Led by Little Monk at Slowpoke Monastery, Kane arrives at the door of the Abbot’s room.

Little Monk knocked on the door, “Abbot, patron Kane is here.”

“Come in.”

Little Monk pushed the door and entered when the abbot spoke. , the abbot stood up and said: “Kane benefactor, it is indeed the destined person of our monastery. Although it is a year late, we are taking care of your Shellder very carefully.”

“Really many thanks Abbot Master.”

Kane gave a bow and smiled slightly, “It’s time to talk about money.” Kane seems to have heard the inner voice of the abbot, since Gengar finished smoking Bronzong last time After the life energy of Mental Force has been further improved, his Psychic has also been strengthened, and he can vaguely hear the inner voice of the opposite person, of course, it is just the kind of voice that is about to come out.

“The four years of incense money Kane should be donated to,” the abbot said.

“It should be.” Kane smiled slightly, very pious, which made the abbot very happy, and fell in love with Kane more and more.

“Okay, in four years, the annual incense money is 20,000 yuan, and the total is 80,000 yuan.” The abbot said, Kane still kept a smiling face, but blood was already dripping in his heart, what a pitfall The dead don’t pay for their lives, four years and 80,000 yuan, which means that it will cost 80,000 yuan to buy a Shellder.

However, for Slowpoke, I can only endure it.

Kane took out eight stacks of cash from the backpack, exactly 80,000 yuan. Fortunately, the Dragonair was sold, otherwise the plan would not have been carried out.

“I don’t know if the abbot is willing to take me in for a few days in Cultivation of the monastery, or to admire the culture of the monastery,” said Kane.

“Of course, this time, the incense money of the Kane donor in the temple Cultivation will be paid by the abbot, and the Kane donor can be cultivated here.” Come back to Slowpoke Temple Cultivation, when the time comes, you can collect money in a dignified manner.

“I wonder if I can live where I lived four years ago.” Of course Kane’s purpose was to get close to the Slowpoke.

“Of course, go and prepare a room for the Kane benefactor.” The abbot urged Little Monk.

Then Kane followed Little Monk to the wetlands of breed Slowpoke in the backyard, and prepared a small wood house for Kane, next to the nun who kept Slowpoke.

Kane naturally greeted the nun, and Kane’s meal was also arranged at this nun’s place. The nun also recognized Kane and warmly welcomed Kane and Kane. Chatting and asking Kane what happened in the past four years, Kane is naturally chatting. After all, she has two life experiences, and there are a lot of interesting things to talk about. This nun has not spoken to anyone for a long time, and she enjoys talking to Kane very much. The process, after all, take care of Slowpoke every day, and live with such a slow-paced Pokémon, even if you are in a hurry, you will be ground into a slow-paced person.

Of course, Kane was relieved when she saw the Slowpoke. This time, her main purpose was this Slowpoke. The special thing is that the abbot asked her to keep this Slowpoke in a special place.

Kane greeted the nun and was about to go with Little Monk to take back her Shellder. She can have a good relationship with this nun here. As long as the abbot is punished, she can take it away. This Slowpoke, but the relationship between Slowpoke and this nun is definitely the deepest. If you want Slowpoke to recognize him, you have to ask this nun to help.

To the Lake of Enlightenment.

Little Monk shouted on the lake: “Shellder, eat.”

Led by a Shellder, fifty or sixty Shellders swam here at high speed.

“The lead Shellder is yours,” Little Monk said.

Kane nods to the edge of the lake, Shellder has swum to the shore and sees Kane. He jumped out of the water with excitement.

“Come back, Shellder.”

Kane took out Shellder’s Pokémon ball and retrieved it, and he was relieved to be able to retrieve the Pokémon ball.

Then Kane released Shellder again, tried Shellder’s Ability, and learned Ice Beam. Moreover, the formidable power is not bad. Although it is incomparable to Piloswine, it has swallowed a small piece of thousand-year-old ice, which is still stronger than the formidable power of the Normal ice attribute Pokémon. It seems that Shellder has not been idle for more than four years. Of course, there is still a big gap with those Pokémon that follow their own training.

I also have Pryce’s training method for Shellder in my hands. I can only train it into a good Pokémon, but I don’t have this idea. If I just want to train it into a Gym training Home-level Pokémon, I could take it away four years ago. The reason why I kept this Shellder here is of course for that Slowpoke. When I was reborn, the champion of Johto Region was Will, and Will used The only thing is his Slowbro’s powerful Psychic, and that Slowbro doesn’t need to worry about it at all, it’s in Calm Mind all the time.

Who am I? where am i from? Where to go?

Psychic is so powerful that it’s outrageous, even the Pokémon in Sabrina and Cattleya can only stay away. Although this Slowbro only has one trick of Confusion, the formidable power it exerts in its hands is absolutely It’s crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

My Shellder is also the strongest in this Lake of Enlightenment. As long as I wait for the accident at the Slowpoke temple I planned to come, I can arrange the tail of this Shellder Bite and that Slowpoke. Sister, this Slowbro will definitely listen to her and become her own Pokémon.

“Go back to the lake first, spend the last few days with your mates, we’ll be out of here in a few days.”

Kane said to Shellder again Put it back in the Lake of Enlightenment.

In the Slowpoke monastery, Kane didn’t go to any Cultivation at all, just at the nun’s place, telling her wonderful stories outside, feeding Slowpoke, at least letting Slowpoke know himself.

The old nun also liked Kane more and more, and felt that her life was in vain. I am afraid she could only die alone in this temple.

It is true that when the old nun was young, because of sudden changes, she did not want to face the society, and she fled into the empty door on a whim. It has been thirty years in the blink of an eye, and now she is in her fifties, and she will never return. It was that year.

Listening to the old nun’s sigh, Kane already has a mind.

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