
A loud noise woke Ye Qing from sleep.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he found himself thrown heavily from his seat and then mercilessly dragged back by his seat belt.

The intense bumps made his head clear instantly, and he immediately realized: something happened to the plane!

This is a medium-sized passenger flight from the west coast of North America to China.

Ye Qing didn’t expect that he had saved enough money to travel abroad once, and he would actually encounter this kind of thing on the way back.

The passengers in the cabin were already in a mess, and some passengers without seat belts were thrown high like balloons, knocked down the cabin roof and fell hard, everything was like a movie.

But the noise around him and the pain on his forehead that had previously hit the seat in front told Ye that this was really happening!

The staccato voice of the captain came from the radio, and most of Ye Qing did not hear it clearly, only faintly hearing the words “weather” and “forced landing”.


There was another loud noise, the cabin door in front suddenly opened, and the huge pressure instantly swept away the passengers near the hatch mercilessly with seats, and these people didn’t even have time to scream, and they were already outside.

Ye Qing was directly frightened and stupid, and he didn’t expect to encounter this situation on his second flight.

Hurriedly put the oxygen mask that had just been lowered on your face according to the self-help measures you saw on the Internet before.

During the flight of the aircraft, if the hatch is suddenly opened, the huge pressure difference between the inside and outside will not only pump out the people in the cabin, but also cause hypoxia.

In the process, the passengers on the plane only have about 18 seconds to save themselves.

“Help! Help me! ”

A middle-aged woman desperately grabbed the side of the cabin door, half of her body already floating outside.

A man found a strap around himself out of nowhere, trying to save her, but before he got closer, the plane was a violent bump, the strap on the man’s body broke, and suddenly flew out, and at the same time dragged the woman out.

All this happened too quickly, Ye Qing watched two lives pass in front of him, but could not do anything.

Only by pulling the seat belt on his body to ensure that he was firmly tied to the plane.

The passengers, who witnessed all this, after a brief silence, instantly burst into a louder cry than the roar of the plane.

Everyone tightly grasped the objects around them, and from their eyes, Ye Qing saw endless horror.



The powerful air flow outside is like a windswept cloud, taking away everything that can be taken away through the open hatch.

During this period, many people suffered.

What made the people inside the plane even more desperate was that a shelf flew out of the hatch and was stuffed right into the pusher under the wing.

With a bang, the thrusters exploded, and the plane shook violently, completely out of control, and fell straight down.


Before the passengers in the cabin could scream, their mouths were filled with seawater.

The extremely low aircraft, which had already landed, plunged headlong into the sea without having time to regain its balance after the flank thrusters were destroyed.

The strong desire to survive made Ye Qing care less, and quickly unfastened his seat belt and desperately went upstream.

When it surfaced, because of the flow of seawater, Ye Qing was already tens of meters away from the place where the plane fell, and only a small part of the plane was still on the surface of the sea at this time, and the rest had sunk into the water.

Surviving people are calling the names of their companions, and shouts are heard one after another.

Ye Qing had no companions, and just wanted to swim to the wreckage of the plane to see if there were any living flight attendants, at least staying with them would make him feel a little more at ease.

But this thought just rose, and suddenly a huge wave pressed over like a mountain, and at the top of the huge wave, the outline of a behemoth gradually became clear, and then hit the plane before Ye Qing could react.


Continuously, wave after wave of roar stimulated Ye Qing’s eardrums.

The flames burst into the sky and lit up the entire sky.

A bolt of lightning passed through the flames, and the combination of the two in that instant was like a fallen flag.

It was a half-cut freighter, rusty under the light of lightning and fire, and looked like it had been killed for some years, and the wreckage was swept up by the wind and waves, and it actually knocked up the plane that had just fallen into the water.

And this explosion also brought Ye Qing a lot of trouble.

The air wave generated by the explosion directly pushed him out for a long distance, and many of them flew towards this side, almost hitting Ye Qing several times.

In the trembling, another huge wave pressed over, and Ye Qing was once again driven into the sea.

The cold sea water eroded every nerve in the body. After pouring several mouthfuls of seawater, Ye Qing remembered to float up.

Fortunately, a huge box that didn’t know what it contained fell beside him, so that Ye Qing could grab it to death and not sink to the bottom of the sea again, otherwise with his crappy swimming skills, it would not be enough to survive in this vast sea.

The waves are layer after layer, and do not give people a chance to beg for mercy at all.

The landing place of the plane was already nowhere, and under the action of several huge waves, Ye Qing had lost his direction, and there was no one around, not even the shouting.

A huge fear arose from the bottom of his heart, and he didn’t know how far he had been pushed out by the waves, whether he had been pushed out of the search and rescue range.

What scared him even more was that there was no one around him, not even anything.

At this moment, even just a floating corpse can make him feel a lot more at ease.

However, beside Ye Qing, except for the box that had been tightly grasped by himself from the beginning, only monstrous waves and endless dark night remained.

The only thing he could do was to cling to the box next to him and give his life to a dead thing.

Fierce wind, heavy rain.

The extreme weather made Ye Qing suffer a lot, and the waves were heavy and heavy, like mountains, making him physically and mentally exhausted.

The dark clouds in the sky are so low that they seem to be reachable to touch them.

The thunder and the sound of the tide were mixed together, and in the end, Ye Qing couldn’t tell what was what.

He didn’t know how long he had been drifting with that box.

The long period of drifting made his physical exertion huge. An aura of despair spread through Ye Qing’s body like a plague.

Gradually, consciousness began to blur, I felt very sleepy, and I wanted to sleep like this.

Another lightning bolt streaked through, illuminating the sea, and in a trance, Ye Qing seemed to see land.

But he no longer had the energy to tell if it was an illusion or a reality.

In the next second, he passed out.

Only his hands were still clinging to the edges of the box.

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