Finish breakfast.

Shen Zhao was not in a hurry to go out and search the skeleton beast’s lair to do side quests.

Instead, he stayed in the village first to instruct Mao Lilan to cultivate the Navy Six Style that he had just obtained.

Although he does not know the Navy Six.

But with the keen perception brought by the Force, it is still possible to correct some details for Maoriland.

In the blink of an eye, the morning passed.


Shen Zhao was having lunch with Concubine Yingli and Mao Lilan’s mother and daughter.

The red queen suddenly reported: “Master, there are people snooping outside the village. ”

Shen Zhao’s expression moved, and he asked, “How many people?” Is it a player or a native of this world? ”

The Red Queen replied: “Only one snooper has been found so far, and it is impossible to determine his identity for the time being.” ”

Shen Zhao put down the bowl and chopsticks and said to the mother and daughter: “You stay in the house, I’ll go out and take a look.” ”

After saying that, he got up and left the table, put on the Mark 7 Iron Man suit and walked out the door.

Going out, under the guidance of the Red Queen, he immediately spotted snoopers outside the village.

The other party was lying on the snow at the edge of the forest line, wearing a white cloak and a white mask on his face, and holding a pair of binoculars to observe the scene in the village.

As if noticing the movement on his side, the snooper pointed the camouflaged cloth-covered telescope at him.

After looking at it for less than two seconds, he suddenly put down his binoculars and turned around and quickly ran towards the depths of the dense forest.

Apparently aware that he has been exposed.

Of course, Shen Zhao would not let the other party run away.

The starting thruster soared into the sky, drawing a parabola and falling into the dense forest.


Snow splashed, and golden figures blocked the snoopers in white cloaks.

The two hands were raised, and the muzzles of the palms glowing with white light were aimed at each other.

The cloaked man turned sharply to the left and continued to run.

A beam of 20 white light shot out, blasted the cloaked man out and fell into the snowdrift.

“Stop, or the next shot will smash your head.”

A cold voice came out of the loudspeaker.

The cloaked man, who had just gotten up from the ground and was about to continue to escape, froze in place.

And looking at the other party’s performance, Shen Zhao also basically confirmed the identity of this snooper.

Although he deliberately weakened the power of the arc pulse cannon just now, it was enough for ordinary people to lie on the ground for ten minutes after it was hit.

This cloaked man is like a nobody, most likely a player wearing an enhanced suit.

He commanded, “Turn around and take off your cloak and mask.” ”

The cloaked man did not do so, and said in a hoarse, low voice: “I have no malice. Just yesterday afternoon I saw smoke rising here and came to see what was going on. ”

Shen Zhao raised his eyebrows.

When he saw the column of smoke caused by the burning of corpses yesterday, he wondered if any players would be attracted to it.

Unexpectedly, he really expected it.

He asked, “Players? ”

The cloaked man admitted, “That’s right. ”

After a pause, he continued: “I don’t want to fight you, let me leave.” ”

“It seems that you are very confident in your strength.” Shen Zhao said lightly, “Coincidentally, so do I.” ”

“In that case, I can only apologize.”

At the same time as the words came out, the figure of the cloaked man turned into an afterimage and rushed out, sweeping in front of Shen Zhao in an instant.

I don’t know when there was an extra thin sword in his hand, and his wrist flicked, and the sharp tip of the sword was like a white snake spitting letters, piercing the shiny eyes on the golden mask.

The cloaked man’s movements were as fast as lightning, but it was a pity that Shen Zhao was even faster than him.

Buzz –

A red horse flew in the hum.

The rapier in the cloaked man’s hand silently broke in two from the middle, and the fracture was burned red and shiny.

The next moment, the red horse brushed against his body, cutting off the ties of the cloak and mask.

Her long chestnut hair spread out, and her cloak slipped down the snow, revealing a graceful body wrapped in black tights.


Shen Zhao held a sword flower in his hand and looked at the snooper in front of him who showed his true face.

This is a girl with amazing beauty, snow-white skin and picturesque eyebrows, and a resolute and unyielding expression full of heroism.

Most importantly, the appearance of this girl made him faintly feel familiar.

This means that the other party is most likely also some anime goddess.

The chestnut-haired girl looked down at the broken rapier in her hand, and then looked up at the red-bladed lightsaber in Shen Zhao’s hand.


The golden mask opened, revealing Shen Zhao’s face.

“I’m sorry for ruining your weapon, you should have done as I said earlier.”

The chestnut-haired girl did not respond, threw away the broken sword in her hand, and took out a new rapier to take out a fighting stance.

Shen Zhao pouted, raised his left hand and snapped his fingers.


An Edman alloy blade shot out and hit the girl’s forehead before she could react.

“Can you listen to me now?”

The chestnut-haired girl pursed her pink and small lips, and said with an indifferent expression: “What do you want to say?” ”

The sound is crisp and pleasant.

“Let’s start by introducing ourselves.” Shen Zhao asked, “I am Shen Zhao, what is your name?” ”

The chestnut-haired girl said calmly, “Asuna.” ”

Shen Zhao was abrupt.

It turned out to be the famous Benzina!

Looking at the appearance of the other party, it is very similar to the paranoid madness state in the original plot when he was just trapped in SAO, and he was bent on attacking the game and didn’t care about anything else.

After a slight groan, he closed his lightsaber and withdrew his flying blade, then broke away from his suit.

Stepping in front of the girl, he stretched out his right hand and said, “Miss Asuna, I appreciate your strength. Interested in teaming up in this game and doing side quests together? ”

Asuna’s brown eyes glanced at him, lowered her eyes and refused, “I’m not interested.” ”

“Regrettable answer.” Shen Zhao said slowly, “I don’t like to be difficult for strongmen, so Miss Asuna is not willing to team up with me, and I don’t force it.” ”

“But I have another proposal, Miss Asuna might as well consider it.”

The chestnut-haired girl watched him quietly, waiting for the next text.

Shen Zhao said: “I have a clue to a skeleton beast’s lair, and I am lacking a teammate with enough strength to assist me in investigating. ”

“Miss Asuna will accompany me, and the matter you just spied outside my camp will be over.” How is it? ”

“I’m not snooping on your camp.” Asuna emphasized first, then said, “I can assist you this time.” ”


Shen Zhao showed a satisfied smile.

Turning his head in the direction of the Mark7 suit, he ordered: “Queen Red, inform Yingli and Xiaolan, I will go back in the evening.” ”

The Red Queen replied, “Yes, master!” ”

“Miss Asuna, come with me.”

Shen Zhao did not put back on his battle suit and walked on foot in the direction of the footprints of the group of monsters that attacked the village.

Asuna glanced at the golden-red armor and followed the man not far behind the man with a rapier in hand.

After walking out for a while, Shen Zhao stopped, turned around and shouted to the chestnut-haired girl who followed the stop: “Miss Asuna, follow up, let me introduce the general situation to you.” ”

This reason was very high-sounding, and the chestnut-haired girl had to take a few steps forward to walk side by side with the man.

Without squinting, Shen Zhao told the girl what he saw when he entered the village yesterday.

Hear that all the inhabitants of the entire village, even a few years old, have been slaughtered by monsters. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Asuna’s eyes burst with incomparable anger, and her right hand clenched the hilt of her sword.

The two soon discovered the traces left by a large group of monsters, and claw marks were everywhere on the trunk.

Asuna immediately picked up speed and ran forward along the path the monster had left.

Shen Zhao followed closely.

Following the trail through the dense forest, they came to the edge of a cliff after more than half an hour.

Asuna took out her binoculars and looked at a snowy mountain a few kilometers away for a while, and said: “There is a cave at the foot of that mountain, which is likely to be a monster’s lair. ”

Shen Zhao took out the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft: “I’ll verify it.” ”

Directing the bombing directly with the laser pointer is certainly a hassle-free.

However, in the unlikely event that it was not a target, he suspected that the next time he used the guidance signal sent by the same indicator, it might be difficult to summon the bombardment support.

It’s his gut feeling, but it’s also logical.

Several unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flew towards the snowy mountains.

Shen Zhao took the tablet and said to the chestnut-haired girl who was standing by him at a distance: “Come and watch together, and understand what our enemy looks like.” ”

Asuna hesitated slightly, spread her legs and walked half a meter diagonally behind him.

Shen Zhao didn’t say anything more, looking at the picture captured by the drone on the screen.

It didn’t take long for several unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to fly to the foot of the mountain.

I first searched around the cave and found that the rock was also covered with dense claw marks.

“It seems that we have indeed found our goal.” Shen Zhao said as he controlled the drone and flew towards the cave, “But let’s confirm it.” ”

The interior of the cave was dark, and he switched the drone lens to infrared thermal imaging mode.

I saw a large number of honeycomb tunnels densely covered with the rock walls inside the cave.

Shen Zhao did not let the drone go further.

Most of the drones were recalled, leaving only one in the cave.

In Asuna’s puzzled eyes, he pressed the attack button on the operation interface.

A small-caliber barrel sticks out from under the drone and is casually aimed at a tunnel and suddenly fired.

It wasn’t long before a furious roar came from deep inside the tunnel.

Large groups of creatures poured out of the various tunnels.

The temperature of their body surface differs little from the environment, and infrared thermal imaging produces blurry and dim images, making it difficult to discern the appearance of these creatures.

Shen Zhao pressed another button.

The tip of the drone ejected one flare-after after another, and at the same time switched back to the optical imaging mode.

Now the two finally saw the full picture of the monster.

These monsters have bloated torsos and thin limbs, and their backs are covered with a gray-white bony shell.

The lizard-like head is also covered with a bony shell like its body, as if wearing a skeleton mask.

At the ends of the limbs are three long claws that can be flexed, and the large mouth of the blood basin is covered with barb-like fangs. 957

Just by looking at the appearance, you can tell that it is the “Skull Beast” mentioned in the side quest!

A large group of skeleton beasts suddenly jumped up, and the picture on the screen went black.

Shen Zhao put down the tablet and took out the laser pointer: “Target confirmation, you can call bombing.” ”

Point the laser pointer at the cave and press the lock button, and a small screen lights up with the words “Calling, no response”.

He sighed: “I hope it won’t make us wait too long.” ”

Asuna did not speak, clenching her rapier and looking around warily.

It turns out that the enemy always comes faster than friendly forces.

The bombardment called by the laser pointer did not respond, and a large group of skeleton beasts poured out of the cave first.

After exiting the cave, they divided into more than a dozen small teams and ran in different directions, one of which rushed straight towards the cliff where the two were located.

Shen Zhao thought for a while, turned his head to the chestnut-haired girl and said, “You are looking at the indicator here, I’ll try the color of these monsters.” ”

After saying that, he put on the Mark7 suit that was controlled by the red and landed in front of him, and flew towards the attacking skeleton beast.

Asuna hurriedly raised her binoculars.

I saw that the golden-red figure flew out several kilometers away in just a dozen seconds, and a dive landed in front of the group of skeleton beasts.

The left hand raised and shot out a beam of light to blast away the skeleton beast that first pounced.

Then, holding a blood-red lightsaber in his right hand, he engaged in melee combat with the skeleton beast behind him.

In the flashes of red light, she couldn’t see the other party’s movements at all, and only saw a skeleton beast being beheaded.

In less than a minute, more than twenty skeleton beasts were all slaughtered, turning into headless corpses all over the ground.

The golden-red figure put away its lightsaber, and its legs shot out bright white light into the sky.

Landed next to her a dozen seconds later.

The armor was turned on, Shen Zhao came out from inside and said to the chestnut-haired girl: “Those monsters are not easy to deal with. ”

“Agile movements, great strength, and extremely strong defense.” He glanced at the rapier in the girl’s hand, “And the bony shell on their backs is enough to withstand rifle fire, I’m afraid your sword can’t break through.” ”

Asuna’s expression was serious: “Do they have weaknesses?” ”

“Weakness?” Shen Zhao said, “Similar to ordinary animals, the abdominal defense is weak, and a fatal attack on the head will kill you immediately. ”

“By the way, the skeleton beast has no eyes, and it seems to track and locate the target through hearing.”

Asuna’s expression became solemn after hearing this.

Such a monster, the rapier she used was indeed difficult to deal with.

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