Shen Zhao and D.Va scouted the distribution of green blood beasts around the crater in the city center.

The intelligence D.Va got from that Human Resistance Task Force proved to be accurate.

The main force of the Green Blood Beast army is not here, but is attacking the last territory of mankind on the front line.

After some reconnaissance, the two found that the surrounding area of the meteorite outside the sky was far less guarded than expected.

D.Va asked eagerly, “Shall we do it now?” ”

Shen Zhao vetoed: “No, go back first!” ”

D.Va immediately understood: “You want Xiaohui and them to do this hidden mission as well?” ”

“That’s right.”

Mixing rewards for this kind of thing is definitely to bring one more is one.

The two drive the Gundam out of the crank and return to the cliffside villa.

When she entered the door, Keisamu Kato heard the movement of the Gundam landing and all came to the living room.

Megumi Kato calmly bowed in greeting: “Shen Jun, sister D.Va, welcome back.” ”

Mao Lilan’s face was full of surprise: “Mr. Shen Zhao, you are back!” ”

Concubine Yingli couldn’t help but ask, “Is everything done?” ”

They stayed in the villa and did not notice anything unusual.

Shen Zhao replied in a relaxed tone: “Not yet.” A new situation arises, let’s get back to work on things first. ”

Megumi Kato said softly, “If you’re not in a hurry, let’s talk about it after lunch.” ”

Shen Zhao smiled and said, “No hurry, let’s have lunch first.” ”

Mao Lilan immediately said: “Xiaohui and I will go to cook, Mr. Shen Zhao, you should rest for a while.” ”

“Zero seventy-three” Shen Zhao smiled and nodded: “You have worked hard.” ”

Mao Lilan looked back at him and smiled: “Mr. Shen Zhao and Miss D.Va are the hardest.” ”

The girl’s flower-like smile made Shen Zhao’s heart move.

After waiting for the two girls to enter the kitchen, they turned around and beckoned to the cold and beautiful mature woman on the side.

“Yingli, come with me.”

After speaking, he walked to the next room.

Mao Lilan hasn’t got her hands on it yet, so let’s take her mother for a while.

Concubine Yingli read the man’s hint, her face changed slightly, and she couldn’t help but glance at D.Va.

She was relieved to find the girl lying on the sofa stretching lazily, seemingly not noticing the man’s intimate address to her.

He said quietly: “Miss D.Va, I’ll go and see what Mr. Shen Zhao is looking for me.” ”

D.Va said absentmindedly, “There you go.” ”

Concubine Yingli walked in the direction the man left.

Looking at her curvaceous back outlined by the tight-fitting reinforced suit, D.Va pouted.

What else could there be, of course.

Of course, she heard Shen Zhao’s name shouted, and immediately guessed what was going on, but just pretended not to pay attention.

The man was clearly still playing with Mao Lilan’s idea.

If she first exposed Concubine Yingli’s situation and ruined the good things of the other party’s mother and daughter, then she would suffer.

This is definitely not something that can be offset by wearing a cat’s tail, cat ears, and a cat bell.

The little wildcat muttered, “Hmph! Sure enough, it’s a big colored wolf! No, it’s a big pervert! ”

Next room.

Shen Zhao felt the strong feeling of enveloping like a black hole, and said approvingly: “Yingli, you have mastered the technique of massage more and more profoundly. ”

“She is worthy of being the queen of the legal world, she works so hard in everything and learns quickly.”

Concubine Yingli, who was squatting in front of him, threw her head back little by little, and when she was completely detached, she took a breath, looked up at him and frowned: “Don’t call me that anymore!” In case Lan hears…”

“Hear what you hear.” Shen Zhao blocked the beautiful mature woman’s cherry little mouth and interrupted her, “I believe Xiaolan, she will understand and bless us.” ”

The corners of his mouth turned up: “I see that Xiaolan also likes me a lot, and will definitely accept me as a new father.” ”

“Hmm… No, no…”

Concubine Yingli swayed her head from side to side and struggled hard.

Shen Zhao caressed her coiled hair and coaxed: “Okay, listen to you, I will definitely pay attention next time.” ”

Only then did the beautiful mature calm down, raised her eyes to look into his eyes and swallowed and said, “Don’t let Lan know, otherwise… That’s the end of our relationship. ”

Shen Zhao assured her with a straight face: “Unless you agree, I will definitely not deliberately expose it to Xiaolan.” ”

Concubine Yingli lowered her eyes and said, “As long as you can do it, I will also satisfy you.” ”

After speaking, he buried his head a little deeper, and kneaded his thighs harder for him.

Shen Zhao quietly enjoyed the careful service of this beautiful mature woman who was cold on the outside and hot inside.

Then he got down to business: “I came back early because I have a good thing to tell you and Xiaolan.” ”

Concubine Yingli did not stop massaging, but only swept his head and eyes to signal that he was listening.

Shen Zhao exhaled a breath and continued, “I and D.Va triggered a hidden mission, and the reward is the key to the world of this copy. ”

“This item allows the holder to open portals to the corresponding world in other game scenes. Do you understand what this means? ”

When Concubine Yingli heard this, she suddenly raised her head and said hurriedly: “Are you saying that with the key to this world, you can escape the survival game behind?” ”

In eagerness, her teeth knocked into Shen Zhao’s head, causing the man to gasp for air.

Concubine Yingli hurriedly opened her red lips to apologize to the man: “I’m sorry, are you okay?” ”

Shen Zhao patted her head: “Pay attention next time, and make such a mistake again, you will be punished for both crimes!” ”

At that time, he will have to pay for his mother’s debt!

The beautiful mature woman pursed her two red lips, swallowed quickly, and said: “I guess… Is there anything wrong? ”

“You guessed exactly.” Shen Zhao said slowly, “I have another world key in my hand, which has already been tested. ”

“This time, I am going to take Xiaolan to do this hidden mission together to see if I can let her get a reward.”

Concubine Yingli was speechless for a while, and after a long while, she slowly said: “How can I repay you this time?” ”

Shen Zhao touched her head: “Let’s talk about the reward, I am not sure whether it can be done now.” ”

“Besides, even if Xiaolan gets the key to the world, Yingli, you don’t think everything will be fine, right?”

Concubine Yingli didn’t care to correct the man’s address to her at this time, and hurriedly asked, “What other problem?” ”

Shen Zhao said lightly: “Using the World Key is to consume survival points. It takes 10,000 points to open the portal, and an additional 1,000 points are consumed for each second after that. ”

“Yingli, can you and Xiaolan get so many points?”

This price even he found unbearable, otherwise he would have sent Meguma Kato to Misty Town to join Shiwa Kasumigaoka and them.

Concubine Yingli was silent.

Since she and her daughter entered the survival game, all the points they have earned have not exceeded four figures.

There is simply no way to pay for using the World Key.

Shen Zhao pressed her head to signal not to stop.

After the beautiful mature woman obediently began to rub his legs and massage him again, she said with a smile: “So Ying Li might as well consider what I just proposed?” ”

“Let me be Xiaolan’s new father, so that I will naturally shelter your mother and daughter.”

Concubine Yingli did not give an answer immediately.

Shen Zhao was also not in a hurry: “Yingli, you think about it slowly.” ”

The two played in the small room for nearly half an hour, when Maori Lan’s shouts were heard outside.

“Mom, Mr. Shen Zhao, it’s time to eat!”

Shen Zhao took the initiative to stop the massage and retreated: “Let’s go, go out to eat first.” ”

The beautiful mature woman subconsciously leaned forward, and only reacted to stop when she heard his voice, and the pale melon seed face was slightly red.

At the table.

Mao Lilan looked at his mother, who was eating absentmindedly, and asked strangely: “Mom, what’s wrong with you?” Is there a problem with the taste of the meal? ”

D.Va looked at Shen Zhao for the first time, wondering if this man was playing too hard.

was glared at by Shen Zhao, hurriedly retracted his eyes, and ate honestly.

Concubine Yingli came back to her senses: “No problem, I’m thinking about something else.” ”

Shen Zhao said with a smile: “Just now, I mentioned something very important to Ms. Concubine Yingli. ”

Concubine Yingli did not refute his words.

Mao Lilan looked at the man curiously: “What happened?” Can you tell me? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shen Zhao shook his head: “Not yet, you have to wait for your mother to think about it clearly, she will decide.” ”

Concubine Yingli interrupted her daughter’s continued questioning: “Lan, don’t ask first, I’ll tell you if you need to.0”

Mao Lilan had to suppress his curiosity and obediently agreed: “Got it, Mom.” ”

Shen Zhao changed the topic: “I can’t talk about this matter for the time being, I’ll talk about another thing first.” ”

“Hui, Xiaolan, you will join me and D.Va in the action later. I’ll see if I can get you guys mixed up with the rewards for hidden missions. ”

Maori Lan was quickly drawn to his attention: “Hidden mission? ”

Shen Zhao repeated the matter of hiding the mission and the key to the world.

Kato Megumi didn’t ask anything, and promised: “Okay, Shen-kun.” ”

Mao Lilan’s eyes widened: “Can you still cheat like this?” ”

Shen Zhao said meaningfully: “Cheating also has a price, but you can let others pay for it.” ”

There are no good years in the survival game, but he, the master of the harem, is carrying the weight for his sisters.

He has already given so much, and wants to walk a dog and make a cat relax.

Reward yourself with another donburi.

Not too much, right?

After eating lunch and resting for a while, Shen Zhao took the women and set off again.

Considering that it may not be possible to protect Zhou Quan if there are too many people, he only brought Megumi Kato and Moriran.

Megumi Kato is his woman and certainly can’t be left behind.

And the reason why Mao Lilan is not a concubine is not only because he wants to take the opportunity to take this girl down.

More importantly, Maori Lan’s fighting power is much stronger than her mother’s, and she can help a little.

And Concubine Yingli also hopes that her daughter will get the key to the world.

Noh angel cockpit.

The hatch closed, and Mao Lilan said embarrassedly: “Mr. Shen Zhao, this time I have to make you bother again.” ”

Shen Zhao said with a smile: “You’re welcome. I like Xiaolan very much, and of course I want to bring you with such an opportunity. ”

“Huh? Mr. Shen Zhao likes me? ”

A blush appeared on the beautiful face of the tall ponytail girl.

Shen Zhao continued to attack: “Of course I like a girl like Xiaolan who is beautiful, gentle, strong and brave, and who also cooks well.” ”

“For us Chinese, a girl like Xiaolan is simply the most perfect wife candidate!”

The blush on the girl’s face deepened: “Mr. Shen Zhao praised too much, I am just a very ordinary neon girl.” Megumi is better than me. ”

She secretly reminded herself in her heart that Mr. Shen Zhao already had a girlfriend.

These words are just polite and cannot be taken for granted.

Shen Zhao said: “Of course Hui is very good, Xiaolan, you are also very good, you two have your own merits.” ”

Mao Lilan blushed and shyly lowered his head to 2.8.

Then D.Va voice came from the communicator: “Lord… Ahem, sir, I’m ready. ”

Red followed and reported, “The suit is ready.” ”

Megumi Kato is in the Mark7 Iron Man suit, which is also specially arranged by Shen Zhao.

The apparent reason was that it was safer in the suit, and the secret reason was that it was convenient for him to attack Maori Land alone.

“Since everything is ready, let’s go!”

Shen Zhao was not in a hurry to take Mao Lilan on the spot.

Push the lever with your hand and press the pedal under your feet, driving the energy angel into the air.

The D.Va Angel and the Red Queen Mark7 suit followed.

The three airframes flew straight in the direction of the crater in the center of the ruins.

Flying all the way at high speed, it soon flew over the extraterrestrial meteorite.

Shen Zhao drove the energy angel to hover in the air: “Hui, Xiaolan, did you receive a prompt to trigger the hidden mission?” ”

Hui replied, “No, Shen Jun. ”

Mao Lilan, who stood next to the seat, gave the same answer: “Neither do I!” ”

Shen Zhao frowned and pushed the lever: “Let’s lower the height a little closer to some meteorites and try again.” ”

“D.Va, you keep a high level of cover for us.”

“D.Va received!”

De Angel stood with a huge cannon in the air without moving.

The golden-red Mark7 armor followed the meteorite that flew to the ground after the Noh Angel.

However, Megumi Kato and Morilan never received a hint at the game.

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