Three times in a month, Kane pressed Drake to make a decision.

This month, Gengar has also completely absorbed Celebi’s life energy and has become a super champion, which can already keep pace with Mamoswine.

The Pokémon in Kane’s hands now.

The Ditto with infinite recovery is comparable to the mid-term strength of Elite.

Gengar and Mamoswine at super-championship level.

Golurk and Ice Sandslash at the pinnacle of champions.

Houndoom and Wailord in mid-championship.

Champion Primary Rank’s four-ball gas, Slowbro and Zangoose

Champion level has nine Pokémon, and Wailord’s strength continues to grow because of the relationship between the sea soul, reaching the peak of the championship Also just around the corner.

Then the Elite level

Drapion and Ariados at the top of the Elite.

Muk in the middle of the Elite.

At present, Kane’s strength, looking at the entire Pokémon world, has no opponent, even Steven and Shirona can’t compete with him.

Drake finally asked Kane to go to Citrus Island for a meeting under Kane’s repeated urging. The three Elites, Yubo, Morty and Lorelei, also received news.

At the beginning of the meeting, Drake spoke out Kane’s idea, that is, Lorelei hesitated a little, and got all the approval.

This result was also expected by Drake.

However, the war is labor-intensive, and it requires a lot of human, material and financial resources. The Orange Alliance’s economy has just stabilized for a few years, and it is indeed a long-term plan to launch such a big war.

Drake also spoke his mind.

At this point, Kane spoke, “Drake, your worries are indeed correct, but you can’t be more clear about the geographical conditions of the Orange Islands, they are all islands without even a continent, the transportation is inconvenient, the people are scattered, It is difficult to develop big, so winning a continent is beneficial in the long run and not harmful.”

“I know this, but attacking the Johto Alliance, you have several points of sure?” Drake said.

“Before the war, make a contract with the Kanto Alliance, and then you and Morty will guard the Orange Islands to prevent other Alliance sneak attacks. Lorelei is responsible for the transportation of materials and logistics in the Vortex Islands. I landed Ecruteak City with Yubo from Onion City, went through Mahogany Town to Blackthorn City and then looked at Mt. Silver, as long as everything was going according to plan I was 100% sure,” Kane said.

“Okay, since you said so, I support it, but after winning the Johto Alliance, we will have our own continent, that’s enough, other Alliances are deeply ingrained, and then proceed. I’m absolutely against expansion,” Drake said.

“Relax, the current Johto Alliance can be said to be an opportunity in front of us, because the corruption and inaction of the Alliance has already made people’s hearts slack, so our attack will be relatively easy, but the rest of the Alliance are It is deeply rooted and unshakable. The most important thing is the will of the people, so there is no chance. I will not fight such a reckless battle, and there is no need to fight, because there is no management, even if it is defeated, what is the use? .”

Kane said.

“Okay, you assign people,” Drake said.

The next three months are in active preparation, and the eight major Gym trainers and the Investigator Boss are already on standby.

In the next three months, the weather is already winter, which is not suitable for war. People from the Orange Alliance disguised themselves from various places to enter the Onion City to stand by. Kane used the “white clothed crossing the river” tactic. .

The next year is spring.

Kane raised her arm, and Jasmine of Onion City was controlled without the slightest precaution, and of course surrendered Kane as a matter of course.

After winning the Onion City, Kane awarded the Orange Alliance’s preferential policy to Pokémon trainers, which naturally won the full support of the majority of Pokémon trainers.

Lowering the threshold for becoming a trainer, Pokémon’s injury medicine, and medicines to relieve Status Condition can be reimbursed with Pokémon health insurance card.

All Gym trainers and Elites must be elected in a fair, fair and open manner. The Elite campaign will be held every four years. During this four-year cycle, the Elite Integral Points competition will be held, and the top ten Integral Points will be held Players can challenge the Elite of the previous time, and those who succeed in the challenge can become Elite.

Such a clear policy will naturally bring light to Pokémon trainers who were already under corrupt oppression.

Over the next three months, Kane took down Ecruteak City, Mahogany Town, and Blackthorn City in a big way.

Because there are no Gym trainers in these three cities, Morty, the former Gym trainer of Ecruteak Gym, has already become the Ghost Type Elite of Orange Alliance and Pryce of Mahogany Gym for no reason half a year ago The missing Gym trainer from Blackthorn City was suspected by Kurokawa Ryosuke for no reason because of the relationship between Kanto Alliance Yulongdu, and all transferred to Kanto Alliance.

Kane has been like a hot knife through butter all the way. Wherever he went, the people’s hearts and aspirations, until the end of the twelfth lunar month, has surrounded Mt. Silver, leaving only one Alliance headquarters.

Kane took his team to the top of the mountain at sunrise, although Mt. Simply impossible to withstand a single blow.

By the time they got to the gate of the Johto Alliance headquarters, Karen was the only one standing in front of the gate with all her Pokémon.

“What about the others?” Kane asked.

“I’ve let them go, now you just have to kill me and you’ll be able to complete the Sovereign Johto Alliance.” Karen said neither humble nor arrogant.

“I don’t want to be your enemy, as long as you promise, I can keep your Elite position forever,” Kane said.

“I swear to live and die with the Johto Alliance, don’t waste your time,” Karen said.

Kane would like to say a few more words.

Youbo has ordered her Pokémon to attack.

No matter how strong Karen is, it is not the opponent of Yobo. Kane is also very helpless and leads people directly into the Alliance headquarters.

The lobby of the headquarters is empty.

Kane asks people to search the entire Alliance headquarters, and walks directly to the champion’s office, Kurokawa Ryosuke’s office.

A corpse lay on the floor, apparently killed by suicide.

At this time, Kane still admired him in his heart, and he chose to kill himself at the last moment to retain his last dignity.

Out of the hall, the battle between Yubo and Karen is still going on, but the battle situation is very different from what I imagined. Karen’s Pokémon has no defense at all, and is fighting a Final Gambit. , completely suppressed Yubo in imposing manner, at this time Yubo had been surrounded by perils, and even Zapdos received a powerful Flamethrower from Karen Houndoom.

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