Survival In The Last Days: A Hundredfold Increase

Chapter 200: Glass Bead Creature? What Did They Do!

This strange "snail meat" can be said to be a surprise.

Not only can it greatly strengthen its own four-dimensional attributes, but it is also very good for the recovery of physical strength.

Although he only ate this amount of "snail meat", his strength recovered a lot.

And because Ye Tianling has a thunder bat, he can detect whether there are creatures around him.

There is also how much strength they have.

And on the right, if you break through 12 more huge rocks, you can also find another kind of strange creature.

In terms of strength alone, it is slightly stronger than the previous strange creatures, but it is not a problem.

If it is strengthened and supplemented by these strange creatures, it will not be difficult to continue diving!


The extremely sharp Gengjin Immortal Sword finally shattered the last giant rock.

Immediately, those strange creatures attacked and killed Ye Tianling.

In terms of appearance, it looks very much like the glass beads on the blue star!

It's the kind of glass beads I played with when I was a child!

But it is about the size of an egg.

The speed was very fast, and there was a sound of breaking wind, roaring towards Ye Tianling.


When the Jiuxing Longyuan sword slashed at these "glass beads", there was an extremely ear-piercing metal trill.

It can be said to be deafening.

Not only is it very hard, but it is also extremely heavy!

Taigang's sword intent erupted suddenly, and finally killed this "glass bead" monster!

Yaya stretched out her jade hand, tapped her jade finger lightly, and the dozen or so "glasses" in front of her were frozen into water areas.

Wu Xiuyuan and the others also attacked, killing all the "glass beads" in front of them after a while.

First of all, Ye Tianling did not use the 100-fold boost system, but tried it directly.

Take one of the "glass bead" creatures in your hand and observe, the internal structure of this thing is like a crystal.

It's really strange.

Because I really can't see any organs and tissues.

But it's a creature!

Immediately, it was roasted with a sky-level light path. It didn't smell a little bit at first, but now it exudes an extremely strong stench.

This made Ye Tianling cough uncontrollably.

Like the stench of a dozen burning tires.

Obviously it didn't exist before, but this is the only way to use the sky-level light path?

Then he fetched a "glass bead" again, this time he didn't use the sky-level light path, but bit it directly.

It was very hard and very unpalatable, it was just junk food.

Immediately using a hundred times system boost, it is still very hard, but not as steely as before.

It is also unpalatable, but this time it can be swallowed.

It still has the effect of improving physical fitness, but it is not as exaggerated as before, it can be said to be subtle.

Ye Tianling couldn't help being dumbfounded. Could it be that this thing can't be eaten?

"Oh! This time, it's not as delicious as last time, but it's okay."

Ye Tianling couldn't help looking at Yaya strangely again, this little guy ate the "glass beads" that she had frozen into ice crystals

Picking up the "glass beads" that Ya Ya had frozen into ice crystals in the same way, this time the feeling and taste were completely different.

It's just like biting an ice cube, far less hard than before.

And the taste becomes sweet, like eating sugar.

The same physical improvement effect is much stronger than before.

What kind of strange creature is this?

Could it be..... killing these strange creatures is also a way?

How to kill, the group can maximize the deliciousness of these strange creatures?

Ye Tianling couldn't help but think of the murals of the Extreme Sun Empire, but unfortunately there are no records about the creatures in the inner circle.

Ye Tianling picked up the "glass beads" that Yaya had frozen into ice crystals, and at the same time used the system boost.

This time, whether it is the taste or the effect, it has been greatly improved many times!

Looking at the current four-dimensional attributes of the system, it has increased by about 7 points!

This is absolutely incredible!

Then I couldn't help but look at the other creatures in this building, can they really become stronger?!

And it's not as subtle as the improvement in the human world, but very (bbee) obvious!

"Huh? Tianling big brother, isn't the one you ate very delicious?"

Yaya immediately came to Ye Tianling's side, looking at Ye Tianling with beautiful eyes.

Ye Tianling immediately put away the "glass beads" in his hand, and then put the half-eaten "glass beads" directly into his mouth.

Yaya couldn't help but looked at Ye Tianling in astonishment.

"You little guy was very reluctant at the time."

Ye Tianling sent the ice crystal "glass beads" in his hand to Qin Shiyu and Wu Xiuyuan.

As for Yaya and Chuchu, they naturally ignored it.

"Oh, where is it? Tianling's big brother Yaya also repeated.

"That's right, Tianling big brother, where's Chuchu?"

The two little guys pretended to be confused and looked at Ye Tianling pitifully.

Faced with this, Ye Tianling remained unmoved, seeing that the ice crystal "glass beads" were about to be eaten up by Tianling's big brother.

Looking at the intoxicated expressions of Sister Shiyu and the others, they immediately aroused the greediness of the two little guys.

Tianling big brother's hands must be very, very delicious!

Ye Tianling ate one of them again, and then pretended to be shocked and said:

"Too bad, I left two for you, but they are so delicious, this is the last one.

After Yaya and Chuchu heard this, their little faces immediately became anxious.

Yaya stepped forward and kissed Ye Tianling.

Yaya's beautiful eyes are smiling instantly, this food is really delicious!

Desserts are what these two little guys like best, so the ice crystal "glass beads" are fatally attractive to them.

"Oh! Sister, save some for me!"

Chuchu was in a hurry at this time, and quickly took Yaya's little hand.

In the same way, this little guy actually kissed Yaya too?!

From his smiling eyes, he knew that this ice crystal "glass bead" was also fatally attractive to her.

"Oh, what are you doing, girl!"

"Sister, you have changed, and you even forgot about Chuchu."

"If you want to blame it, blame the big brother Tianling, who ate so much by himself!"

The two little guys seemed to be on the same battlefield, and both of them looked at Ye Tianling with pouted lips.

I have to say, I was a little excited at that scene just now?

Especially these two little guys are still so handsome!

"Okay, just kidding, I still have it here."

Ye Tianling took out the remaining four ice crystal "glass beads".

Seeing this, the beautiful eyes of the two little guys sparkled immediately, and then they smiled sweetly at Ye Tianling.

I was halfway through eating, but I saw Sister Shiyu looking at them in astonishment?

Only then did the two little guys recall the previous scene, and their faces turned red immediately.

what did they do!!!

Simply! I am ashamed to death!.

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