There are tomes hidden under the stone tablet.

And the inscription has stated that there is no Pokémon blocking, so it can be said that it is very safe now.

But Kane always felt a vague sense of unease.

Only three of the five Pokémons of the Qianshan IV Protector’s Palace appeared, and the other two would not be decorations.

Everything went smoothly. A few people successfully removed the stone tablet, and there was a hidden space below, and a sandalwood box was placed in it.

It is written: The ancestors handed down the Ghost Type Pokémon breed book, if future generations have the opportunity to get it, they must use it in the right way, and things that harm the gods and reason must never be done. Those who get this book must be in awe of the ancestors.

These people don’t care about these extra words at all. Grandfather Thunderstorm opened the sandalwood box, and a thick book was indeed in the box.

Old Master naturally couldn’t wait to open the book, nine deaths and still alive came here, if this book has no value, would it be a failure.

The process of Thunderstorm’s grandfather’s reading, naturally everyone gathered over, and naturally there was no place for Kane at this time.

However, during the reading process, there was only a sound of sorrow.

“There is nothing unusual about these recorded things.”

“Yes, isn’t this go on an errand for nothing?”

Thunderstorm’s grandfather’s face was also gloomy and uncertain, obviously he didn’t see what he wanted, and there was already cold sweat on his face.

For half an hour, the four bystanders couldn’t sit still and walked away. At this time, Lei Yu and Kane took their place.

As for the peeks of Kane and the other four people, Lei Yu’s grandfather simply didn’t take seriously, and he had long been thinking in his heart that there would only be three people who would walk out of this tomb palace. Here, three of their grandparents and grandchildren have three generations. absolute strength.

And Kane holds Pryce’s Swinub in hand, killing these people is like crushing an ant Normal, just grope the tomb.


Lei Yu’s grandfather is quite mature and prudent, and he won’t give up until he reads it.

A thick book has been turned over by more than half, and the number of remaining pages has become less and less.

Grandfather Thunderstorm is now dripping sweat on the books.

“Shadow Contract”

The three of them lit up at the same time.

Gastly’s group is Shadow Pokémon, which can establish a shadow contract with the human body and hide in the shadow of the human body.

The method of establishing a shadow contract is as follows: every year at noon on the summer solstice, when the sun is at its strongest, people stand under the scorching sun, and the silhouette at this time has only a little round shadow at the foot, suspending the Pokémon of the Gastly family. At the top of the head, the light of the sun at this time is the nemesis of Ghost Type Pokémon. Driven by the sun, Gastly descends from the top of the human body, swims through the whole body, and hides in the shadow of the human body.

Gastly, who has established a contract with the human body, becomes the shadow of the human body, a part of the human body, which will not appear in the sunny place, nor can it leave a hundred paces away in the dark place.

Contracts are divided into active contracts and passive contracts. Active contracts are bond-type contracts established by trainers and their Pokémons. Trainers and Pokémons complement each other. After establishing a shadow contract, Gastly can evolve normally and become stronger. Sensing the presence of danger, it will attack the enemy as a weapon of the human body.

The Gastly after the establishment of the shadow contract is also a part of the human body, which is connected with the city of Mental Force.

It’s just that Gastly, who is hiding in the shadows, can’t eat normal food and can only feed on life energy. At this time, the trainer is responsible for finding life energy for Gastly. Of course, he also needs to train and evolve Gastly. Only Gastly evolves. Now, stronger, the trainer’s own weapon will be even more powerful.

Passive contract is when an outsider establishes a contract between Gastly and another person. Gastly will not obey the commander of the contractor, let alone fight for you. It is just a means of controlling people.

Because when there is no external life energy supply, it will absorb the human body’s own life energy. After the human body’s life energy is completely absorbed, it will die, and Gastly will be liberated.

If the Gastly who established the contract cannot absorb life energy, then he will die and the contract will be released naturally.

<>After reading this article, Kanep nods, this article is very useful, and I also have to establish an active contract with my own Gastly. In the future, it will be dangerous to wander in the wild. Maybe when Rest at night, I will be caught Killed by wild beast, if you have Gastly, you will be aware of your own danger, then your own safety will be more guaranteed.

And it is similar to Gastly’s Mental Force, so as long as this Gastly’s Mental Force becomes stronger, doesn’t it mean that your own Mental Force will also become stronger, not to mention that you can also use Mental Force in the future Attack, at least you can protect yourself.

And when the enemy is fighting for life and death in the wild, the enemy will do everything possible to attack the trainer instead of Pokémon, so he will constantly exercise his physical fitness, but no matter how strong his physical fitness is It’s not as foolproof as Pokémon. At this time, his shadow is the bodyguard, and he can fully live up to these attacks on himself.

The one who carries the shadow weapon with you can be said to be a source of danger, as long as the enemy enters the attack range of Gastly.


absolutely didn’t think his shadow would kill him too.

Actually, many trainers in the wild place too much emphasis on the pursuit of Pokémon power, while ignoring the requirements for their own physical fitness. They often breed powerful Pokémon, but they are still killed by sneak attack. You have worked hard to make wedding dresses for others.

The longest-serving Ash Master of Kanto Alliance in previous life that I know, not only has Innate Divine Strength, but also has extraordinary physical fitness. According to an interview program, according to his own introduction, his The body has suffered from the baptism of his own Pikachu Thunderbolt all the year round, and he has already possessed a physical resistance that ordinary people cannot reach.

Ash’s remarks aroused a lot of public opinion, and many people thought it was incredible. The method of success often turns out to be a fallacy.

After reading this article, Kane will keep the method firmly in the heart.

But Thunderstorm’s grandfather sighed, “This method is good, but where can I find a Gastly who eats life energy.”

Kane’s Gastly is now in Thunderstorm’s hands. Only Gastly’s habit of sucking life energy has been shown many times when rushing to the Bell Tower. Thunderstorm didn’t feel anything at the time, and now I found out that it still has such uses.

Thunderstorm got Kane Gastly’s Pokémon ball and was about to open his mouth to say something, but backed away and put Gastly’s Pokémon ball in place again.

I was thinking silently in my heart.

Kane can see that this kid really has wolf ambitions.

Thunderstorm grandfather shouted the head and continued to read.

distorted space Gastly’s breed method.

Kane’s eyes widened even more at this time. Isn’t this how previous life Koga dealt with him?

After I finish reading this, Koga old thief, the hatred in the past life will definitely be cleared up with you in this life.

Grandfather Thunderstorm was just about to open it.

I only heard the four people discuss spiritedly, “Anyway, the tombstone has said that there is no danger, otherwise let’s see what treasure is in this coffin.”

“I think Okay, just now there is a dark source stone in the coffin of the second life, let alone the first life, there must be a more precious treasure.”

The four hit it off.

Directly prepare to push open the coffin lid together.

Kane took a look and thought about the words on the wooden box just now.

Shout out, “Stop.”

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