Venusaur as stable as Mount Tai, Ability has great maneuverability and is a stable turret even at the rear.

Cacturne Grass Dark Type, Attribute has a domineering Dark Type, with prominent double attack, waving arms ready to attack at any time, its full body of spikes makes people have to defend.

Jumpluff is extremely fast, plus all kinds of disgusting abilities make you can’t guard against it, accidentally will fall into the net.

Meganium’s abilities are average and can fill up any vacancies at any time.

Kane threw two Pokémon balls slowly, and Golurk and Houndoom appeared in front of Kengo, giving him an invisible prestige.

Without the fan in his hand, Kengo is still a little unaccustomed to it, and he only shakes his arm, ordered: “Come on, kill them for me, Venusaur, Meganium use Plant Frenzy, Cacturne Needle Arm to attack, Jumpluff uses Cotton Spore And Fairy Wind.”

The four Pokémon Ability is truly extraordinary, and Kane can’t help but be surprised.

I saw Venusaur and Meganium stomping the Ground with their forelimbs, and then twenty or thirty dead wood thorns with barbs emerged from the Ground, and the golden snake danced Normal moved towards Kane. Pedaling, the whole body shoots out, shuttles back and forth between Plant Frenzy and follows these deadwood thorns close to Golurk and Houndoom.

Jumpluff controlled the airflow to spill out of Cotton Spore, and then shook two white balls, Fairy Wind blew out, and the white Cotton Spore approached Golurk and Houndoom under Fairy Wind’s volume set.

Kengo’s attack is moderate, and Kane has only two Pokémons. These Unique abilities need to be cracked one after another, and only rely on the personal abilities of Golurk and Houndoom.

“Houndoom Howl can’t use Sunny Day this time, Golurk Stone Edge against Jumpluff.”

Now Kane’s order is just to relieve the pressure, Houndoom’s Howl with Snarl’s Dark Type energy , but this time, I can’t use Sunny Day foolishly again, otherwise, the four opponents using Solar Beam don’t need the slightest pause, and they all change into turrets in minutes.

But this move is like Plant Frenzy blocking Venusaur and Meganium that is completely impossible, Plant Frenzy’s speed is simply not affected in the slightest, but Cacturne is blocked by Snarl’s power and has to slow down step forward.

Just this moment is enough.


Kane almost shouted, at the crucial moment, a Fireball Spit Up from Houndoom exploded, so the dead vines would burn when they caught fire, Inferno This Ability is very hot, and it is easy to burn the opponent, so a single spark can burn such a dead vine.

Venusaur and Meganium had to pull back a few hardened plants that were approaching, but at this moment, Cacturne rushed up, and Needle Arm moved towards Houndoom’s head smashed down, thanks to Houndoom seeing the opportunity Extreme Speed turned sideways in time, so that the Needle Arm didn’t hit Houndoom’s forehead, but this Cacturne’s Needle Arm formidable power is really powerful, hit the sideways of the Houndoom, or the Houndoom was overturned for a few meters, and the Houndoom was rolled on the spot and unloaded. Part of the strength, there is no serious injury.

Now Houndoom faces three Pokémon alone and is surrounded by perils.

Golurk must deal with Kengo’s harassing hand Jumpluff, Cotton Spore and Fairy Wind as quickly as possible. The formidable power is not very strong, but the purpose is to slow down the opponent’s speed.

Golurk’s Stone Edge shoots out, Fairy Wind goes away, breaks the wind, and the Stone Edge’s momentum continues. This is Golurk’s formidable power. Although the Jumpluff Ability formidable power is not good, the escape is really top-notch, and it instantly turns into a dozen or so. Avatar, dodged Stone Edge’s fatal blow.

The speed of this Jumpluff can not be underestimated, it can be transformed into a dozen Avatars in an instant, it is indeed difficult for Golurk to win quickly, but seeing that Houndoom is already in jeopardy.

Kane’s plan comes from it.

“Continue to use Cotton Spore and Fairy Wind.”

Kengo is getting more and more excited. A dozen Jumpluffs surround Golurk, and Golurk cannot escape. With Golurk, Houndoom will soon be taken out by three other Pokémons.

Cotton Spore seems to have surrounded Golurk under the impetus of Fairy Wind.

“Phantom Force, attack Cacturne.”

Kane’s sudden decision makes Kengo a little not knowing what to do, and now that Houndoom has been knocked to the ground by Plant Frenzy, Cacturne is about to give him final hit.

Golurk suddenly disappeared, but this time the gap in the dimension was opened. Because of Jumpluff’s encirclement tactics, Golurk also got in the moment he entered the dimension.

Cacturne was about to start when Golurk suddenly appeared and hit Cacturne confused with a Fire Punch, but Golurk didn’t make up for it, and immediately waved his fists to meet the attacking Plant Frenzy.

Cacturne was about to stand up, and the Cotton Spore and Fairy Wind in the dimensional gap were all scraped on it. Although the formidable power was not strong, it was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Cacturne fell first. .

The accident happened at this moment, but now Houndoom is badly injured and needs a breather.

Golurk has powerful energy, and it was nothing difficult to face Venusaur and Meganium alone, but the annoying fly, Jumpluff, came to harass him again.

Light blue’s sleep powder was moved towards Golurk under the urging of Fairy Wind. Although it’s disgusting, I have to admit that this tactic really makes people angry. If it is sprinkled by sleep powder, Golurk will fall into If you are in a sleep state, is it not being slaughtered by others.

“Using Magic Coat.” Kane was also helplessly entangled by this little kid Jumpluff, so he had to solve this scourge first.

I saw Golurk standing in place, surrounded by a Fuchsia-colored energy mask, this move can bounce back all changing moves including Leech Seed, and of course sleep powder, but it can’t be resisted Attacking Ability, so Golurk must also be prepared to be hit.

Sleep powder was sprinkled on Golurk’s body and was dragged in by the Fuchsia-colored energy mask, but Fairy Wind’s formidable power kept attacking Golurk, and then the energy was sent back with sleep powder to it. In this place, the sleep powder was wrapped around Jumpluff by the power of Magic Coat, and Jumpluff choked twice, but Grass Type Pokémon was not affected by the sleep powder, but the most important thing was that Golurk avoided the crisis of Rest.

“Houndoom, Leer.”

Just as Jumpluff chokes on the sleep powder, the Houndoom eye shows the ominous light, and Kane gives a timely order.

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