Kane carefully thought about it again, and made sure that nothing was missing before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Too many things happened this day. Although Kane was extremely tired, she still couldn’t fall asleep.

Simply turned on the TV, replaying Will and Koga’s Elite qualifying.

Will’s Slowbro is in Calm Mind anytime, anywhere, Confusion is outrageously powerful, and Koga’s Pokémon is completely overwhelmed and quickly lost.

Kane sighed and later learned about the origin of this Slowbro, but unfortunately he didn’t have such an opportunity. Pokémon of extraordinary natural talent may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. To fight at least ten years less.

This is life!

And the Gengar that Koga showed today is completely different from his original fighting style. From his own Pokémon’s point of view, it was completely absorbed by the Mega Gengar’s life energy. How did it breed? ?

Kane thought about it, gradually drowsy, and the hardships that she had come to this world for more than 60 years appeared in her mind.

If you can do it all over again, those opportunities will never be missed.

In a daze, I heard bursts of crying, Kane subconsciously covered her ears, and the crying became more and more miserable.

“Who is crying at Gym this early in the morning.”

Kane squinted and walked towards the door, opening the door.

Here? How is it so familiar.

I saw an old man crying while holding two boxes.

No, it’s not Ecruteak Gym, and that old man…

Kane’s surprise is no small matter.

Quickly shook his head vigorously, ran back to the room and charged his head with cold water.

Finally sober.

Kane looked at the layout of the room and had a lot of thoughts in her head.

Slowly pacing to the wall calendar in the room, Kane couldn’t calm down for a long time.

Alliance Calendar 687 July 10

Sixty-three years ago, isn’t it the time when I first came to this world?

Remembering that she was only seven years old at the time, Kane still couldn’t believe it and turned to the mirror beside her bed for answers.

Like a six or seven year old boy.

After confirming that she traveled again, Kane sat beside the bed and couldn’t calm down for a long time.

With more than 60 years of experience in this world, I was suddenly at a loss as to how to use it and how to plan my next path.

What I am good at is Poison Type, Ariados and Drapion must be bred, but unfortunately the cost of breeding is too high, it will take several generations of Genetic, if it goes well, it will take three to five years, now definitely There is no such capital.

And Koga’s Gengar, Will’s Slowbro…

Thousands of thoughts rose in the mind for a while.

“Impractical, all impractical.” Kane shook the head.

As expected, I still think too good, let’s solve the problem in front of me first. In my past life, I suffered too much loss because I thought this world too good, and even almost killed myself. life.

Now, since God intended for me to live again, those forks must never be taken again.

The old man outside the door is his grandfather in this world. Although he has no blood relationship with him, he is just a strange old man now, but his previous life has just come to this world. When I was in the world, I still respected him. After all, I had a kind grandfather in Earth.

He was holding the ashes of his son’s daughter-in-law, Kane’s parents.

Kane’s parents were in business between Saffron City and Hearthome City. The passenger ship was hit by a tsunami and both drowned.

Originally, Kane’s parents left a large amount of inheritance in Kane’s name, but they were firmly held by Kane’s grandfather.

That’s all, when I’m ten years old, I can use this money to buy an initial Pokémon, and my life can be considered on the right track.

Who ever thought that fortune plays with people, Kane absolutely didn’t expect that this old man turned out to be a gambler. In just half a year, he lost all his son’s inheritance and was urged by creditors. Debt, but also delusional real estate in his own name.

At that time, I was completely ignorant about this world, so I asked him to sell the house in Hearthome City because of his pity, but this old man was a gambler that got richer and bigger. All failed.

Once again, when the creditor came to the door, Kane finally saw through and ignored him, but the old man actually wanted to use Kane to pay off the debt. Kane broke free and ran out on his own. When he came back, he found that the old man had a sudden Heart disease is dead.

Kane, who was just eight years old, was fooled into an orphanage by a group of beasts, and the orphanage logically deprived Kane of the remaining set of properties.

The pattern of this world has directly led to the failure of the law to be perfect, and indirectly led to the darkness of some societies. For example, a dead body exposed in the wilderness will be gnawed beyond recognition by a Pokémon like Houndoom Mightyena. Who is the murderer, a human, or a Pokémon? There is simply no way to check.

Spent two years in an orphanage, muddleheaded.

A ten-year-old is considered to have the ability to take care of themselves in this world, and the orphanage is only responsible for raising orphans until they are ten years old.

I was kicked out of the orphanage when I was ten years old.

So, when I was ten years old in my previous life, I almost starved to death on the street.

Now, these must never happen again.

After regaining her composure, Kane walked out directly, and the Old Master was still crying.

Kane coldly snorted, you just cry today.

“Don’t cry, people can’t be resurrected from the dead, we have to live.”

Old Master heard his grandson’s words, the crying stopped abruptly, looked up at himself This seven-year-old boy is both unfamiliar and familiar, and it is not like what a child can say.

Old Master wiped his tears and said, “In the future, we will depend on each other for life. The property left by your parents is enough to support your studies, and then find a good job in Ecruteak City, don’t learn from you. It’s not a waste of your life for your parents to go outside.”

previous life old man said the same thing, but it’s a pity that gambling is as deep as the sea, and everything has changed after gambling addiction.

However, the old man also mentioned a phenomenon in this world. Now Alliance has not made a unified regulation for the wild. It is extremely dangerous to go out casually, and the Beedrill Spearow that comes out at any time is enough to ask for yours Life, the sea is more dangerous, the so-called tsunami is likely to be swarms of Gyarados making waves.

However, none of this could stop Kane.

“I want to buy Pokémon and register as a trainer in three years.”

Old Master waved his hand before Kane said anything.

Said: “No, absolutely not, you die, you are not allowed to touch anything related to Pokémon.”

“Stubborn, don’t wait for you to lose Take me to pay off the debt?”

This kind of thing will never let him happen again.

Kane ignored the Old Master at all and rushed to his room, “That is the property my parents left me, and I have the right to control him.”

See Old Master Kane ran to his room and hurried to chase, because he had just checked the estate and the safe was still open.

Kane rushed into the room, saw the open safe at a glance, heard the Old Master following closely, and subconsciously poured out everything inside.

Two property deeds, one Johto Alliance bank card, one Sinnoh Alliance bank card, and three stacks of banknotes.

Kane shoved her head into her arms.

At this time, the Old Master was blocking the door, staring at Kane: “hand over it, I can’t control you.”

Kane thought that I was really a seven-year-old child , without the slightest fear.

“Get out of the way, we can still be grandchildren.”

Old Master became furious after hearing this, “You disobedient beast.”

Slaps up and calls into Kane’s face.

“hehe, Pediatrics.”

I never stopped learning about Fighting skills in my previous life. If it wasn’t for my current physical fitness, I could play like you. ten.

Kane spun out the door with ease.

Old Master staggered and almost didn’t stop.

Kane took the opportunity to escape back to her room and locked the door of the house. Now she can’t get too stiff with the old man and run away from home.

First of all, I don’t know the passwords of the two bank cards, and I must get a work permit for a company or factory before he dies. The claws of the orphanage.

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