Mental Force assisting in the ability to connect?

Kane just suddenly had a thought, and I didn’t have much research on this aspect in my previous life, just had a few battles with Will.

Will’s main force, Slowbro, Mental Force is so strong that it does not use any Ability, it simply uses Mental Force to attack, no matter what field it controls, it will become beneficial to itself, Rock The Rock on the field will become the Rock Wrecker attacking the opponent, the grass blades of Grassy Terrain will become the Leaf Storm attacking the opponent, and the mud on the Normal field will be rolled up by its Mental Force and become an attacking weapon.

In Will’s Slowbro, the Mental Force is everything, that’s why Kane wanted to try it.

Although Haunter’s Mental Force is far from the level of Will Slowbro’s, it’s worth trying as an aid to Ability.

Haunter’s eyes turned slightly red, and the Mental Force had begun to overflow. At this time, Haunter urged the Shadow Ball and threw it out.


This is Kane’s first impression, and it’s getting faster.

Following Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse.

Although there is still a pause or two, I don’t know how much better.

Haunter made a major mistake just now, and now it has such unexpected results after using the Mental Force support.

Don’t say Haunter even Kane can’t believe it.

It shows that his thinking is right, Psychic Pokémon’s IQ is generally high, and the brains of Alakazam and Metagross, even computers after several decades, can’t be compared.

Because of these Pokémon’s high IQs, Mental Force training is easier, and Mental Force is naturally stronger.

That’s why Kane thought that maybe Mental Force can speed up the operation of the brain. Because of this, the cohesion speed of Ability will be accelerated, and the brain running at high speed will execute instructions faster, so after Ability The convergence also had unexpected effects.

The so-called practice is to imprint the use of Ability firmly in the brain, and when it is used, it will do as one pleases.

Now with the support of Mental Force, things that were difficult have become simplified, which is why Haunter is so handy with the ability connection just now.

No wonder there are so many people specializing in Psychic Type, and they will reach the level of Elite very early, Sabrina of Kanto, Will of Johto, Lucian of Sinnoh, Cattleya of Unova, almost all of them are very good. Standing in the Elite position long ago.

It turns out that there is such a way to copy shortcuts.


If this life only aims at Elite, then wouldn’t it be a waste of the chance of rebirth that God gave him.

The strength of those Psychic Elites has also been set as Elite, and I know that none of those people have reached the level of champions.

It is advisable to use Mental Force to assist the use of Unique Ability, but if the original steady and steady training is ignored, the strength will not reach the corresponding height.

Those who climb step by step a footprint will naturally beat those who take shortcuts through training accumulated over a long period of time.

Because of what? Conditioned reflex!

It is very fast to assist the use of Unique Ability through Mental Force, but it still needs to go through the brain after all, but many champion-level Masters have integrated Unique Ability into the bloodline, that is, as long as they are engaged in battle , Ability has reached the level of direct emission without going through the brain.

Such a level is naturally a level higher than the level of using Mental Force to assist Ability, but this level requires persistent training year in year out.

So Kane’s own training in these two aspects will not be given up, the shortcuts should also be surpassed, and the diligent and hard training should be carried out. Next, Gastly’s training will be carried out from three aspects.

First: Mental Force workouts and Psychic use.

Second: The use of Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, and Dark Pulse.

Third: The use of Ability with the aid of Mental Force.

Kane gave Haunter a detailed explanation of the overall plan for future training. In Haunter’s opinion, this is a long-term training.

As for Ditto, its combat value can almost be ignored now, the focus has begun to shift, and now Transform Rapidash is no big problem.

It’s almost time to find the next Transform object, but if you master it more, Ditto will also get confused, so this should take your time, you should be able to see Lapras when the time comes Ditto has a firm grasp of Rapidash and Lapras changes and can do as one pleases changes.

The two existing Pokémons have a new plan, which is also a general direction, which makes Kane start to look forward to meeting Swinub.

After a night of rest by the lake, Kane started to walk upstream of the Lake of Rage early in the morning on the second day.

“Friends on the shore, are you going to Mahogany Town?”

A crisp silver bell-like voice entered Kane’s ears, Kane couldn’t help but pretend .

A little girl about ten years old, with red hair and a ponytail, a black trench coat with a V-neck Black T-shirt inside, and the chest of a ten-year-old little girl The front actually bulged slightly clearly, standing on the body of a Lapras, valiant and formidable looking.

“Yes.” Kane replied.

“Hello, my name is Lorelei, and I’m also going to Mahogany Town. Let me take you for a ride.”


Kane couldn’t help but take a second glance, the ice attribute Elite in the Kanto Region in the future, no wonder the features are starting to show up now.

Lorelei is Floe Island in the Sevii Islands Region of Kanto Region, and it is also a place suitable for the development of ice attribute Pokémon Growth. It is said that Lorelei’s family is the richest man on Floe Island and made his fortune by mining Never-Melt Ice. , that Lapras should be her original Pokémon, the main force in the future.

“Thank you.”

After Kane finished speaking, Lorelei let Lapras dock, and Kane successfully sat on Lapras’ back.

This ride on Lapras is one move, two gains.

At the speed of Lapras, you should be able to reach Mahogany Town in about an hour.

The most important thing is to let Ditto feel the breath of Lapras and the rhythm of swimming.

“Ditto, stand on Lapras’ head, just like you feel the breath of Rapidash.”

Kane finished, Ditto climbed on Lapras’s head and followed Lapras Breathing in the rhythm of the wind and waves.

“I’m from Floe Island in Kanto Region, or this is the first time I come to Johto Region, what’s your name?”

It seems that Lorelei is traveling for the first time , a feeling of curiosity about things outside, completely exuding the innocent and unaffected of a ten-year-old girl.


“I don’t think you like talking very much, do you also like ice attribute Pokémon?” Lorelei seemed to be concerned with this question.

Kane really doesn’t know how to answer this question.

Turns his head to look at Lorelei.

The eyes are facing each other.

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