
The Green Crystal Supergiant roared like rolling thunder in the night sky.

In front of the cliffside villa, two eighteen-meter-tall steel giants slowly floated up and broke away from the ground in countless green light particles.

In the cockpit, Shen Zhao, who was sitting between Megumi Kato and Commander White, pushed the joystick: “Let’s go.” ”

The angel accelerates into the air.

“Here it comes!”

D.Va drove the De Angel and hurried to follow.

Thirty-two dark soldiers also activated their rocket thrusters and flew away around the two Gundams.

It seems to be far enough away not to trigger the Green Crystal Supergiant’s alert mechanism.

The whole team left without a hitch.

Less than two minutes later, Shen Zhao led the team to land at the site he had just chosen on the edge of the ruins of the city.

He took out the tent from the space backpack and set it up, allowing the women to go inside and rest.

Then he instructed Commander D.Va and White: “Stay vigilant and evacuate immediately if there is an irresistible danger.” ”

“I’ll test the monster with an angel again.”

The blonde big-breasted beauty saluted: “Obey, commander.” ”

D.Va took the initiative to ask, “I’ll go with you, and use the De Angel to cover for you.” ”

“Not yet.” Shen Zhao vetoed her proposal, “I haven’t figured out the reality of that monster yet, so there’s no need to play all the cards at once.” ”

“Stay here and wait for me to return, and when the war officially starts, there will be a chance for you to attack.”

D.Va obediently obedient: “Okay. ”

Shen Zhao pinched the delicate face of the little wild cat: “Protect the others, and when the matter is over, the master will reward you well.” ”

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the Angel of Neng.

D.Va pouted towards his back: “What reward, it’s not to play with people in different tricks!” ”

The blue-white steel giant rose 16 into the air again and went straight to the beach, turning into a green streamer in the night.

Sure enough, it was the same as Shen Zhao had guessed before.

The Energy Angel Gundam, which is much larger and more conspicuous than the Mark7 Iron Man suit, was discovered by the Green Crystal Supergiant at a greater distance.

Eight dark green crystal-carved eyeballs looked over in unison.

Immediately after, beams of green light cut through the night sky.

Shen Zhao manipulated the energy angel to dodge flexibly, and quickly noticed a change.

This time, the Green Crystal Supergiant’s reaction became slightly sluggish than before.

It took longer to lock before firing the high-energy beam, and the shooting accuracy was reduced.

Therefore, although the eighteen-meter-tall Angel is larger than the two-meter-tall Mark7 suit, the target is larger.

His ability to dodge attacks didn’t improve much.

This discovery lifted his spirits.

“It seems that GN particles can interfere with this monster’s radar sensing ability!”

It’s good if there are shortcomings.

Shen Zhao pushed the joystick and drove the energy angel straight towards the green crystal supergiant who had already stepped on the coast.

The Green Crystal Supergiant’s facial eyeballs flickered, and eight green high-energy beams screamed towards him.

He maneuvers and evades the body while typing commands on the operating keyboard.

The Angel then raised his GN Combined Gun and Sword to counterattack the enemy.

For a while, a green beam flew back and forth between the two giants.

As the distance between the two approached, the Green Crystal Supergiant’s shooting became more accurate and sharp.

Several times he almost hit the Noh Angel.

Shen Zhao had to give up continuing to charge at the other party and retreat to open the distance.

“If you have another teammate to help attract firepower, you should be able to rush up and ride in the face.”

The problem is that breaking through the interception and rushing in front of this green crystal supergiant is only the first step.

The more crucial question is whether he can break the opponent’s defensive position.

If you can’t break the defense, it’s useless to rush up.

Shen Zhao was a little hesitant: “Do you want to try it with the Dawn Hammer?” ”

The Dawnhammer launches beams of high-energy particles directly from orbit into orbit for vertical strikes, and the Green Crystal Supergiant cannot intercept it and can only resist hard.

But Shen Zhao wasn’t sure if the attack of this space-based particle cannon would work.

In case the Hammer of Dawn can’t break the enemy’s turtle shell, and he can’t find a way to kill the Green Crystal Supergiant before the game is over.

In that short period of time, he will not be able to gain a foothold in the Green Blood Wasteland World.

This Hammer of Dawn military satellite will also be idle for nothing, I don’t know how long.

Because the portal opened by the World Key is connected to the holder’s initial arrival location in the corresponding replica world by default.

In other words, when Shen Zhaohe D.Va use the World Key to return to the Green Blood Wasteland, he will inevitably be teleported to this ruin.

Therefore, if he cannot solve the major threat of the Green Crystal Supergiant, he will not be able to gain a foothold in this world.

Driving the energy angel around the green crystal supergiant for a while, he never found a flaw.

After thinking twice, Shen Zhao decided to withdraw first.

“Let’s see what the next check-in reward is.”

Perhaps the check-in bonus on the last day of this survival game will bring a turnaround.

Thinking of this, he manipulated the energy angel to turn around and walk away from the green crystal supergiant at full speed.

The Green Crystal Supergiant did not pursue, and stopped shooting after the green streamer flew out of the warning range and continued to move forward.

A minute later, the blue-white steel giant landed in the ruins.

D.Va, who was sitting in the cockpit of De Angel, couldn’t wait to ask the result: “Master, have you leveled that monster?” ”

Shen Zhao released the lever and got up from the driver’s seat: “How can it be so simple.” ”

D.Va chuckled, “It must be because of the lack of my heavy fire support!” ”

Shen Zhao didn’t bother to pay attention to this swollen little wild cat.

When the matter is over, take the to tweak together.

He calmed Megumi Kato and Morilan and told them to rest in the tent.

Then, ignoring the cold and beautiful mature concubine Yingli, who was coldly eyebrowed, he jumped to the top of the remains of a building that had not collapsed with only half of the frame structure left.

Lie down on a piece of rusty reinforced concrete and look at the night sky.

The beautiful and sexy Commander White quietly followed.

Shen Zhao rested his head on his arm, did not speak, but spread his legs a little.

The blonde big-breasted beauty crawled in front of him willingly, burying her head and carefully and thoughtfully rubbing his legs.

Shen Zhao narrowed his eyes and quietly waited for a new day in wonderful enjoyment.

Time passed, and the system finally swiped out a new check-in opportunity.

Shen Zhao checked in as soon as possible.

“Ding! Daily check-in success and reward [Tony Stark Brain Backup (Incomplete)]. Please collect it by yourself. ”

“Tony Stark’s brain backup?”

Shen Zhao knew what this thing was.

In the comic book plot of the Marvel series, Iron Man Tony Stark once made data backups of his brain or consciousness.

Replace the Buddha-figure in the duties of Iron Man during his blackening or disappearance.

The check-in reward given by the system this time is obviously something similar.

But what is the remark of the word “incomplete” later?

He opens the system introduction to view.

Tony Stark Brain Backup (Incomplete): An aggregator of information containing all of Tony Stark’s knowledge and logical thinking ability, missing Tony Stark’s thoughts, personality, memories and emotions.

It turns out that what is mutilated is Iron Man’s thoughts, personality, memories and emotions!

In fact, Tony Stark’s ideological personality is the core element of his Iron Man.

But Shen Zhao just doesn’t need this part of the element.

Only Iron Man’s knowledge and logical thinking ability are required.

It can be said that this incompleteness is exactly what he wants. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be equivalent to him being taken away by Tony Stark?

Shen Zhao patted the fat butt, a blonde big-breasted beauty riding on him and twisting his waist: “Go down first.” ”

Commander White obediently lifted his hips and slid down, burying his head in his hands and holding his huge thighs to massage and relax his thighs.

system, receive [Tony Stark Brain Backup].

Shen Zhao received the reward.

Immediately, I felt a similar experience to when I first received the inheritance of the Force.

A vast ocean of knowledge and information was rudely instilled in his brain.

Mechanics, electronics, energy, information…

From time to time, bubbles formed by fragments of knowledge in various fields emerge from this sea of nothingness, and quickly burst and disappear when he wants to touch deeply.


After everything was over and he regained consciousness, Shen Zhao exhaled a long breath of relief.

The knowledge of Iron Man Tony Stark, known as the “man cursed by knowledge”, is really not something that ordinary people’s brains can carry.

Fortunately, he has the experience of receiving the inheritance of the Force, and has been working hard to practice the Force, and his brain has been continuously strengthened and improved.

He was able to successfully absorb Tony Stark’s brain backup.

Of course, it’s the same as the Force legacy.

Tony Stark’s knowledge also needs to be understood and digested by him before he can use it freely.

Now he just has an electronic library in his head that he can access when he encounters problems.

However, it is impossible to fully integrate and use this knowledge for R&D and innovation, such as customizing various types of Iron Man suits and other equipment according to actual needs like Tony Stark.

The good news is that the design materials for the full range of Iron Man suits from the Mark 1 to the Mark 85 are all in this broken brain backup.

With the small universal production black box, he only needs to save all the materials to produce it all.

In addition, Tony Stark’s logical thinking ability can help immediately.

Shen Zhao stroked the top of the head of the blonde big-breasted beauty who was working hard to penetrate, and recalled the two temptations.

The mind is running at high speed, and its abilities and weaknesses are calculated according to the analysis of the actual combat performance of the Green Crystal Supergiant.

Combine the resources available to you to devise a response.

After a while, his eyes flashed.

“The Hammer of Dawn plus the maximum firepower output in the Three Red Mode of the Angel and the miniature nuclear bomb are enough to shake the enemy’s defensive position!”

“Then the angel will complete the final blow!”

“Even if you can’t kill the enemy, you can further obtain more information and refine the plan for the next battle.” 820

Shen Zhao completely relaxed.

Then he pushed Commander White to his feet, jumped to the ground, and quickly gave orders.

“D.Va, attack with me.”

“White, I will take twenty dark soldiers to participate in the battle, and you will stay here to command the rest of the troops to protect the others.”

“Red Queen, the Dark Soldier troops participating in the battle are under your overall command.”

The energetic response of the little wildcat came: “D.Va received!” I’ve been waiting for a long time! ”

After making arrangements, Shen Zhao said goodbye to the two girls Kato Megumi and Mao Lilan.

Immediately drove the power angel to lead the army back to the coastline.

On the way, he sent data on the known abilities of the Green Crystal Supergiant to D.Va and Queen Red.

“D.Va, in a moment you are now at high altitude outside the enemy’s range. When I received my orders, I activated the Firebird system and used maximum firepower to break through enemy defenses with the Dawn Hammer. ”

“Red Queen, your mission is to control the Mark7 suit to guide targets for the Dawnhammer, as well as direct the dark soldiers to harass and distract the enemy.”

One person and one AI at the same time express understanding.

The team approached the goal.

The Green Crystal Supergiant had now crossed the coast into the ruins of the city, looking in the direction of the crater.

System, with [Hammer of Dawn Military Satellite]!

Thousands of kilometers overhead, an armed satellite appeared out of thin air.

Shen Zhao pushed the lever forward hard: “The battle begins!” ”

The Noh Angel swooped down towards the Green Crystal Supergiant diagonally below.

Twenty dark soldiers followed, and rushed headlong to the ground.

From a distance, it looks like a meteor shower is falling.

The Green Crystal Supergiant immediately reacted, raising his head and aiming his eight eyeballs at the team.

Eight green rays of light shot out, extinguished for a few seconds, and then fired again.

Round after round of continuous shooting.

The meteor shower scattered, and the heavenly goddess flew towards the green crystal supergiant like a flower.

The Dark Soldier is far less mobile than the Angel of Energy.

Fortunately, Shen Zhao relied on Iron Man’s strong logical thinking ability to calculate the enemy’s attack mode in advance.

The Red Queen took advantage of this to perform micro-manipulations on twenty dark soldiers, and dodged the attacks again and again without risk.

But this state of affairs cannot last long.

“D.Va, activate the Firebird system!”

“Red Queen, guide the Hammer of Dawn!”

Shen Zhao decisively gave the final attack order.

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