Ditto changes back to his original form in Kane’s hands, moving towards Kane blinking.

“See that Rapidash?”

Kane asked, pointing to a Rapidash training not far away.

Ditto nods.

“We’re going to be here for two days, and your job is to imprint the change Rapidash in your mind.”

Kane went straight to Rapidash.

Rapidash’s trainer is a young man in his twenties, and it’s not hard to communicate.

“Ditto, you are on Rapidash this afternoon, feel the breath of Rapidash, the energy and the rhythm of running.”

Kane explained Ditto, Ditto suddenly felt that today’s special The training task was very easy, jumped on Rapidash’s back, and was suddenly overturned by the flames on Rapidash’s back.

“Slowly feel the breath of Rapidash and keep pace with Rapidash so you don’t feel hot.”

Ditto jumps to Rapidash again under Kane’s teaching On his back, he jumped up again because of the heat.

Now Ditto realizes that this special training is really not easy.

It took nearly an hour to fall back and forth from Rapidash, barely able to keep pace with Rapidash’s breath.

However, when Rapidash started running, Ditto’s rhythm began to fail again, but this was a fall from the horse’s back and would definitely be seriously injured, Ditto had no choice but to endure the high temperature of the flame and try his best to keep up. The rhythm of Rapidash.

Kane stood still while Haunter conducted Mental Force training in his shadow.

Kane looked at Ditto, nodded, who persevered on Rapidash’s back. With such unforgettable memories, Transform Rapidash is half the battle in the future.

Ditto spent the afternoon feeling the Rapidash’s breath on the Rapidash’s back, coordinating the Rapidash’s rhythm.

Seeing Ditto getting more and more relaxed, Kane knew that it didn’t feel hot anymore, at least it could keep up with Rapidash’s pace.

Ditto didn’t get off Rapidash’s horse until Rapidash’s trainer stopped training.

“Thank you for your help, I’m treating you to dinner tonight, and I may have to trouble your Rapidash tomorrow,” Kane said.

After all, I have to borrow his Rapidash to train Ditto tomorrow. Kane never believes that there are people who help you for free. I’m afraid I won’t meet again tomorrow in this life.

However, the young man was quite shy, and refused Kane’s invitation. He really wanted it. The price for a dinner wasn’t much, but it was a waste of time to order food in a restaurant.

As the sun sets and the willows on the moon, Kane takes out her tent and camps on the spot. There are no Pokémon in this place and it is absolutely safe.

Two compressed biscuits and a bottle of mineral water.

Kane quickly settles her own dinner.

Then took out the burn spray and sprayed it all over Ditto’s body. The cool and comfortable feeling made Ditto show a very enjoyable expression.

“Fair enough, your dinner.”

Kane took out five bottles of the best Miltank milk and placed it in front of Ditto.

Ditto swallowed saliva and said, this kind of enjoyment after hard work has become the happiest thing every day, and the owner of Kane has occupied a place in his heart.

“Haunter, come out, your food is almost sucked during the day.”

Kane finished, Gastly rose from his feet, nodded.

“Haunter, you’re familiar enough with your Ability exercise now, so now move on to the next exercise.”

Haunter looked at Kane expectantly .

“Ability’s cohesion and coherence, what you practice is your use of different abilities, the conversion between different energies, and when used in battle, there will be no pause in conversion, and it can be used by opponents. machine.”

Kane finished and Haunter looked at Kane blankly.

“So you may not be able to understand, just use my method for special training. Now that you haven’t learned Psychic, the main offensive abilities you can use are Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb and Dark Pulse. It just so happens that these three abilities are of different Attributes, you first try to use these three abilities in a row without any gaps in between.”

In this way, Haunter already knows what to do.

After the Haunter Shadow Ball threw away, according to Kane’s order, Sludge Bomb should be used, but Shadow Ball was used for the second time, and it was only the third time that the Sludge Bomb was used, and the Sludge Bomb was used. After Sludge Bomb, it took seven or eight seconds to use Dark Pulse.

Haunter shook his body suddenly, very dazed, and just suddenly had a feeling that he couldn’t make it out.

“How about you, you will know how to train with your own experience. The Shadow Ball used at first is the energy of the Ghost Type, and then let you use the Shadow Ball. Switching to Sludge Bomb is to switch from Ghost Type energy to Poison Type energy. Is it possible to switch flexibly now, there will be a few seconds interval, but these few seconds interval is the opportunity of opponent, so this special training is now Even if it starts, you should start practicing these three abilities in the order I said.”

Kane said what Haunter was thinking, and suddenly after using Shadow Ball For a moment, I didn’t know where to use the power. I wanted to use the Sludge Bomb, but I unconsciously gathered the Ghost Type energy. When I connected the Dark Pulse, I was afraid. I didn’t dare to use it until the Dark Type’s energy was mobilized. .

Haunter started the special training just now. The connection time between Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, and Dark Pulse will always be seven or eight seconds. This special training cannot be completed overnight. It can even be said that It is necessary to practice as long as Haunter has to participate in the battle.

With the explosion of “peng~ peng~ peng~ “, Haunter has fully devoted himself to the special training.

Ditto is now fully recovered as well.

“Ditto, now it’s no problem for you to transform into the Rapidash during the day.”

Kane immediately transformed into the Rapidash after saying Ditto, and the day brought it to the Rapidash. It’s hard not to remember Rapidash for such a painful experience.

A near-perfect Transform.

“Ditto, just run around the hills, get used to this shape better, and run like Rapidash for a long time in the future.”

Darkness One group of Fireballs bobbing up and down the hills is the Rapidash of Ditto Transform.

Haunter and Ditto’s special training has entered a new era, and their strengths are steadily improving.

That’s when Kane took out Pryce’s Swinub.

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