Late at night.

Shen Zhao finished meditating and looked to the side.

The short-haired girl lying on the folding single bed moved.

It seemed that the wound was involved, the girl’s delicate eyebrows frowned slightly, and her beautiful face showed a hint of discomfort.

Shen Zhao put his hand on the girl’s head and released the Force to dissolve her pain.

The short-haired girl’s face became calm and peaceful again.

Immediately after that, the neat and thick eyelashes fluttered and slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes showed a little dazedness.

“Awake? How does it feel? Is there anything particularly uncomfortable? ”

A familiar gentle male voice came from the side.

Megumi Kato turned her head and looked at the man sitting cross-knee beside him, with a look of “sure enough” in her eyes.

“Mr. Shen Zhao.” She opened her thin lips, which were pale due to excessive blood loss, “Did you save me?” ”

Shen Zhao said lightly: “You are lucky, I just went there to hunt monsters, and I brought you back by the way.” ”

The man said it lightly.

The girl who passed out after being caught in the monster’s lair was well aware of the dangers and difficulties.

She said sincerely, “Thank you, Mr. Shen Zhao. ”

“Everyone is friends, of course I can’t see death without saving it.” Shen Zhao said, “But I may not be able to catch up next time, so you don’t want to run around alone in the future.” ”

Megumi Kato asked suspiciously, “What does Mr. Shen Zhao mean?” ”

Shen Zhao moved his big hand from the top of her head down to her neck, and his index finger pointed at the black collar that was put on the girl’s white and thin neck.

Megumi Kato suddenly understood.

She pursed her lips and said softly, “I will listen to your arrangements in the future.” Mr. Shen Zhao, please advise. ”

A smile appeared on Shen Zhao’s face: “Leave everything to me with confidence, Kato.” ”


A subtle sound came from under the blanket.

A faint crimson color appeared on Kato’s white face.

“I’m hungry.”

Shen Zhao opened the space backpack and took out a bag of liquid nutrients, made a straw and fed it to her mouth.

“You have to lie on your stomach and can’t move for the time being, so let’s deal with this first.” When the wound on your back is healed, we will get 680 meals to relieve you. ”

The girl thanked her, and just when she wanted to reach out and take it, she felt a strong tingling pain in her back, and her eyebrows frowned.

“Say don’t move.”

Shen Zhao put his left hand into the blanket and placed the bandage on her back wound, releasing the Force to relieve the pain.

In his right hand, he holds a bag of nutrients and feeds it to the girl.


Megumi Kato obediently opened her small lips and took the straw and sucked gently.

Looking at this scene, Shen Zhao, who had not eaten meat for two days, was a little anxious to move.

But now that Megumi Kato is still seriously injured, of course he will not come here without hesitation.

The Force calmed the agitation in his heart.

After feeding Kato Megumi to eat the liquid food, Shen Zhao said softly: “You need to rest more now, close your eyes and sleep.” ”

The short-haired girl said apologetically, “You took care of me hard, Mr. Shen Zhao.” ”

Shen Zhao touched her shoulder-length black hair and said jokingly: “Then rest well and recover early, so that I don’t have to continue to take care of you.” ”

Megumi Kato nodded seriously, “I’ll work hard.” ”

Pacified by the Force, Megumi Kato quickly fell asleep.

Shen Zhao was still sitting cross-kneeled on the side meditating and cultivating.

The golden-red Mark7 suit guards the door, controlled by the Red Queen and responsible for guarding.

Another peaceful night without monster attacks.

Early the next morning, Shen Zhao opened the system to sign in as usual to receive the award.

“Ding! Successful daily check-in and reward [Commander White]. Please collect it by yourself. ”

Seeing the reward Shen Zhaoyile: “This is the rhythm of sending the leaf troops to the end of the pot.” ”

2B in the first game, A2 in the second game, plus the current commander.

He already owns most of the core members of the Yoyo Force.

Looking at Megumi Kato, who was still asleep, Shen Zhao was not in a hurry to receive the reward.

As the commander of the Yoshita Force, Commander White is a command-type artificial human and has little combat effectiveness.

It doesn’t help much with the situation at hand.

Naturally, there is no need for the other party to disturb him and Megumi Kato’s solitude.

After completing the check-in, Shen Zhao looked at the situation of Xiaolan’s mother and daughter again.

Seeing that they were still safe and sound, they ignored them.

After a while, Megumi Kato woke up.

“Good morning, Kato.”

“Good morning, Mr. Shen Zhao.”

Shen Zhao took out the medical box and put it aside, reached out and lifted the blanket covering the girl.

Megumi Kato did not panic, but just stared at him quietly with a pair of black jade-like eyes.

Shen Zhao explained calmly: “The injury on your back needs to be changed. ”

The short-haired girl also thanked him indifferently: “Trouble Mr. Shen Zhao.” ”

However, her flushed cheeks and ears revealed her inner shyness.

After changing the medicine, Shen Zhao said: “The wound has recovered well, and it should be able to move a small amount tomorrow.” ”

The powerful healing agent produced by Survival Mall is so powerful.

In exchange for real-world medical technology, how can such a serious injury have to lie in the ICU for ten days and a half month, and then transfer to the general ward for one hundred and eighty days to recuperate.

That morning, Shen Zhao did not go out to hunt the green blood beast.

He stayed at his residence to take care of Megumi Kato.

He also didn’t feel like it was a waste of time.

How can such a beautiful thing as accompanying a beautiful girl be called a waste of time, not to mention that during this time, he has also insisted on cultivating to improve his strength.

As for earning points, it’s not a big deal to delay for a day or two.

However, in the afternoon, the considerate Kato Megumi offered to let Shen Zhao do his business, and there was no need to stay here to guard her.

“It may be a bit twilight to say this now, but I really don’t want to drag Mr. Shen Zhao too much.”

“So, please go and continue your fight.”

Under the girl’s exceptionally firm gaze, Shen Zhao had to agree.

He left Mark 7 in his residence and left the Red Queen in charge of controlling the suit to protect Megumi Kato.

Drive the Noh Angel Gundam out to hunt the Green Blood Beast.

The blue-white steel giant took off under the green light particles.

In the cockpit, Shen Zhao quickly decided on the next action plan.

In the past two nights, he had noted down several locations where the Green Blood Beast was more active.

Let’s go to those places first.

Two kilometers away, in a half-collapsed building.

A beautiful girl with a high ponytail stood by the window with only the window frame, and saw a figure rising into the sky with a green light in the distance.

“Ah, the gentleman is out again.”

The girl turned her head and looked at the cold mature woman who was disposing of the garbage left after lunch.

“Mom, let’s go out and hunt the monsters outside. This game is different from the last time, and every monster killed is rewarded with points. ”

The cold and beautiful mature woman continued to pack and seal the garbage, and vetoed the girl’s proposal without raising her head.

“Nope! We don’t have that powerful equipment, and what you say is too dangerous. The encounter the day before yesterday is an example of this. ”

“But is it really safe to hide like this all the time?” The tall ponytail girl argued, “Even if this game is okay, what will the agde do later?” ”

“Without enough points, we can’t exchange for better equipment. In this way, sooner or later, because the improvement of strength cannot keep up with the increase in the difficulty of the game, it will be completely desperate one day. ”

The cold and beautiful mature woman disposed of the garbage on her hands, raised her head, and looked at her daughter and said seriously: “We don’t do nothing, we just try to avoid taking risks.” ”

“I’ve repeated this many times, and I won’t need to discuss it again!”

After saying this sentence in an unassailable tone, she carried the garbage and walked outside.

In order to avoid the smell attracting the monsters roaming in the ruins, they will always take the household waste they produce to a place away from their place to bury it.

The tall ponytail girl stared at her mother’s back sluggishly: “I know, Mom.” ”

Time passed, and the sky darkened a little.

The girl with a high ponytail was lying on her stomach above the window, her hands on her cheeks looking into the distance.

He muttered, “I should be back soon.” ”

As soon as the words fell, a green streamer came into her sight.

As the distance narrowed, she could gradually see the true face of the green streamer.

A blue-white steel giant with green particles of light released behind him.

“It’s so good, how did that gentleman get such powerful equipment? Are they veterans who have experienced more survival games than we do? ”

Witnessing the steel giant landing not far from here, the girl with a high ponytail was full of curiosity.

“By the way, I forgot to ask the name of the gentleman the day before yesterday, and I didn’t introduce myself to him. What a faux pas. ”

“Xiaolan, don’t look at it, come over for dinner.”

Behind him came the mother’s voice. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Here comes Mom!”

The girl with a high ponytail agreed, glanced one last time in the direction where the steel giant landed, and turned to leave through the window.

Where she looked.

Shen Zhao jumped from the edge of the Nengjiang cockpit to the ground and retracted the steel giant into the system space.

Walking to the door, he asked the golden-red armor guarding the door: “Queen Red, nothing happened in the afternoon, right?” ”

The voice of the Red Queen came from the loudspeaker of the Mark7 suit: “Everything is normal, master.” ”

“Very good, continue to be on guard.”

“Obey, master.”

Shen Zhao stepped into the door and went straight into the tent in the middle of the house.

“Kato, I’m back.”

Megumi Kato, who was lying on her stomach facing the curtain, looked up: “Welcome back, Mr. Shen Zhao.” Did the afternoon operation go well? ”

“Everything went well and rewarded.”

Shen Zhao happily answered the girl’s question in eight words.

He was exactly right.

The locations with the most movement in the evening were either entrenched with powerful high-level monsters, or there were a large group of monsters gathered together.

He hit the game this afternoon, and the number in the standings has almost doubled, and he is about to break through the 10,000 mark.

Seeing his excited look, the corners of Megumi Kato’s mouth also curved a little imperceptibly.

“Kato, you smiled!”

Shen Zhao keenly noticed the slight change in the girl’s expression and said in surprise.

Megumi Kato tilted his head: “Mr. Shen Zhao’s words are very strange.” ”

Shen Zhao understood what she meant and explained: “Because Kato you usually have no expression, giving people the impression that they will never cry or laugh. ”

“Mr. Shen Zhao’s words are even more strange.” Megumi Kato looked at him calmly, “I’m a normal person, of course I cry and laugh.” It’s just that I usually don’t encounter anything worth laughing at. ”

“So why is Megumi laughing?” Shen Zhao decisively attacked, “Are you happy for me?” ”

“Mr. Shen Zhao’s words are getting more and more strange.” Megumi Kato looked away, “I just thought of one happy thing, so I smiled.” ”

Hearing this, Shen Zhao laughed: “Is it? ”

The short-haired girl looked down at his feet and did not answer.

Shen Zhao didn’t say more and changed the topic: “How is Hui’s injury?” Feeling better? ”

Megumi Kato replied this time: “It feels itchy. ”

“It shows that the wound is healing.” Shen Zhao instructed, “Remember not to scratch it, no matter how itchy it is, you can’t scratch it.” ”

Megumi Kato said, “I know, Mr. Shen Zhao. ”

“Let’s change your medicine again.” Shen Zhao stepped forward and lifted the blanket on the girl’s body to her waist, “By the way, I will check the detailed recovery of the wound.” ”

Megumi Kato whispered, “Trouble Mr. Shen Zhao.” ”

“No hassle, not to say happy to take care of Megumi. Instead, you should be thankful. ”

The short-haired girl felt the gentle movements of the man and asked nonchalantly, “Glad for what?” ”

Shen Zhao said with a smile: “Fortunately, the injured place is the back and not the chest. ”

Megumi Kato didn’t say anything, and Ying’s earlobes gradually turned pink.

After changing the medicine, Shen Zhao personally fed the girl to eat the evening meal.

The Force was then used to soothe her to sleep.

Sit on the sidelines and meditate.

Nothing happened this night.

The third morning of the third survival game arrived as scheduled.

System, check in!

“Ding! Successful daily check-in will be rewarded [De Angel Gundam]. Please collect it by yourself. ”

Another Gundam!

And it was also the heavy firepower model De Angel Gundam that he had in mind last time when he was the day before yesterday when he was in the group of scaled green blood beasts!

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