Kane was a little surprised to hear Seema say that Pryce is the best at Swinub’s breed.

Said: “I heard that Pryce Elite’s strongest Pokémon is Delibird.”

Sima showed a surprised expression and said, “You know that too? Delibird Aaron Normal does not use it, its destructive power is too strong, this Delibird was encountered by Aaron when he was looking for Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice in the Arctic. According to Aaron, there were originally four Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice in the Arctic, but It was swallowed three pieces by that Delibird alone, so its ice attribute energy cannot be compared with ice attribute Divine Beast Articuno, so when it comes to breed, Aaron does not breed that Delibird, but only has three pieces. With the strength of Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice and Aaron’s training, he naturally became his strongest Pokémon.”

Kane nominates, “so that’s how it is, no wonder that Delibird’s ice attribute The energy can be so strong that it freezes the entire Lake of Rage.”

“Aaron’s second rank ice attribute Pokémon is Cloyster and Froslass, and the Lorelei family breed’s Lapras, Jynx and Aaron’s second rank are similar , the third rank segment is Weavile and the white sea lion, the Snowpoint City Gym trainer Breed’s Abomasnow can at most be able to go to Aaron’s third-level Pokémon, but my ability is limited, although I have Aaron’s breed manual, I can also Only the strength of Gym trainers, the key is that my ability to control the battle situation is too poor, and I can’t reach the level of keeping pace with Pokémon.”

Sima’s words are a fair evaluation of himself, although he said A powerful Pokémon, but without a matching combat Coaching, is also in vain, it seems that Seema’s own abilities limit her overall strength.

From the introduction of Seema, we can know that the ice attribute Number One Person of this world is definitely Pryce, and it is worthwhile to get his best Swinub breed method. .

It would be perfect if you could get Cloyster and Froslass, that’s a complete ice core.

Seema is outspoken, and Kane’s advice to Pryce deepens her affection for Kane.

Then Sima took out a manual, “Here, this is the breed method of Froslass and Cloyster recorded by Aaron.” Isn’t the team perfect, this time’s trip to Mahogany Gym can be said to be Perfection, but too direct will reduce Seema’s favorability to him.

“That’s not good,” Kane shrugged.

Sima shoved the manual directly into Kane’s hand and said, “Nothing wrong, this is given to me by Aaron, and I must have the power to give it to you, my mentality is not as rigid as Aaron’s. Cold, these things will have their value only if more people go to inheritance, what’s the use of rotten hands? And you youngsters can also innovate and improve on this basis, which is beneficial to the development of Pokémon , I also hope that you can get stronger soon and help Aaron as soon as possible, he has no one to speak to in the Alliance.”

Sima’s voice became lower and lower, and the sighing continued.

“Rest assured, one day I will help Pryce Elite.”

Kane said, indeed if there is an opportunity, he is willing to overthrow the Johto Alliance with Pryce and establish own power.

It’s just that this is pure fantasy for Kane now.

On the first night of the small wood house, Kane and Ditto conducted the “Flying Sword Fling” training that had not been done for a long time. Fortunately, they have been used in actual combat when dealing with Ninetales, and it did not lead to a decline in the level. , the nine-meter range can completely maintain the accuracy rate above the ninth ring.

After practicing the feel, Kane still took out the Swinub breed manual from Pryce and the breed manual for Cloyster and Froslass given by Seema.

Kane opened the manuals, first going through both manuals from cover to cover.

In fact, Pryce’s breed concept is also very clear, almost the same as his own breed Poison Type Pokémon.

Pryce or something, justice is only superficial, and his ruthlessness towards Pokémon is no less than his own. Once he will die, how can a Pokémon with outstanding potential innate talent not sacrifice.

As far as Swinub is concerned, first of all, after many generations of Genetic, it has obtained the Hereditary Ability.

After the Ability is formed, breed the Pokémon eggs again.

Place the eggs laid on the ice bed of the Never-Melt Ice, and the ice attribute Pokémon will freeze the entire ice bed along with the eggs.

Never-Melt Ice and the cold air of frozen Ability will erode the eggs. For such a weak life, most Swinub eggs cannot withstand such cold air, so most eggs will freeze to death directly in the eggshell.

Swinubs that can hatch successfully are all able to withstand such cold air, and these cold air become Swinub’s energy when inhaled, so the potential of Swinub is huge, but it can be successfully hatched. Swinub has only appeared a few in more than ten years.

I have no way of estimating how many Swinubs have died in eggshells in the past ten years. The Swinubs that have been successfully hatched are naturally Heaven’s Chosen Child, and naturally they will get the best breed and enjoy the most Top Rank’s treatment, I just don’t know how many of the same clan died behind it.

The main direction of the hatched Swinub breed is to lick the Millennium Ice or Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice, including Froslass and Cloyster, which are assisted by the Millennium Ice or Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice to increase the coldness in your body.

But with the current resources in my hand, I can successfully obtain the Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice energy in Pryce Piloswine, and I can only breed a Mamoswine, and the breeds of Froslass and Cloyster do not have this now. ability.

And Glacier Falls is also an excellent location for ice attribute Pokémon training. According to Pryce’s two manuals, they are both similar models, but there are many methods that I have never been exposed to.

It is indeed a Pryce Elite, what gravity training, Swinub frozen waterfall, Cloyster waterfall climbing, Froslass fog hiding are all special training programs that I have never thought about.

After reading these two manuals, I still benefited a lot. After all, the Pryce Bar has recorded many details very clearly, and even said how much food these Pokémon should eat at what stage, and when is the special training period There are detailed records of the prime time and the training limit that can be tolerated, but he has picked up a ready-made wealth.

Haunter’s Mental Force training can no longer be carried out indoors, and went alone to the forest outside the small wood house. Based on Ninetales’ Mental Force, the improvement speed of Haunter Mental Force is simply a day Norman Under the influence of Mental Force, only the sound of Leafage whirling, the crisp sound of branches breaking.

Swinub always looks like he can’t get enough to eat. He eats three times as much for dinner as Ditto. After returning to the small wood house, he has to eat a little Pokémon food and drink a little milk from Miltank from time to time. But every time you eat it, let it lick the thousand-year ice.

If I hadn’t read Pryce’s Swinub breed handbook, I might have felt abnormal.

Swinub is currently in the developmental period and needs a lot of energy to strengthen the body. At present, Swinub contains a lot of ice attribute energy. Without a strong body, it is impossible to control these energy. Swinub starts with basic Performance training.

Second day early in the morning, Kane brought three Pokémon to Glacier Falls, along with a pile of Pokémon food, because Swinub had to replenish his energy at any time.

Swinub’s childhood training requires half a day of internal training, and it happens that he has an excellent sparring partner here.

“Ditto Transform Rapidash, Swinub, you follow Ditto to run on the riverbank.”

Kane simply is a little embarrassed for Swinub. With Swinub’s short legs, it is impossible to keep up with Rapidash. Speed, but this is not straight, just running back and forth within the range of the glacier waterfall Mist, there is a reference object Swinub in front of him, and he has the desire to run.

“Haunter, try Will-O-Wisp first, attack the waterfall.”

Haunter shook his body, and gathered five small groups of dim-blue Fireballs around him, moved Towards the rushing waterfall, Will-O-Wisp penetrated the waterfall and was washed down by the waterfall without making a sound.

Other abilities were also invisible in the water flow of the waterfall like Will-O-Wisp. Mental Force tried to change the speed of the waterfall. As a result, Haunter was killed by Mental Force just after touching the water flow of the waterfall. backlash.

It shows the great formidable power of the water flow of the glacier waterfall.

It can be seen from Pryce’s Swinub training manual that its Swinub can freeze the entire glacier waterfall with the energy of the ice attribute, which is incredible. Such a gap makes people feel far away.

If the strength of Elite hadn’t been through such an experience in his previous life, there was simply no such concept in the hearts of such an old man, what is the strength of Elite, and what kind of battle will it show? simply be ignorant.

So every Pokémon trainer who goes on a trip has an Elite dream in their hearts, but it’s just a dream, and in Kane’s mind it’s wishful thinking.

Strong financial support, Pokémon with great potential innate talent, and their own experience and combat level are all the keys to success, in addition to these, they have to pay extraordinarily hard work.

Here, Glacier Falls is just the place to start walking.

Haunter is doing the most smoothly now is to use the support of Mental Force, the continuous use of Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse three abilities.

Will-O-Wisp can only be trained alone now, because using Will-O-Wisp once in a battle is enough, just let the opponent burn, and Kane let Haunter learn Will- The purpose of O-Wisp is only to extract the cold air of the Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice in the Piloswine below the Valley. If it is used in battle, the burn effect is not as good as the poisoning effect, and the level of poisoning in my previous life is already integrated into the blood. So it is more handy to use poison.

Of course, this life naturally seeks to break through itself, such as the current ice attribute special training.

At this time, Ditto and Swinub have been running back and forth. Ditto has been training for a period of time and has also traveled a long way to run. Naturally, this distance is not difficult for him. Swinub was only born ten days ago. Gasping for breath, but as long as you eat some food and lick the thousand-year-old ice, your spirit will recover immediately, and you will start running for the second round again.

It seems that this thousand-year ice is the key to the Swinub breed. Wouldn’t it be better to have a Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice on my body? Haste brings no success, laying a good foundation is the key.

Haunter’s first training doesn’t need to spend too much time on it, just consolidate it every day. The most difficult thing is that without the assistance of Mental Force, the three Ability’s Connected to use, so far there is no improvement.

“Haunter, stay away from impetuousness, and treat it as a three-year project to train, and you will naturally be meditation to calm qi.”

Haunter calmed down and used it step by step. With the Ability, although the connection time between each Ability has not been shortened, there is finally no mistake. Each Ability is successfully used in sequence, and the Unique Ability is used in the waterfall without interruption.

This is a training task from morning to noon every day, regardless of wind and rain, and the simple arrangement is over. Kane is also running on the river bank with Ditto and Swinub, carrying out physical fitness training.

After lunch, the special training in the afternoon was naturally adjusted.

Ditto has transformed into Lapras, the baptism of receiving ice water under glacial waterfalls.

Haunter supported the Night Shade with the Mental Force and received the impact of the ice water under the Glacier Falls.

I have to say that Glacier Falls is really an excellent place for special training. The waterfall washes Ditto’s body, which not only has an excellent training effect on its Performance and will, but also can better cope with it in the future. ocean waves.

For Haunter, the Night Shade supported by Mental Force against the impact of the glacier waterfall is indeed the best place to exercise the defense of Mental Force and Night Shade.

And Swinub, Pryce has a very clear record in the manual, first of all, let Swinub’s body adapt to the huge ice attribute energy contained in its body.

The current Swinub does not have Level yet. Although it has many Hereditary Ability, many of these abilities cannot be used, such as Fissure, Body Slam and Curse. The three abilities are controlled by the body before they evolve into Mamoswine. There is no way to use the situation.

The formidable power of the Avalanche Ability lies in the late strike.

If Avalanche Ability is used after being attacked by opponents, the damage to opponents will be doubled. However, a small body like Swinub cannot be attacked by opponents, so this move is still less in the Swinub period. Works well.

Pryce’s Swinub also rarely uses Avalanche, because it can’t play the real formidable power of Avalanche. If it evolves into Piloswine and has a certain ability to fight, then Avalanche has its use value. .

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