Survival In The Last Days: A Hundredfold Increase

Chapter 374 The Dragon King's Icy Chill Shakes The Territory!

The world inside the circle, the seventh territory.

Commanding the territory here is the ape king among the eight kings!

Ye Tianling is very familiar with the ape king among the eight kings.

After all, as early as in the human world, Ye Tianling knew about the game of the ape king!

Throwing out an immeasurable great mountain, completely encircling the inner circle world?!

At that time, Ye Tianling was still shocked when he saw it, it is so incredible to imagine it!

But for Ye Tianling at this moment, the incomparable supreme terror at the beginning seems to be the same at this moment.

It is worth mentioning that although the ape king is only 1.5 meters small, its weight is a terrifying 25 tons!

The reason is that the ape king has very abnormal physical strength!

Even in the inner circle world, there are very few beings who can fight him physically.

After all, the Ape King not only has very terrifying physical strength, but the most important thing is that this guy can also "martial arts"!

Even if there are those in the inner circle world who surpass the ape king in terms of physical strength, they dare not fight him in close quarters, because the ape king can "martial arts"!

For example, in the legends of martial arts, you will be able to eliminate force, inch strength, and footwork.

Take neutralizing force as an example, even if a hundred tons of force is coming, the ape king can use neutralizing force to turn this terrifying power into feather-like force!

So wanting to simply use power to suppress and kill the Ape King is no less than an idiot talking in sleep.

And every punch of the ape king is no less than star bombing!

In addition to throwing towering mountains, the ape king often jumps into the void of the universe to sleep.

This is purely relying on physical strength!

Even if it falls, it is not painful to the ape king, so we can see how terrifying the ape king's strength and defense are!

And it is the wolf king who is going to subdue the "foreign body"!

And when he set off, this guy was still excited.

As for the final eighth territory, it is also the most terrifying territory in the inner circle world!

Commanding the Eighth Territory is the most terrifying of the Eight Kings—the Whale King!

The body surface is covered by a layer of meteorite, and it has the ability to absorb all matter and light, and its stomach is directly connected to the alien space!

The supergravity of the Whale King cannot even escape the light, so one can imagine how terrifying it is!

The Whale King is even bigger than the Horse King, and can be said to be the largest creature in the inner world!

Whale King can create a supergravity comparable to a black hole as a devourer, and then can create something similar to a white hole to spit out!

And all the things that enter the white hole are as if they have lost their souls, and they become eternal "dead" things in the long river of time without realizing it!

According to legend, there was once a sun-like star falling into the territory of the commander of the Whale King!

If it really hits the territory, it will definitely be the day when all creatures in the eighth territory will be extinct!

But the Eighth Territory still exists as usual, as if the previous scene was an illusion!

But the creatures living in the eighth territory all remember this very clearly!

The star that looks like a great sun on earth is truly covering the sky!

Everything in the world seems extremely small in front of it!

The reason why it's all right is naturally that their king made a move!

This is the most terrifying Whale King among the Eight Kings!

And the one going to subdue the Whale King is naturally Yaya!

Ye Tianling has 100% trust in Yaya!

The world inside the circle, the first frontier.

As a terrifying territory ruled by the Dragon King, the creatures living on this continent are extremely terrifying!

Fist-shattering stars can be seen everywhere, and terrifying creatures whose bodies look like ancient mountains are playing with the palms of the stars abound.

However, the more powerful a creature is, the more arrogant it is. After all, they all have terrifying strength, so it is inevitable.

As a result, many terrifying races refuse to obey anyone, so the first frontier can be said to be fighting all year round. This is a warlike continent, just to prove its own strength!

In this territory, the mountains and rivers are broken, the floating islands collapse, the stars fall... and other strange phenomena can be seen everywhere, and the reason for this is the shocking vision caused by the battle of these terrifying creatures!

And as a race at the pyramid level in this continent, it is naturally the Dragon King family!

The Dragon Clan has always been synonymous with terror and power since ancient times. All the clans in the continent dare not disobey this clan, and it is the Dragon Lord Clan that dominates it!

It is precisely because of the appearance of the Dragon King Clan that the war in the First Territory, which has been known for its belligerence since ancient times, ceased!

No matter how terrifying those creatures are, no matter how arrogant they are in their hearts, they all surrender because of the Dragon King Clan.

There is no other reason, just because the Dragon King Clan is really strong and terrifying!

It is so strong that many terrifying creatures are scared and surrender willingly.

It is conceivable what terrifying strength the Dragon King of the Dragon King Clan should have?!

Say Dragon King!

At this moment, he looked at the thin figure in front of him in astonishment.

Dressed in white like snow, her hair fluttering in the wind, and holding a long spear, what shocked him the most was the imperial aura emanating from the girl!

In a trance, it actually made the Dragon King's mind flicker, and made him recall the vast power of the ancient human race?!

But then a coldness erupted in his eyes.

"...Dragon King, give me the foreign object that you guard."

Jun Ruomeng stared at the huge monster in front of her with star eyes, compared to it, she was like a solitary boat on Wang Yang, looking so small.

But even so, there was no fear in her heart, only a tranquility that she had never had before.

This made her think of Ye Tianling, after all, if she hadn't met him, where would she have such frightening strength at this moment?

Even her heart was shocked, this increase in strength was simply horrifying and made the scalp tingle!

Thinking about it, if he hadn't met Ye Tianling, he would be in a completely different situation if he met the Dragon King now. How could he be as calm and confident as he is now?

However, what kind of terrifying existence is the Dragon King (Good Deed)?

That is a terrifying existence that is high above and cannot be disobeyed by other races, and at this moment, it is ordered by the tiny figure in front of it?

Who is he?

The dragon king tile who ruled the first frontier!

Since birth, it has been synonymous with dignity and strength!

It has always been the case that he commands all races, when can such a tiny figure command him?

In fact, this is due to Jun Ruomeng's cold personality, and it doesn't mean to be superior.

However, because of the icy coldness erupted by the Dragon King, it actually made all the horrible creatures in the first territory tremble?!

They were terrified and stunned at the same time. After all, how many years had passed before they felt the killing intent of Dragon King Ruo Ling Tian again?

While being in awe in my heart, I couldn't help ridiculing, which ignorant idiot dared to provoke their aloof Dragon King?!

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