Today was a big slump. When I lived in Mahogany Gym, this guy didn’t know where he was. Today, he turned himself away, and Kane was helpless.

As everyone watched, Kane was so embarrassed that she could only step back.

“Kane, are you here?”

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice, it was Aunt Sima who came out of the yard next door and saw Kane.

“Auntie Cima.” Kane greeted him.

“Why don’t you go in here?” Seema asked.

Kane said helplessly: “Now didn’t expect Mahogany Gym’s door is so difficult to get in, and he was turned away by that guy.”

Sima is Impatient, he pulled Kane directly to the entrance just now, and said, “This is the Disciple of Pryce Elite, even if you get out, he can go in, get out of the way.”

After Sima finished speaking, everyone They were all in awe of Kane. It turned out to be Pryce’s Disciple. Pryce was a character retired by Elite. I had never heard of him having a Disciple, but it was this guy. The contempt for him just now turned into admiration.

The staff member also quickly apologized and said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were the Disciple of Pryce Elite, and I was doing it for work, as a last resort, please forgive me.”


“For the sake of being so conscientious about your work.” After that, Kane followed Seema into the Mahogany Gym.

Pryce is fighting a challenger on the ice field.

Pryce still came up with his lowest level Pokémon, and none of the challengers beat his first Pokémon.

“Challenger, your strength still needs to be improved, and now Badge can’t give it to you.”

Pryce finished, leaving only the lonely back of the challenger.

Pryce takes back the Pokémon ball, it’s time for a cup of tea, and the head sighs, he really wants to lose a game, even if these challengers can come up with a little Shiny point, or the spirit of enthusiasm , he will give him Badge without hesitation, but such challengers are rare.

“Aaron, look who’s here.” Seema stopped the dejected Pryce.

“Oh, it’s Kane, you’re finally free to come to Mahogany Town, but I’ve been a little busy lately, and every now and then I have to ask your Aunt Sima to take the place of Mahogany Gym’s gym trainer.” Pryce said.

“These challengers are really outrageous. They always think about challenging seize every opportunity at the end of the year. I won’t let them get Badge easily. After all, your investigation of the Umbra group is more important.” Ma said.

“Or I will help you deal with these challengers in the past few days, and you can concentrate on the Umbra group.” Kane said, now the Umbra group’s affairs are the top priority, and If you don’t get rid of one of your own heart problems, there will always be little devils coming to the door.

“That’s the best way, I just have a clue about the Umbra group’s base camp in the Johto Region, and I have to investigate it.” Pryce said.

“It’s a pity that I only have one ice attribute Pokémon now, and it can only be a one-on-one battle” Kane shook his head and said.

“One is enough, now I’m planning an ice attribute core team for you. I’m older, and I can do less and less things. Many things depend on you youngsters. I also Thinking of leaving something for you, now that the first one has got a head, it should be able to breed successfully within three years.”

Kane is naturally satisfied with Pryce’s words, having such a champion level People Help plan one of their cores, and their own path becomes much clearer.

Pryce then gave Gym’s Badge to Kane and sat in the audience.

previous life I have experience as a Gym trainer, so I have a lot of experience in dealing with challengers.

One-on-one combat, simple and clear.

In such battles, the challengers naturally bring out their strongest and most reassuring, or Pokémon who restrain the ice attribute, so this is still very helpful for Mamoswine’s actual combat practice.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, today’s battle was over. Not a single Badge was sent out. Pryce also greatly appreciated Kane’s combat performance. None of the challengers he is dealing with now let Mamoswine use Blizzard Ability. I couldn’t bear it anymore, and I only used Rest Ability once in the middle.

That night, Pryce and Sima went out. It seems that Pryce already has a direction. After explaining it to the staff of Mahogany Gym, Kane has become Mahogany Gym’s agent Gym trainer.

With one week left, Gym will start to rest and take a break. This week is also the busiest time. This is also a challenge to Mamoswine’s Performance. This guy has always been the best in his team. Strong existence, training has never been less, but combat has become less and less recently, the fundamental reason is that there is no suitable opponent.

second day Early in the morning, before dawn, Kane went to Glacier Falls first. Mamoswine, Ditto, and Gengar in his shadow were all too familiar with this place.

Here Kane leaves Ditto at Glacier Falls, Ditto Transform becomes Gyarados and burrows into the lake, then begins training at Waterfall.

Beedrill can also use this excellent location, the double needle is placed in the water flow of the waterfall, and then the body is flying upwards, which is very effective for Beedrill’s strength training, the double needle overcomes the falling water flow of the waterfall and goes up , The wings should also fly up with the strength of the double needle, which has an excellent training effect on the strength of the double needle and the strength of the wing Flying.

Leaving Ditto and Beedrill behind, Kane came to the top of the Valley where Pryce Piloswine had been found before. Looking down, it was bottomless, only the mist was shrouded in the mountains. Now Golurk can’t do strenuous exercise. If not, you have to go down and see if there has been any change over the years.

When returning to the Glacier Falls, except Skorupi and Mamoswine, Kane put the other Pokémon on the Glacier Falls for training, and they can come and feed themselves at noon. As for Skorupi, they only need to be placed in the Mahogany Gym It’s enough to train in the training room, and now I’m not at ease with it, don’t slip away in the Glacier Falls.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the work officially started, and the challengers were challenged according to the appointment number.

A lot of people who are not Pryce are naturally lucky, but soon Mamoswine taught them how to behave.

The past few days are basically Pokémon that restrain the ice attribute. Even if it is not the Pokémon that the challenger trusts, the strength is not bad. The continuous battle of Mamoswine is just a test of its performance.

Seven days in a row, until Gym rested at the end of the year, Kane took every battle seriously, and did not send out a Badge in the end, Mamoswine’s strength was also revealed vividly and thoroughly in the battle.

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