and said, “It’s not to fight, it’s something else.” ”

The brilliance in Violet’s blue eyes dimmed.

Seeing this, Shen Zhao raised the airdrop beacon in his hand: “Wait for tomorrow.” I’ll go prepare my weapons now, there should be a battle tomorrow. ”

The blonde girl nodded: “I will always wait for your orders.” ”

Shen Zhao said with a smile: “Then go and rest well now, Night.” ”

“Yes. Excuse me, sir. ”

Violet raised her hand in salute, then turned and walked into the room.

Looking at the closed door, Shen Zhao took the airdrop beacon and walked downstairs.

Come to the dark first-floor living room.

He took out a few lamps from his space backpack and arranged them to provide lighting.

Then place the airdrop beacon in the center of the living room and press the start button.


Three steel cables popped out of the columnar body and plunged into the floor to hold themselves in place.

Boom –

Brilliant blue light erupted thinly, and a large army-green box quickly condensed from the virtual state into a solid entity in the light.

It worked!

Shen Zhao couldn’t wait to step forward and open the shell.

Inside are two heavy metal boxes printed with black and yellow three-leaf warning signs.

Turn on one of them, and see a soccer-sized bomb quietly placed on the stand.

It is precisely the miniature nuclear bomb used by the Fat Man nuclear bomb launcher.

Looking at the only two ammunition boxes, he was a little dissatisfied.

“Such a large box contains two rounds, isn’t this the same as the packaging scam carried out by some unscrupulous merchants!” Bad reviews. ”

Bad reviews are bad reviews, and returns are impossible.

Shen Zhaomei took out the fat launcher and unsafeloaded one of the miniature nuclear bombs.

Anyway, stored in the system space, there is no need to worry about fire or accidental detonation.

After reloading to ensure that it was ready to launch, he put the launcher and another miniature nuclear bomb into the system space.

Two nuclear bombs are enough to ensure the destruction of two foggy xenomorph lairs.

As for how to do the other two, we’ll talk about it then.

Shen Zhao turned off the light and went upstairs to go back to his room to sleep.

Tomorrow, go track down the flesh eater nest and push the hidden mission progress one step further.

Back in the hallway on the second floor, the bathroom door was pushed open.

A petite figure came out from inside and bumped into him.


A short exclamation sounded, and then stopped abruptly.

“It turned out to be Shen Jun.”

Shen Zhao looked at the kimono beauty who patted her chest and sighed in relief: “Mrs. Sawamura, haven’t slept yet?” ”

The loose yukata hides the flaws of the other party’s figure, and it shows a bit of dignified and elegant wifely temperament.

I heard that there is nothing in the traditional yukata wearing method, and I wonder if Mrs. Sawamura is a person who follows the tradition.

Sayuri Sawamura’s face blushed slightly, and she replied, “I’ll go to the bathroom.” ”

Shen Zhao’s eyes moved slightly: “I also want to go to the bathroom.” ”

Sayuri Sawamura hurriedly stepped aside with small broken steps: “Sorry.” I’ve run out, Shen Jun, please come in.” Ah-”

Shen Zhao grabbed his beautiful wife’s wrist and pulled it to the bathroom.

“I was so tired today that I didn’t have the strength in my body. Mrs. Sawamura, please come in and help me. ”

Sayuri Sawamura did not resist hard, and followed him in with a red face, half push, half push, and half on the spot.

The bathroom door slammed shut.

The sound of the hem of the clothes stirring.

Then came the man’s playful voice.

“Mrs. Sawamura, you don’t respect tradition enough. But this style is also not bad, I like it. ”

In the blink of an eye, it was late at night.

“Mrs. Sawamura, turn around and rub my legs for me to relax.”

“Shen Jun, well…”

“Very good, thank you Madame for your warm cooperation.”

In the bathroom, Shen Zhao turned on the system while enjoying the leg massage of his beautiful wife with a comfortable face.

System, check in! Just.

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