“Instead of training Pokémon like this, you can’t get a breakthrough, why not give it a shot, you are just living in a corner to train Pokémon, which is actually an escape, although you are also doing it for you I’ve tried to get revenge, but it won’t work.” Kane said sharply.

Yu Bo started it in his heart, now he is not afraid of death, even more how to fight hard. Before, he didn’t want to tell Kane his enemies, just didn’t want to impose his pressure on Kane. head, and now that Kane has opened up to herself, what else is there to worry about.

Kane’s enemies are the Elite of Johto Region and the champion of Johto Region. It can be said that both of them have no way out now, only to seek change.

“Okay, I support you, the one who destroyed my family is Professor Rowan from Sinnoh Region. In order to make some achievements in Flying Type Pokémon, he can stand out as a world professor and suppress Professor from Kanto. Oak,

I didn’t hesitate to use the underworld forces of Alliance to suppress my family, robbed a lot of Flying Type Pokémon from the family, and even more delusionally wanted to take our family’s breeding method for Flying Type Pokémon, my father rather die than submit, it’s a pity that so many people in my family have been persecuted.

It’s a pity that our family is only a small family and does not have enough strength to compete with Rowan. It never showed up again, otherwise I wouldn’t be slaughtered.

I just hate myself for being so stupid, no matter how much I train, my Honchkrow, Skarmory and Chatot are all just quasi-Elite If you are at the peak, you cannot break through. If you are at the elite level and train to the peak of Elite, then you will be able to compete with Rowan.”

As he spoke, Yubo gritted his teeth, feeling very helpless.

But Yubo thinks about Kane’s opponent, and still feels that Rowan is much easier to deal with. Although Rowan’s reputation is great, and there are many experts around him to protect him, he himself does not have much strength after all. But Kane is different. Hattori Hanzo and Kurokawa Ryosuke are real Elite-level experts. There are no small moves, they must face their strength, and these two people are very powerful. Hattori Hanzo’s Ninja Academy All over the Johto Region, Kurokawa Ryosuke’s position as the temporary Johto champion is like the sun at high noon. No matter who he is, he is invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

hmph! Rowan Ah.

previous life It seems that this life has to be settled, even for Yubo.

“It’s actually not as difficult as you think to deal with Rowan, after all, his own strength is not very strong, although there are Pokémon who protect him closely, and it is certain that the Elite level assigned to him by the Alliance. Pokémon,

But after all, it’s not his own. No matter how strong a Pokémon that fights on his own, it can’t be as good as being commanded by his own trainer. Then there is only one uncommanded Pokémon left in the opponent. It can be said that as long as you reach the level of Elite, it is not difficult to get revenge,

But just kill Rowan and you will be relieved No? No, will his death pay for your entire family’s demise? No, so we’re going to let him down, signed to eternal damnation,” Kane said.

“But I have nine Pokémons, only Honchkrow, Skarmory and Chatot are quasi-Elite peaks, Staraptor, Gliscor and Yanmega are quasi-Elite mid-game, the remaining three have no breakthrough even quasi-Elite, and Chatot The three of them have been staying at the quasi-Elite peak for more than a year, and no matter how much training there is, there is no way to break through, so I am a little impatient.” Yubo said helplessly.

“Your strength is now stronger than most Gym trainers. The reason why Chatot they are difficult to break through is because they don’t have a strong enough opponent, because you are an ancestral Flying Type god rare treasure breed method, and the ancestors also had Elite-level experts, indicating that the breed method is no problem.” Kane analyzed.

Nodded by Bo, “I also thought of it, but in the current state, I can’t find a sparring partner at all. Melissa, the gym trainer of Hearthome Gym, is simply unable to withstand a single blow. Training value.”

“I now have four Pokémons at the Breakthrough Elite level, we can learn from each other, maybe help you, and I have a mission, which is to join the Sinnoh Alliance at this time , time is running out, and there are eight Badges to get, you are more familiar with the Sinnoh place, so I also need your Help.” Kane said.

And You Bo is naturally very happy to Help Kane. What makes her unbelievable is that Kane actually has four Pokémon breakthrough Elite levels, which is not his strongest Mamoswine, originally from Umbra Island When he came out, the gap between Kane and himself was not very big. In the past five years, it can be said that he has not let up his training on Pokémon at all. Didn’t expect to be thrown away by Kane so much.

“Okay, no problem, but is it as simple as just joining the Sinnoh Alliance?” Yu Bo asked. Although she can’t say that she fully understands Kane’s character, she is still somewhat clear in general. Impossible is simply participating in an Alliance tournament, he must have his plans, and what he said was the establishment of power.

“Of course not. Now I will tell you all my plans and the plans for the next ten years. I think I can only tell you. Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in Hoenn,

There are indeed many conveniences in this company. Not to mention, almost all the most advanced technologies in this world come from this company. You should I have also heard of it,

And the company’s benefits are very good, covering all Pokémon’s breed costs, and an additional 800,000 annual subsidy, so I saved money when I cultivated Pokémon. Troubled.” Kane spoke eloquently…

Speaking of Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd., even Yubo cast an envious look, thinking about what he could do for money in the past five years It is heartbreaking to say that Pokémon breeds cost a huge amount of money, and the higher the level, the more expensive it is, so every year Bo has to spend a lot of time poaching Pokémon for sale or to complete Hunter’s Guild. The mission has been in danger many times, and even the funds obtained in this way are only enough to cover the expenses of the nine Pokémons. If Kane hadn’t lent her this house to live in, I’m afraid he would really be sleeping in the open every day.

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