Around the huge crater with a diameter of thousands of meters, tens of thousands of hideous monsters are densely packed together, surrounding this place.

The various green blood beasts that usually kill and fight each other as soon as they meet, all of them are living in harmony at this time, roaring in the direction of the meteorite together.

Qiaoxian –

Amid heavy footsteps, a shiny black robot walked out of a tunnel on the surface of the meteorite.



The green blood beasts could no longer suppress their boiling desire to kill, and roared and pounced.


Twelve dark soldiers formed an arc-shaped battle line with their backs against meteorites, two bright red triangular eyes locked on the target, and the explosive energy ~ gun in their hands fired repeatedly.

Red burst energy beams shot out with a screech, each shot hitting a green blood beast with precision.

Hit by ultra-high energy density high-temperature plasma, the tough skin and strong muscles of the green blood beast that could withstand rifle bullets were instantly ablated into a large hole of charred carbonization.

Wailing and falling to the ground.

The fire network of twelve dark soldiers abruptly contained the charge of thousands of green blood beasts for a while.

Shen Zhao, who came out of the tunnel after him, saw this scene and nodded with satisfaction.

This is the combat power that the advanced military combat robot of the interstellar civilization should have!

However, the number of green blood beasts is still too much, and the tide is constantly surging, and it is difficult to suppress for a long time with the firepower of only twelve blaster guns.

After a brief setback, the beasts quickly approached the meteorite.

This is too late to replace the Gundam.

Shen Zhao, who retrieved the Mark 7 Iron Man suit from Megumi Kato, started the thrusters.

The armored legs and back shot out bright white flames, pushing the golden-red figure into the sky.

Only twelve dark soldiers were left to hold on, blocking the beast tide and preventing it from threatening the three girls who remained in the meteorite.

Although judging from the performance just now, these green blood beasts did not seem to dare to approach the meteorite.

But Shen Zhao would not be stupid enough to pin his woman’s safety on such an uncontrollable thing.

The golden-red figure flew at full speed in the air, and in just a few seconds crossed the mighty tide of beasts on the ground.

Then he landed on the ground.

Shen Zhao directly took off the Mark7 suit and let the red queen control the suit to return to the meteorite to protect the three women.

Then he took out the De Angel Gundam from the system space and sat in the cockpit.

In just a few days, the cockpit of De Angel has been decorated with a cute pink style by D.Va, and there is a faint fragrance lingering.

Shen Zhao didn’t have the time to pay attention to these details, and quickly started the body.

When the concentration of GN subns on the screen reaches the standard, push the joystick in his hand and drive the angel into the air.

“Virtues, strike!”

The black-gray steel giant in heavy armor flew in the direction of the crater, and a large green light particle was scattered behind it.

Outside the meteorite, twelve dark soldiers and the green blood beasts fiercely killed together.

After paying the price of more than a hundred deaths and injuries, the beasts rushed to the defense line formed by dark soldiers.


A green-blooded beast jumped high, swung its claws and pounced on a dark soldier.

The dark soldier who was shooting with a gun sensed the approaching enemy and raised his left hand holding the blaster gun and punched out.


The steel heavy fist slammed into the head of the pounced green blood beast, shattering its skull in an instant.

The green blood beast flew out backwards with a wail, fell to the ground, and its limbs twitched, and after a few seconds, it completely disappeared.

The same scene happened all over the battlefield.

These dark soldiers who can hammer the alloy blast doors on the starship with their fists, and their melee combat ability is not weak at all.

After being touched in the face by the group of green blood beasts, the dark soldiers either opened fire with one gun in one hand and freed up the other hand to fight.

Or simply give up the blaster gun and fight monsters hand-to-hand with your bare hands.

They don’t have bells and whistles, they simply smash with their fists.

However, with the blessing of great strength, these dark soldiers are powerful with every punch.

The green-blooded beasts whose physique strength far exceeded those of the fierce beasts on the earth were as fragile as babies in the face of their fierce punches.

If you hit it, you will die, and if you rub it, you will hurt.

Twelve dark soldiers stood firm as a rock under the impact of the raging beast tide, standing still.

A wall of corpses was gradually erected in front of the defense line.

It’s just that the difference in numbers between the two sides is too huge after all.

Under the continuous siege of the green blood beasts that kept rushing up, the thin defense line of the dark soldiers gradually became shaky.

Right at this moment.


A thick pillar of light descended from the sky and fell into the dense group of beasts in front of the dark soldier’s defense line, and then slowly moved laterally.

A large area of green blood beasts was flooded by a beam of light composed of highly compressed GN particles, turning into coke.

When the pillar of light dissipated, a deep ravine appeared on the ground, and the inner surface of the smoking blue smoke shone brightly in the sunlight.

Shen Zhaoduan sat in the cockpit of the De Angel, while firing with full fire to clean up the green blood beasts that poured into the crater.

While turning on the communicator, he ordered: “Queen Red, bring D.Va here.” ”

“Yes, master!”

Not long after the crisp voice of the Red Queen fell, a golden-red figure flew out of the meteorite tunnel and hovered next to the cockpit in the belly of the De Angel.

Shen Zhao opened the cockpit cover.

The Mark 7 suit fell into the cockpit.

The sturdy armor made of gold titanium alloy opened and released the delicate girl inside.

“Sir, D.Va report to you!”

D.Va raised his hand and saluted.

Shen Zhao got up and left the driver’s seat: “Come and take over the De Angel and carry out fire cover.” ”

“D.Va received! Mission accomplished! ”

D.Va replaced him in the chair, holding the joystick in both hands and taking over the control of De Angel.

Shen Zhao put on the Mark7 suit and flew away from the De Angel cockpit platform, hanging in the air and looking down at the extraterrestrial meteorite below.

In addition to these green blood beasts, and the invisible protective stance around the dark green eight-sided crystal pillar in the center of the meteorite.

Is there really no other means for the existence of that self-proclaimed “manager”?

He was deeply skeptical of that.

But regardless of whether the other party has any hidden means that have not been used.

Send the two girls away first.

Shen Zhao swooped down and landed on the clearing cleared by the dark soldiers, and took out the energy angel to activate.

The Red Queen controls the Mark 7 suit to fly back into the meteorite tunnel.

Soon holding Maori Lan, he flew out under the front and rear escort of four dark soldiers and landed on the cockpit platform.

“Shen Jun.”

The golden mask turned on, and Megumi Kato looked as calm as ever.

Mao Lilan asked with concern, “Mr. Shen Zhao! How’s it going? ”

“It’s going well.” Shen Zhao quickly made arrangements, “Just like when I came, Hui stayed in the battle suit, and Xiaolan stayed by my side.” We’ll go back now. ”

There is limited space in the cockpit of Noh Angel, and squeezing two more people is not conducive to his ability to use his hands and feet in fierce battles.

As for the De Angel, at the level of D.Va, it is better not to stuff someone into her cockpit to interfere with her well.

Anyway, the protection of the Mark7 Iron Man suit is guaranteed enough.

The mask fell, and the golden-red figure flew out of the cockpit of the Noh Angel.

The red-painted armored hatch closed immediately after.

Shen Zhao pushed the joystick and piloted the energy angel to fly into the air to meet the De angel piloted by D.Va.

One by one, the dark soldiers who were blocking the green blood beast group also activated the rocket thrusters on the soles of their feet to keep up.

He maintains a high level of vigilance, the Force foresees the limits of its use, and the Firebird system of the Energy Angel is ready to activate.

However, until he flew next to the De Angel, there was still no attack from the meteorite. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shen Zhao said decisively: “Let’s go!” ”

Three machines, surrounded by sixteen dark soldiers, flew towards the distance at high speed.

The group of green-blooded beasts on the ground raised their heads and roared angrily.

One part remained around the meteorite, and the other part chased in the direction the enemy left.

It was also expected that there would be monsters to catch up.

Therefore, he did not fly directly to the sea, but first led the team to the edge of the ruins of the city in the opposite direction.

After going around in a big circle to confirm that he had thrown off the beasts, he returned to the cliffside villa.

Two Gundam landed in front of the villa one after another.

Concubine Yingli, who found this team from afar, came out in advance and waited at the door.

Seeing Mao Lilan jumping down from the Nengjian cockpit after Shen Zhao, he immediately hurried up to meet him.


Ask for flowers 0

Maori Lan trotted over to join his mother.

“Lan, welcome back.” The beautiful mature woman grabbed her daughter’s hand and carefully looked it up and down, confirming that there were no traces of injury on the other party’s body before letting go of her heart.

Then looked behind Mao Lilan suspiciously, put away Shen Zhao, who could change into a Mark 7 suit: “What is Mr. Shen Zhao doing?” ”

Mao Lilan’s face showed a strong look of concern: “Mr. Shen Zhao said that he would go back and completely solve the enemy. ”

As soon as the words fell, the Mark7 suit shot white light from both hands and feet.

Reversed direction and flew towards the center of the ruins of the city again.

De Angel stopped at the door of the villa, and the D.Va in the cockpit looked at the golden-red figure on the screen in the distance.

The mouth was broken: “What, actually treat me as a burden, I am obviously the best in the audience!” ”

Saying that, she opened the points leaderboard, but found that the top position was taken back by the man, and the number of points was far away from her.

Immediately deflated: “Lost to that man again!” It’s boring! ”

The other side.

Shen Zhao wore a Mark 7 suit and galloped through the air, and returned to the sky above the crater in an instant.

Before the green-blooded beasts surrounding the meteorite could react, the golden-red figures quickly swept over their heads and rushed into the tunnel on the meteorite.

Just like not long ago, Shen Zhao arrived at the stone hall without any hindrance.

“Human, you’re back. Why? ”

The light in the dark green eight-sided crystal pillar flashed, and the manager’s undulating voice echoed in the hall.

Shen Zhao took off his battle suit and put it into the system space, and then took out the fat transmitter and carried it on his shoulder and aimed it at the crystal pillar: “Of course, to solve you!” ”

He wants to use this world as a refuge for the women in the harem, and naturally he can’t leave such a big hidden danger.

Leave other places alone, at least the “source of green blood” in the city must be solved.

“It seems that you are not dead yet.” The manager said, “This is the new way you came up with it?” Nuclear weapon? ”

“It’s useless, your use of nuclear power is still too crude, such a weapon can’t hurt my body.”

Shen Zhao pulled the trigger without hesitation: “I know if I have tried it or not!” ”


A dazzling little sun blooms in the stone hall.

Shen Zhao was stunned.

The little sun did not expand as dramatically as before, turning into a huge fireball that swallowed everything in this hall.

Instead, it was imprisoned by an invisible force, suspended in front of the crystal pillar like a real little sun.

The manager said in a flat tone: “As I said, this crude nuclear weapon is not effective against me. ”

Shen Zhao’s brows tightened.

Miniature nuclear bombs are useless, and he can’t hold any other, more powerful weapons in his hands.

While his mind was racing to think of new countermeasures, he casually said, “Why don’t you fight back?” ”

The manager said: “As I said, the source of green blood is a planetary ecological modification device. Only the necessary self-defense measures were laid out on it, and weapons modules were not carried on board. ”

“So you simply can’t attack me directly?” Shen Zhao’s face was strange, “In this case, if someone breaks into here, won’t you, the administrator, be unable to do nothing?” ”

The administrator replied, “When necessary, I will summon the Green Blood Beast to come in and expel the invaders.” ”

“You don’t think it’s necessary now?”

“You are not a threat and have not done anything that rejects me. So yes, there is no need. ”

“Not a threat?” Shen Zhao smiled coldly, “You can say this sentence later.” ”

He took out the check-in reward he just got this morning from the system space, the small universal production black box.

“What is it?”

For the first time, the manager’s tone was filled with doubt.

“There shouldn’t be a technological creation on this planet that I can’t resolve.”

Shen Zhao stretched out his hand to operate on the black box control interface, and said in his mouth: “Now there is.” ”

He pressed the [Decompose] option and aimed the small square detached from the black box body at the crystal pillar inserted in the dome.

[Target selected, is it decomposed?] 】


Can’t destroy? Then break you down one!.

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