After receiving today’s check-in reward, Shen Zhao opened the points leaderboard.

Survival Points Leaderboard (0125)

Top of the list: Shen Zhao, survival points 23590

Second place: D.Va, survival points 15470

Third place: …


10th place: …

He remains firmly at the top of the list.

But the D.Va points figure also startled Shen Zhao.

In just two or three hours yesterday night, this little wildcat earned more than 10,000 points.

The rate of growth left him far behind.

If the beast tide comes a few more rounds, it is not impossible to crush him to regain the top of the standings.

It can only be said that the Angel Gundam is really a clear weapon.

However, Shen Zhao did not regret giving this Gundam to the other party for use.

People are his, what do you care about these for.

He took out the communicator and asked, “Queen Hong, how is the situation outside?” ”

Red Queen, who had been controlling the Mark7 suit to patrol the sky above the villa, replied: “The green blood beast group is still highly active, but no monsters are close to here for the time being. ”

“Got it, keep on guard.”

Shen Zhao turned off the communicator and threw it aside, got up and walked over to pull open D.Va’s sleeping bag.

Flipped the girl who was still sleeping into a kneeling position and pulled off her hip-wrapped shorts.

Although he doesn’t care, but let this little wild cat take such a big advantage, he always has to collect some interest.

D.Va woke up: “What are you doing… Yikes! Not there! ”

Not long after, Jiahui “870” woke up according to the established work and rest law.

Seeing the picture next to her, she quietly did not make a sound.

After Shen Zhao completed a round of morning exercise heartily, he obediently crawled over and buried his head to massage and relax him.

A long time has passed.

Shen Zhao walked out of the tent refreshed.

I saw that the curtain of the tent of the mother and daughter, Concubine Yingli and Mao Lilan, was open, and no one was there.

He walked out of the living room and found the mother and daughter looking out to sea through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the next room.

“Good morning, Lady Yingli, Miss Moriland.”

Hearing the voice, the two turned around.

Concubine Yingli looked at ease.

Mao Lilan’s fair and beautiful face was slightly red, and his eyes were a little evasive and did not dare to look at him.

It seems that the mother and daughter got up and heard movement in their tent.

Concubine Yingli bowed and greeted, “Good morning, Mr. Shen Zhao.” ”

Mao Lilan followed the greeting with a red face, and after getting up, he said: “Mr. Shen Zhao, just call me Xiaolan.” ”

“Then you’re welcome.” Shen Zhao said with a smile, “Hui is getting up and starting to make breakfast immediately.” Do you have anything you’d like to eat? ”

Fei Yingli said: “We can all do it. By the way, Lan, you can also help Miss Kato. By the way, I will talk to Mr. Shen Zhao about something alone. ”

“Yes, Mom.”

Mao Lilan agreed, and said goodbye to Shen Zhao: “Mr. Shen Zhao, I will go and help Miss Kato prepare breakfast first.” ”

Shen Zhao deliberately joked: “Xiaolan, how is your cooking level?” It won’t be dark cuisine, right? ”

“It’s not!” Mao Lilan confidently crossed his hands at his waist, “You’ll know after tasting it in a moment.” ”

Shen Zhao nodded: “Then I look forward to it.” ”

Of course, he knows that Maori Lan’s cooking level is very good, and he is just making excuses to get closer to each other.

Mao Lilan said with a grin: “I promise I won’t let you down!” ”

Seeing that the two were talking happily, Concubine Yingli frowned and interrupted quietly: “Lan, you can go to Miss Kato’s side to help.” ”

Mao Lilan waved his hand: “Then I’ll go.” Mr. Shen Zhao, see you later. ”

Shen Zhao nodded: “See you later.” By the way, Megumi is very easy to get along with, you don’t have to be restrained. ”

Don’t look at the appearance of a confidant big sister.

In fact, according to the setting, Morilan and Megumi Kato are the same age, only sixteen years old, only four months older than the latter.

And the height of the two is the same, both one meter six.

He couldn’t help but think to himself: if he put these two girls on the bed and folded them, he didn’t know if he could align their two mouths up and down.

Be sure to try it another day!

Maori Lan walked out of the room and went to the living room to help make breakfast.

Shen Zhao looked at Concubine Yingli, whose hair was coiled and looked cold and capable.

“What does Ms. Fei Yingli want to talk to me about?”

Concubine Yingli subconsciously reached out to stroke her glasses, and only after her fingers fell off did she remember that she was now wearing contact lenses in order to facilitate her movement.

Lowering her hand, she said with a straight face: “Mr. Shen Zhao saved me and Lan twice in a row, and such a great favor really makes me not know how to repay it.” ”

“So I want to discuss with Mr. Shen Zhao, how do you want me to repay your life-saving grace.”

“Then treat me to a donburi.”

Shen Zhao said lightly.

Concubine Yingli looked at him suspiciously: “What did you say?” ”

“I said just treat me to a meal.” Shen Zhao said casually, “The two times I saved you were all done by hand, and I didn’t expect to be rewarded. ”

“If Lady Fei Yingli must repay, a meal will be fine.”

Concubine Yingli’s face showed hesitation: “This…”

She didn’t believe that things would be that simple, let alone that this man really wanted nothing else.

After a moment of silence, the beautiful mature woman said solemnly: “Mr. Shen Zhao’s character is admirable, but I can’t take the life-saving benefactor so lightly. ”

“In this way, when this game is over, Lan and I will transfer all the survival points we have earned this time to you, which can be regarded as a heart-to-heart conversation.”

“And in the later survival games, we pay you a thousand points for every one game we pass alive. Until the cumulative reaches 10,000 points. ”

“Is this a plan acceptable to you?”

“A thousand per game, a total of ten thousand?” Shen Zhao raised his hand and rubbed his chin, “For Lady Fei Yingli and Xiaolan, this is a heavy burden.” ”

“In this case, do you still have enough points to exchange equipment to face more and more dangerous scenarios?”

Concubine Yingli replied solemnly, “The burden is indeed heavy. But this is a necessary price to pay compared to your life-saving grace. ”

Shen Zhao smiled: “Actually, I also said before, things that are very important to you are not worth mentioning to me at all.” ”

“For example, these two shots came to rescue you.”

“For example, does Miss Fei Yingli know how many points I have earned in this game?”

Concubine Yingli shook her head: “I don’t know.” ”

Shen Zhao said lightly: “The latest data is 23590 points, which is almost the same as my final gain in the last game. ”

“By the way, I ended up with 52,010 points left in the beginner trial. The total number of points actually earned is probably over 60,000. ”

Concubine Yingli’s heart suddenly sank.

She already understood what the other party meant.

Her offer to pay 10,000 points in installments was not worth mentioning in the eyes of the other party.

But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have to pay for the other party’s life-saving grace.

The cold and beautiful mature woman tried her best to remain calm, looked into the man’s eyes and said, “So, what does Mr. Shen Zhao want otherwise?” ”

“Smart!” Shen Zhao smiled and applauded, “It is worthy of being the princess of Didan, the queen of the legal world.” ”

Concubine Yingli’s face turned grim: “Mr. Shen Zhao knows me?” ”

Shen Zhao said: “It’s just a little heard. ”

Concubine Yingli did not dwell on this and asked, “Then what does Mr. Shen Zhao want to get?” ”

Shen Zhao did not answer directly, but talked about something else: “There is a poem that I both like and hate, can you guess which poem it is?” ”

Concubine Yingli was silent.

Shen Zhao didn’t care, and gave the answer with his own care: “Beauty is like a flower across the clouds, this is this poem.” ”

“Beauty is like a flower, delicate and moving. However, separated from the clouds, it is impossible to achieve. ”

“I don’t like the feeling of liking but not getting it. I just want to pluck every flower I see and put it in a vase for me to watch alone. ”

“Right now, I see two beautiful flowers being blown by the wind and rain, and it would be a pity to let them wither and wither.”

“So I want to transplant them into my pots and water them every day. Ms. Fei Yingli, can you help me fulfill this wish? ”

Under the man’s smiling gaze, the plump and sexy delicate body of the cold and beautiful mature woman trembled gently, and the two fists clenched hard 0………

After a while, she took a deep breath, and her clenched fists slowly loosened.

“I… This price is acceptable. But just me once, just me! Can’t pull Lan into it. ”

Shen Zhao thought for a while, and said reluctantly: “I am a reasonable person, and it is not impossible for Ms. Concubine Yingli to bear it alone.” ”

“It’s only four lives once, does Lady Yingli think this is fair?”

Concubine Yingli said expressionlessly, “What do you want? ”

“One life once, what does Lady Yingli think?” Shen Zhao said, “This is quite a favorable condition. ”

Gao Leng beautiful mature woman gritted her teeth: “Yes!” ”

“Good.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shen Zhao stepped forward and stretched out a hand to gently caress the face of this mature beauty, only to feel that her skin was still delicate and smooth like a girl.

Concubine Yingli don’t look away.

“Lady Concubine Yingli, remember to come here tonight and water the flowers with me.”

After speaking, Shen Zhaoshi Shiran turned around and walked out.

Mao Lilan’s shout also happened to come: “Mom, Mr. Shen Zhao, breakfast is ready!” ”

A moment later.

Shen Zhao and four big and small beauties sat around the dining table to enjoy breakfast.

Mao Lilan clapped his hands: “Finally eat real food again, thank you Mr. Shen Zhao.” ”

She and her mother are similar to most other players, and they are simply reluctant to waste precious points on exchanging daily necessities.

Once you enter a survival game, you are living by nibbling on energy bars.

The girl said with envy: “It’s amazing to bring in so many high-grade fresh ingredients!” ”

Shen Zhao said indifferently: “It is already very difficult to survive in the survival game, of course, you can no longer treat yourself badly in terms of living conditions. ”

“That’s because Mr. Shen Zhao is strong and can easily get points.” Mao Lilan sighed, “The survival points that my mother and I get in each game are only enough to exchange for the necessary equipment and materials. ”

The big head is the high-energy battery of the reinforced suit!

100 points per piece, while a battery can only last ten minutes in high-intensity combat.

Even if the reinforcement suit only maintains the minimum energy consumption state, it consumes one battery a day.

After a ten-day survival game, it basically takes ten batteries, which is a thousand points overhead.

If you can’t earn extra points through side quests in the game, it’s not enough to survive for ten days with the rewards of the main quest alone.

Such a dilemma, Shen Zhao, who activated the check-in system on the day he entered the game, naturally could not experience it.

The D.Va who survived two games alone had a look of concern 0.7.

She glanced at Shen Zhao and thought: With this guy here, I shouldn’t have to face that kind of trouble in the future.

Although this man likes to play with her with all kinds of tricks, he is also extremely generous to her.

Powerful equipment like the De Angel Gundam was given to her.

After she obtained more than 10,000 points with De Angel yesterday night, she did not ask her to hand over those points.

It’s also a good choice to follow him. D.Va wrinkled his nose, “Next time, even if those slightly excessive things, let’s play with him once.” ”

It’s that she really doesn’t understand what fun cat tails have.

Shen Zhao knew nothing about D.Va’s mental activities.

He smiled at Mao Lilan and said, “Xiaolan, you and Lady Concubine Yingli will eat with us in the future, and the remuneration will be paid for by cooking.” The food you make tastes really great. ”

“Is that okay? Wouldn’t it be too much trouble for you? ”

Mao Lilan said while looking at his mother.

Concubine Yingli noticed the man’s meaningful eyes, and could only agree: “Then trouble Mr. Shen Zhao.” ”

I already owe two life-saving favors, and it is nothing to eat a few more meals from each other.

What’s more, this is not only as simple as eating together, but also means that the daughter has been sheltered by the other party.

For this, even if she needs to pay some extra “price”, she admits.

Anyway, when she promised to accompany the man to “water the flowers”, she had already lost her innocence.

Once and four times and more times, just a quantitative difference, but no qualitative difference.

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