Survival In The Last Days: A Hundredfold Increase

Chapter 197: Creatures In The Inner Circle, Destroy Their Clan, Exterminate Their Species!

Everyone looked at this message, like a meteor falling into the sea, and their hearts were no less than turbulent waves.

After all, after witnessing Ye Tianling's brilliance, there is still such a guy who is not afraid of death?

Doesn't this guy have his head on his ass, and he actually said such stupid things here?

But what surprised everyone was that this guy's personal information was very ugly.

It's like an abomination beast from hell, so disgusting that people can almost spit out their overnight meal.

How did such a monster suddenly appear on 【World Channel】?

After all, there were previous cases of monsters killing Blue Star traversers, but these monsters did not inherit this system!

What exactly is going on?

What made them even more horrified was that although this extremely strange creature was only 1.6 meters tall, its mother's weight was more than 10 tons?

In this way, this guy's "463" body density and strength... how abnormal should it be?

Grandma's, even after eating vigorously, it is not so fierce!

【World Channel】:

"Put your mother's shit on! What the hell are you bastards?!"

"Damn it! You dare to insult our master Ye, I think you are a disgusting and shitty thing, and you need to deal with it!"

"Grandma, I never imagined that there would be such a fearless fellow in this wilderness, who would dare to insult our Master Ye like this?!"

"Come, come, let Dad teach you what it means to seek your own death!"

"Upstairs, are you sure this ugly shit-like creature is your son?"

This strange creature is naturally from the inner circle, it doesn't know the power of the Blue Star Keyboard Man.

The reason why this fetish called system was obtained was that it slaughtered a kingdom.

Since receiving the order from the elite "Nitero", this strange creature has not dared to rest in the partition.

After all, it knows its master's temper, if things are delayed for too long, then its fate can be described as extremely terrifying!

But the inner circle is too far away from this so-called human world.

Even if it keeps using the teleportation array, it still took more than three months to come to the human world!

And they are still at the boundary of the inner circle.

One can imagine how exaggerated this distance is!

It is worth mentioning that although these teleportation spirit arrays can be teleported across countless territories.

But it also requires a huge amount of energy that is unimaginable.

Of course, there is a simpler method, that is to sacrifice hundreds of millions of blood!

In the inner circle of this circle, it is naturally unable to sacrifice hundreds of millions of blood, so it exhausts its own property until it reaches the inner circle.

And when it was inside the circle, it suffered bloody massacres, and 24 species were extinct because of it in the inner circle!

These 24 species all have extremely high intelligence and emotions, but are they treated as blood sacrifices?

And when it first came to the human world, the strange creature had the feeling of being the only one in the world.

It's really that the human world is too fragile, and the forces that live in this human world are too weak, almost no different from bedbugs.

Even the bedbugs in the inner circle are enough to kill them.

But when approaching a certain human kingdom, slaughtering it conveniently brought it an unimaginable miracle!

Facing this force built like a bug, this strange creature didn't even bother to devour their blood.

After all, in the heart of this strange creature, this human race is like the bottom bug, perhaps only when all creatures are extinct, it will feed on the human race.

The people who were still living under the influence of the kingdom just now, and the people who were still thinking about how to live until tomorrow.

At this moment, the country was directly destroyed by this strange creature in the next second!

None of the women, children, children, men, women, and children in the kingdom skipped this death!

Not even the king of the country had time to beg.

With one blow, this kingdom that has developed for an unknown number of years will be directly destroyed and turned into dust of the wilderness!

This is a terrifying force that erases even the traces of the existence of these kingdom forces!

Strange creatures are naked contempt and disdain for the human race.

Originally, this strange creature had an extremely brutal character, even during the time of the journey.

It will not allow those slaughtered creatures to die peacefully, it will only kill them after making them feel desperate to death.

But the human race is in its heart, but it has no right to be ravaged by it. This is a blatant disdain for the entire human race!

Now seeing these human races who are not even as good as bedbugs, how dare they insult it like this?

【World Channel】:

"What a bunch of bedbugs who don't want to die!"

"You bedbugs don't even have the right to be devoured. You're just a bunch of moths. How dare you talk to me like that?!"

"Don't fall into my hands, otherwise it will make you all feel miserable!"

"Hehe, this idiot actually dares to talk like that?"

"That's right, who dared to say that before, which one can live to this day?"

"Hahaha, I never thought there would be such a fool now!"

"I'm so laughing to death, it's such a disgusting thing that doesn't know how to live and die, you're a fucking bedbug!"

"Made, how dare you say that about us?"

"Mist Grass! To say that we are not even qualified to be devoured, this **** is already blatantly contemptuous of us!"

"Which is tolerable and which is unbearable!"

"Made, what kind of barren thing are you?!"

Facing the Blue Star Keyboard Man, the strange creature was so angry that its veins throbbed..

When it was in the inner circle, it was insulted by the elite "Nitero" in every possible way.

Unexpectedly, these human races who are not even as good as bedbugs would dare to talk to him so presumptuously?

But then a cruel grin appeared on the strange creature's extremely ugly face.

Anyway, it has such a miraculous system now, because there was an unimaginable gap between it and the elite "Nitero" before!

It can be said that it is no longer the same dimension, but now it has this magical system.

Relying on the miraculous items inside, isn't it extremely easy for it to surpass these so-called elite "Nitero"?

But what makes it puzzled is, in ancient times, would there be such a magical system to kill these bedbugs?

This was absolutely not the case before, otherwise these 1.0 human races would have dominated the world long ago.

However, after suffering that devastating blow, it is unexpected that these human races can survive?

Of course, these are not important at the moment, the most important thing now is to exterminate this human race!

The first thing is to completely cut off this miraculous system, so that it is the only one in the wilderness, and it can rely on the system to climb to the top!

It can return all the shame and humiliation suffered by the elite "Nitero"!

And these lowly human races dare to humiliate it like this?

The reason why he dares to be so bold is because he has never seen the power of true despair!

After killing these bedbugs, go to the inner circle to hide the elite "Nitro", and make sure that this group of people will have the same regret for life!

The same is true... destroy their clan, exterminate their species!.

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