Shen Zhao did not entangle the reward of the hidden mission [World Defender], what was the effect.

With less than a day left, it is almost impossible to complete this task.

It’s useless to know.

It’s better to find a way to get the rewards you can get first.

Specifically, take out the giant scorpion below!

He waited in place for a while, and the group of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft released flew back.

Shen Zhao copied the image data captured by the drone to the smart terminal for playback.

After reading it, he had a number of blows to the Dawnhammer in his heart.

In short, the space-based particle cannon on board the Dawnhammer military satellite pierced the carapace of the giant scorpion monster named “Plasma War Scorpion”.

But it failed to penetrate the giant scorpion’s body completely.

This means that unless multiple Dawnhammer satellites are involved in the attack, it is impossible to kill the plasma scorpion with this weapon alone.

What made Shen Zhao feel even more troublesome was that the drone found a huge cave at the bottom of the pit.

I don’t know if it was left by the miners who used to dig the ore, or if the giant scorpion dug it up itself.

These are not the keys, the point is that the cave is large enough for the giant scorpion to hide.

This means that he only has one more chance to attack with the Hammer of Dawn.

If the plasma scorpion is not killed, the opponent will probably hide in the cave so that the Dawnhammer will no longer work.

In fact, this giant scorpion was still in the open-pit after being hit hard by the Dawnhammer, which already made Shen Zhao a little strange.

But no matter what the reason is, as long as the giant scorpion is not mentally retarded after another time, it will definitely hide immediately.

This made it impossible for him to use the Dawnhammer to repeatedly attack to consume the opponent.

Things are hard.

Shen Zhao watched the pictures taken by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft from different angles and distances over and over again, looking for the opportunity to kill.

I don’t know how many times he saw it, he came to a conclusion.

There is only one chance, and that is to carry out another round of bombardment on the wound on the monster’s back.

This requires extremely precise targeting guidance for the Hammer of Dawn.

In view of the fog’s interference with the signal, this time the guidance must be carried out very close to the giant scorpion.

to ensure the accuracy of guidance.

Shen Zhao came up with a preliminary plan: “I have to go out in person!” ”

He stopped staying, turned back to the top of the pit, and quickly moved away from the pit.

Until you are far enough away that you don’t feel like you will attract the attention of that plasma war scorpion.

Shen Zhaocai stopped and took out the Energy Angel Gundam from the system space.

“EXIA will be up to you for a while.”

He patted the angel’s icy steel feet and summoned a black ghost.

The massive black particles condensed into a tall human figure covered in bandages.

“And you, Black Ghost.”

Shen Zhao handed the laser pointer into the hands of the black ghost.

“I’ll send you to the back of the giant scorpion in a moment, and you will guide the Dawnhammer attack.”

The black ghost let out a low roar to show understanding.

“Then let’s go!”

Shen Zhao took the rope ladder into the cockpit of the Nengangel.

The black ghost did not follow, but stood on the shoulder of the energy angel, reaching out to grasp the V-shaped antenna on the head of the body to stabilize the figure.

Buzz –

The GN Yang furnace vent behind the energy angel released countless green light particles, and the tens of tons of steel giant’s feet slowly floated off the ground.

In the cockpit, Shen Zhao pushed the lever hard: “EXIA, attack!” ”


Blue-white steel giants soar into the sky.

A few kilometers away, inside a psychiatric hospital on the edge of the town.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Megumi Kato cleaned up the next room and sat side by side on the freshly made bed.

“I don’t know what happened to Shen Jun’s side, the action is not smooth.”

The black long straight beautiful girl wrapped her fingers around a strand of her hair, her face worried.

The short-haired girl with a quiet and indifferent temperament next to her tilted her head cutely and said, “Senior sister has always said that Mr. Shen Zhao is very powerful, I think there should be no problem.” ”

“And no matter what, we can’t help Mr. Shen Zhao. So just let go of your worries and wait patiently. ”

“That’s right.” Shiyu smiled helplessly, “But the mentality of Senior Sister Kato can only be possessed by bystanders. I simply can’t do it. ”

Megumi Kato nodded approvingly: “Indeed, Senior Sister cares about Mr. Shen Zhao.” ”

Shiyu looked at her with a smile and asked, “Did Megumi care about any man other than his father?” ”

“Huh? Me? Megumi Kato thought for a while and shook her head slightly, “No. ”

While the two girls were chatting.

Shen Zhao flew to the vicinity of the mine in the energy angel gundam.

The Force suddenly alerted, followed by an alarm sounding on the radar.

With a chill in his heart, he pushed the joystick to control the body flying forward at high speed and suddenly moved sideways in the air.

The next moment, a dazzling white light passed by the energy angel.

Shen Zhao instantly understood: this is the long-range attack method of that plasma war scorpion!

According to the test results given by the sensors equipped on the body of the energy angel, the white light is a plasma beam containing extremely high temperature and energy.

Obviously, this is where the name giant scorpion comes from.

You can fire plasma beams to attack enemies!

Shen Zhao secretly judged in his heart: the beam should be emitted from its tail.

According to the on-board computer simulation, if hit by the plasma beam, the body of the Noh Angel Gundam made of E carbon steel will be melted within three seconds.

After all, the energy angel belongs to the combat combat specialized model, and in order to pursue speed and flexibility, the defense ability is not strong.

However, Shen Zhao was not deterred by this danger.

If you can’t resist the attack, you will dodge, and he will not give up without trying hard.

Press the pedal with one foot and push the joystick with your hand.


A sonic boom sounded, and the energy angel surrounded a cone-shaped cloud around his waist and flew towards the pit.

The black ghost stood on Gundam’s left shoulder, clutching the antenna to secure himself from being swept down by the airflow.

Under supersonic flight, the angel flew to the edge of the pit in an instant.


Another white light shot out from below the pit, which was successfully dodged by Shen Zhao, who had received the warning of the Force.

“Can you still adjust the power?”

The sensor detects that the energy intensity of this plasma beam is reduced considerably.

It seems that the plasma war scorpion can also change the emission frequency by adjusting the power.

This is not at all like the ability that normal creatures can have.

I don’t know if it’s some kind of artificially modified biological weapon or a special species on an alien planet.

Shen Zhao took a deep breath.

What comes next is the most dangerous part of the operation.

He needs to dive down to approach the giant scorpion and project the black ghost onto its back.

Then pin down the giant scorpion to buy time for the black ghost.

The whole process is almost like dancing on the tip of a knife, and if you don’t pay attention, you will turn Gundam into a lump of iron-wrapped meat.

“Let’s go!”

The Force foresaw the limit of his ability, and he drove the energy angel straight to the bottom of the pit.


The bright white beam pierced the fog and roared head-on, passing the blue-white steel giant.

Shen Zhao did not give the enemy another opportunity to intercept the shot. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The energy angel pulled up at the moment when it was about to hit the giant scorpion, drawing a V route.

At the bottom of the V, the black ghost let go of his hand and jumped down.

“First step successful!”

Seeing the black ghost fall onto the back of the giant scorpion covered with a black bright carapace, he rolled a few times and stood up.

Shen Zhao’s spirit was lifted.

Press the joystick with your other hand on the keyboard while pushing it.

The Noh Angel stops climbing and raises his GN Combined Sword suit to shoot at the giant scorpion.


A beam of GN particles bombarded the plasma war scorpion.


The giant scorpion roared and swung its long tail high behind it, and the end of its tail lit up with an arc of flashing light.


Plasma beams whistle.

After being dodged by Shen Zhao’s manipulation angel, it slammed into the rock wall of the mine, causing a violent explosion.

Seeing that this giant scorpion was trying to attack him instead of hiding directly in the cave, Shen Zhao couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If the other party drills into the cave, then he will be busy in vain.

Harassed by the energy angel dangling in front of him, the emission frequency of the plasma war scorpion tail was further increased.

Almost every five or six seconds, a beam of white light is emitted.

The limited space in the pit severely limited Shen Zhao’s maneuvers.

Flying too fast can easily hit the pit wall, so he must devote more energy to manipulating the energy angel.

Thus reducing the focus on giant scorpion attacks.

If you fly too slowly, it will be difficult to dodge the plasma beam emitted by the giant scorpion.

And in order for the black ghost to stand firmly on the back of the giant scorpion, the laser pointer is used to guide the target for the Dawnhammer.

He can only move within a certain range of the front of the giant scorpion to avoid the monster from moving around.

All kinds of restrictions made Shen Zhao tense and highly focused.

Finally, the black ghost on the giant scorpion’s back gave a signal that the target indication was complete.

Shen Zhao was overjoyed, and immediately reached out and pressed the launch button on the Dawnhammer control terminal next to him.

A few seconds later, there was a strange chime in the sky.

Immediately, an orange-white pillar of light fell with a bang and bombarded straight on the back of the giant scorpion.



The giant scorpion let out a long roar, and the long tail behind it fluttered from side to side, randomly emitting beams of white light.

Give me death!

Shen Zhao manipulated the energy angel to levitate and stay in place, his eyes staring at the picture on the screen.

After thirty seconds, the orange-white beam of light dissipated.

The giant scorpion did not stop moving.

His heart sank.

Without waiting for the Dawnhammer to charge and attack again, the plasma war scorpion roared and quickly crawled towards the cave.

Sure enough, this monster will not give him a second chance to attack.

Shen Zhao pushed the lever and rushed to the giant scorpion, and Nengtian used the GN beam gun to strafe at the giant scorpion.

The giant scorpion paid no attention to it, swinging its long tail and rushing straight over, without even fighting back.

Shen Zhao had to dodge to the side and get out of the way.

Just when he watched the giant scorpion enter the cave, his heart was depressed.

The plasma war scorpion’s huge body, which had mostly entered the cave, suddenly stopped.

After freezing in place for a moment, he fell down with a bang.

The game prompt sounded: “Obtain the king-level mist xenomorph [plasma war scorpion] biological sample, and the exploration progress has increased tremendously.” ”


Shen Zhao still couldn’t believe it.

I thought it failed, who knew that the peak turned around, and the hiding action of that giant scorpion was just returning to the light!

He successfully killed this oversized king-level mist xeno!

Shen Zhao’s mood suddenly climbed from the bottom to the peak, sitting in the cockpit and laughing.

This feeling is as refreshing as when you enjoy Shiyu’s delicate red lips at the door in the morning!

Calming his excitement, Shen Zhao pushed the lever and drove the angel towards the corpse of the giant scorpion.

The plasma war scorpion is dead, but the progress of the hidden mission has not increased, that is, (Li Hao) said that the giant scorpion’s lair is still there.

Even if the hidden task is not destined to be completed, he wants to deal with this hand.

As for where the plasma war scorpion’s nest is, you can guess without using your brain, it must be in that cave.

The huge corpse of the giant scorpion occupies most of the space in the cave, but fortunately the gap left is enough to accommodate the passage of the 18-meter-tall energy angel.

Shen Zhao first examined the corpse and found that the giant scorpion’s back was blasted out by the Dawn Hammer into a large scorched black hole that was transparent up and down.

In the last round of attacks, it was shot through the carapace and its defense was greatly reduced.

Under the second round of precision blows, the entire body was directly shot, and the organs in the body were also scorched.

When he drilled the cave halfway, he exhausted the last trace of life in his whole body and died completely.

After admiring his masterpiece, he piloted the Angel to fly into the cave.

After passing through a 100-meter-long tunnel, you will reach a huge cave.

The surroundings were dark and dark, and five fingers could not be seen.

Shen Zhao turned on the searchlight on the surface of the energy angel’s body, and saw white giant eggs neatly stacked on the ground.

Without mercy, he directly controlled the energy angel to raise the GN beam gun and fired at this giant scorpion egg.

Bang bang!

The giant eggs exploded one after another, and the egg liquid flew around.

After destroying all the giant eggs and cutting off the giant scorpion, the game prompts sounded.

“Destroy the King-level Mist Xenomorph [Plasma War Scorpion] Lair, Hidden Mission [World Defender] Complete progress +1, current progress 1/5.”

“Done, done!”

Shen Zhao happily drove the Gundam and turned around and flew out.

With business done, it’s time to have fun and relax with beautiful girls.

I don’t know what surprises Shi Yu prepared for him.

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