The abbot of Slowpoke monastery knew that the major event was not good when he saw this battle, and now he can only keep calm, because the spittle star is about to drown him, even more how is the enemy coming again.

It is the abbot of the Ho-Oh House, the largest temple in the Johto Region, and the abbots of the large and small temples attached to the Ho-Oh House. The planning of all this must be done by the Ho-Oh House. The abbot has done it. The abbot of Ho-Oh has long established a Buddhist Association to discuss Buddhism together. To put it bluntly, it is to suppress those monasteries that are not attached to him. He has already destroyed many monasteries over the years. The abbot of the Slowpoke monastery was puzzled, and he acted very meticulously. How could he find clues?

To put it bluntly, the Divine Beast recognized by the Johto Region is Ho-Oh, and even the torch of the Johto Alliance tournament is taken from the Ho-Oh fire of the Ho-Oh House. Ho-Oh House is historically Or the foundation is second to none in the Johto Region, although the Slowpoke Temple also played its style, it is still the unorthodox way after all, and the Ho-Oh Temple is fundamentally incomparable.

At this time, the abbot of Slowpoke Monastery is already thinking if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, and his mind is full of thoughts. Since the abbot of Ho-Oh Monastery has mastered these materials, Will mother and son also It has been exposed, and now that their mother and son have not appeared, it is actually a silent shock to him. If he resists, his wife and children will be very dangerous.

The Abbot of Slowpoke Temple slowly took off his cassock.

At this time, the Three Great Elders of the monastery in the dull hands came out. In order to keep the reputation of the Slowpoke monastery, they must stand up. All these years, they have only cared about the abbot’s affairs. They didn’t expect today. With such a big mistake, if you don’t come out Slowpoke Temple will face extinction.

In front of the Three Great Elders, the abbot of Slowpoke monastery knelt in repentance and confessed to his breach of precepts.

Then the abbot of the Slowpoke temple stood up, a certain death mind emerged spontaneously, and now he is in disrepute, sorry for the temple, sorry for his wife and children, and struggling on whilst at death’s door What is the meaning of this world, now All he can do is restore the reputation of the Slowpoke monastery, and maybe the Three Great Elders will rescue their wives and children, who still have time to live.

face moved towards the vast number of pilgrims and said: “Every pilgrim, making mistakes and breaking the precepts is my own business, and it has nothing to do with the temple. Slowpoke temple will not deceive every pilgrim, if someone deliberately targets it His heart can be punished, I am ashamed of the teachings of the monastery and the trust of the Elder in me. The Slowpoke monastery is absolutely responsible to every pilgrim, and I am willing to die.”

End , Slowpoke monastery flew out and slammed into the golden Slowpoke statue, immediately blood stained the ground.

When things developed to this point, no one would have thought that now the abbot of Ho-Oh Hospital is being condemned, and many online comments have concluded that he is a conspirator.

The deceased is the biggest, and more people are sympathizing with the experience of the abbot of the Slowpoke temple. Now the media is making a lot of money. Such a twists and turns plot is even more interesting than a TV series, and the ratings must be guaranteed. In turn, when I interviewed the abbot of the Ho-Oh hospital, I was also rejected, and the abbot of the Ho-Oh hospital also returned with disappointment. A well-planned good show broke up in an unhappy manner, and he also fell into a sinister little boy. people’s reputation.

The old nun, who was thinking of resigning with the abbot, had to return to her residence with Kane.

“Now that the abbot is gone, I don’t know who to resign with.” The old nun sighed, thinking that although her life in the Slowpoke monastery was hard for so many years, it was fortunate that all the monks treated them well. Very respectful, now the abbot died suddenly, just like when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, suddenly lost the backbone Normal.

“It’s time to go or go. Now that the monastery has changed, the abbot will not be selected in a short time, and the character of the new abbot is still unknown, and the Slowpoke monastery raises All the Slowpokes are for sale, and there is no guarantee that this Slowpoke in your hand will not be sold by the new abbot.”

Kane’s words awakened the dreamer, this Slowpoke was originally It was given to him by the original abbot. If he changed to a new host, he would probably sell it, so he had to make plans early.

“You’re right, let’s do this, I’ll give you the dawdler, I’ll resign with Elder after the funeral of the abbot is over, and I’ll come to Ecruteak City to find you within a month.”

The old nun said that she really couldn’t leave without saying goodbye, but it was always inconvenient to bring Slowpoke, so she could only let Kane take it out in the chaos, and bring it with her when the monastery’s guards were perfected again tomorrow. not going out.

Kane was also overjoyed to hear it, but he didn’t take the so-called monastery alert in his eyes, and even said that he wanted to take the Slowpoke with no difficulty, and he was worried that it would not listen if he took the Slowpoke. For his own words, what he needs is an explanation from the old nun, and let Slowpoke listen to his own words.

“That’s fine.”

After finishing speaking, Kane took out 10,000 cash from the backpack to the old nun as travel expenses, but she refused, she did so at Slowpoke Monastery For many years, she didn’t need to spend money to eat and drink, but she also had wages, and she had already accumulated a lot of savings. She didn’t care about Kane’s money.

“Slowpoke, just follow Kane, I will meet you in a while, you must listen to Kane.”

The old nun stroked Slowpoke’s The head said kindly, Slowpoke is now the old nun’s child normal.

After a while, Slowpoke was nodded.

The old nun then took it back into the Pokémon ball and gave it to Kane.

“Then I’ll be waiting for you at Ecruteak City, come find me at Ecruteak Gym when the time comes,” Kane said.

“Okay, let’s go quickly. You can leave with the pilgrims while the monastery is busy.” Rush out of the backyard of Slowpoke Temple.

Finally successful, Kane successfully left the Slowpoke monastery following the crowd. It took him four years to get this Slowpoke and spent more than 200,000 yuan. Now he finally got it, as well as Shellder from the Lake of Enlightenment. .

I was going to meet with Youbo, and I met the courier who delivered the letter. Unfortunately, the recipient was already dead, but with this letter, these Elders could also find Will and his son. To defend the reputation of Slowpoke Monastery, these three elders will not ignore Will’s mother and son, at least his mother and son are not worried about eating and drinking, but Will has no previous life The all-powerful Slowbro, how big this life can be His achievements depend on his good fortune, but unfortunately he never saw his personal father at a glance.

After a successful meeting with Yuba, the two continued on to Ecruteak City.

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