After wandering around the abandoned city for a while, Zhang Sheng soon met a group of people who came to kill zombies.

There were about 20 people in the group, both men and women.

"Everyone, I just came from the level 60 area. Does anyone know how to get to the pilgrimage city?" Zhang Sheng asked very seriously.

Those people saw a man wearing a novice's shorts and a mask suddenly appear in front of them, and they were stunned for a moment.

Then, several of them couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Sheng was now naked because he had just come out of the divine space.

His look now looked very funny.

"Hahaha, brother, what did you do? Your look..."

An elephant-legged man covered his stomach with a smile on his face.

He really couldn't help it.

"Everyone, I was just robbed and now I have nothing on me!" Zhang Sheng continued to pretend.

He spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

Seeing this, everyone shook their heads and pointed him in a direction, "It's in that direction. Go out of this city and keep going forward for about 20 minutes!"

"Thank you!" Then, Zhang Sheng was ready to leave.

However, two chimpanzee men among them blocked his way.

One of them had a fierce look in his eyes and said in a threatening tone: "Leave? Who told you to leave?"

At this time, most of the people around showed contempt and disdain.

Seeing this, Zhang Sheng frowned immediately.

Originally, he didn't want to cause trouble, but it seems that it's not so easy to leave.

Alas, it seems that blood will be seen again today!

Thinking of this, he exhaled, "Huh!"


Five seconds later, the ground was full of corpses.

He randomly found three stronger and more intact ones and transformed them into fighting undead.

Then, he named these three fighting undeads Kazino, Kabuno, and Cassano respectively.

"You three, eat all these corpses!"

"Yes, Master!"

The three fighting undeads were ready to pounce on the corpses.

"Stop!" Zhang Sheng called them and then said, "From now on, you will call me Lord Saint!"

"Yes, Lord Saint!"

It took the three fighting undeads 10 minutes to eat all the corpses on the ground.

Only one arm with an evolution chip was left for Zhang Sheng.

He took off all the evolution chips of several people.

Since he didn't have an evolution chip now, he could only take the evolution chip off and put it on his body.

He couldn't carry so many things on his body at the moment, so he could only rely on these evolution chips to store things.

He looked down at his bare thighs in the lower half of his body, and his leg hair was particularly dense.

Then, he randomly found a set of equipment from one of the evolution chips and put it on.

After finishing the equipment, he led the three fighting undeads to the Pilgrimage City.

With the three fighting undeads leading the way, he soon saw the Pilgrimage City.

He ordered three fighting undeads to wait for him in the open space nearby.

Then, he walked towards the Pilgrimage City alone.

When Zhang Sheng arrived at the gate of the Pilgrimage City, he found that he had to line up for inspection.

Some soldiers were checking people entering the city one by one.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Sheng frowned immediately.

He didn't expect Gerald to be so cautious.

This is not leaving him any chance to survive!

Just when Zhang Sheng didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, he saw a person among the soldiers guarding the city.

That was Lotep!

Lotep is a contracted spirit he placed in the Pilgrimage City.

Maybe he can help now?

Thinking of this, Zhang Sheng hurriedly contacted him and said, "Lotep!"

Lotep happened to be a gatekeeper in the Pilgrimage City at this time.

And now his position seems to be not low.

Guarding the gate for a year is something that everyone who is selected in the City Lord Conference must go through.

When he heard Zhang Sheng's voice, Lotep was stunned at first.

But soon his face returned to normal.

He replied calmly: "It's great that you are okay, Lord Shengjun!"

Because the two chatted through a special method between the hell contracts, no one noticed.

"Well, I'm fine, find a way to get me into the city!" Zhang Sheng sent him a message.


Lotep agreed without hesitation. This kind of thing was a piece of cake for him.

Then he told Zhang Sheng how to enter the city.

According to his request, Zhang Sheng had to wait until the evening to enter the city.

Then, Zhang Sheng left the queue.

He planned to find a place to stay for a while and come back in the evening.

However, hisThis abnormal behavior quickly attracted the attention of the five people around.

These five people were specially arranged by Ronaldo in the crowd.

Their job is to monitor any abnormal people in the crowd.

The five people looked at each other, and then quietly followed Zhang Sheng.

In fact, Zhang Sheng found them at the beginning.

However, he did not make any noise.

After walking for nearly ten minutes, they came to a piece of grass.

There was no one around.

In other words, this is a good place to kill.

Zhang Sheng stopped and whispered: "Let's choose here!"

When the five people saw Zhang Sheng stop, they immediately had a bad premonition.

They were about to escape, but they found that they were locked up in a cage.

One of them immediately yelled at Zhang Sheng: "What do you want to do..."


The next second, his body was burned to ashes by the black hellfire.

Looking at their companions who died tragically, the other four people panicked.

They felt deep fear in their hearts.

"Please don't kill me!"


Although they kept begging Zhang Sheng, Zhang Sheng had no mercy.

Soon, the hellfire appeared and burned the four of them to ashes.

After dealing with the five people, Zhang Sheng decided to stay in the abandoned city for a while in order not to cause trouble.

After summoning the three fighting undeads, he took them to a nearby abandoned city.


Time soon came to night.

Zhang Sheng asked the three fighting undeads to stay where they were and not to walk around, and then quietly came to the location designated by Lotep.

There was already a man in armor waiting for him here, it was Lotep.

There was a corpse lying on the ground wearing only big shorts.

It was probably the city guard he brought with him.

As soon as he saw Zhang Sheng, Lotep immediately came up to him, "Lord Saint, you are here!"

His tone was full of respect.

"Well, there is no time to lose, I need to enter the city immediately!" Zhang Sheng nodded.

"Understood, Lord Saint, please change into this set of clothes first!"

After saying this, Lotep handed a set of soldier's armor to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng nodded, and then changed into it as quickly as possible.

"Lord Saint, I'll have to ask you to pretend to be my subordinate for the time being!"

"No problem!"

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