Seeing the beach, Ye Qing seemed to see hope.

In fact, as early as when the short-faced bear’s footsteps were getting farther and farther, he noticed that the bear was not chasing him at all, but he still couldn’t control himself from running desperately, even faster than before.

That breath, that sense of oppression, is really terrifying.

Lying on the beach, he felt that he had never been so embarrassed, even when he had just woken up from the beach.

At that time, although it was very tragic, there were no injuries on the body.

Now his body is covered with scratches and falls, many holes in his clothes, and he is covered in sludge.

He also wanted to rush directly into the sea to wash up, but think about the sourness of the wound soaked in seawater.

Until this time, if it weren’t for the pain in his body reminding him that everything was true before, he wondered if he was too tired to fall asleep on the beach when he was making that campfire before.

It’s all unbelievable.

In one day, I saw two extinct species, one of which was extinct 2 million years ago, longer than human history, what kind of island is this.

There is also a system, if you want to say that the radio station is floating from the outside, it makes sense if you forcibly explain it.

But at the beginning, he also received a newbie gift package, and the thing appeared in his hand with a brush.

If these are dreams, then it’s time to wake up for so long, right?

“Hey, hey, is the system there? What happened to those two beasts just now? ”

He really couldn’t understand, and Ye Qing could only ask the system for help.

It’s a pity that the system is still so cold, except for taking the initiative to contact Ye Qing, basically won’t say anything superfluous.

Naturally, there is no answer to this question.

After asking a few more times, there was still no response, Ye Qing was too lazy to care, he mainly knew that there was danger in the woods, and he would keep an eye on everything in the future, and he didn’t know how to die.

After resting, although there was still some undecidedness, it was somewhat accepted this fact. Ye Qing began to pay attention to the injuries on his body.

To be honest, these injuries are not serious, they were cut by grass, bruises from falls, and bruises on their foreheads that accidentally hit the tree, and if they were handled properly, they healed in a day or two.

He remembered that there were some medicines and other things in the system mall before, but after redeeming the radio at that time, the points were used up, so he didn’t look carefully.

It just so happened that when I found the spring before, I had completed the task of finding the water source and obtained 50 points, but I could change some medicine to deal with my injuries.

Click on the system mall, there are nearly two days to refresh the time under the mall, but it is very abundant, you can choose slowly.

The eight items in the mall, except for the icons of the stations that have been redeemed, are dim, and the rest are still lit.

Pan *1: 5 points

Mineral water *1:2 points

Toast *1: 3 points

Bandage *5:5 points

Big iron pot *1: 8 points

Seasoning bag combination *1:1 credit

Band-aids*5:5 points

Looking at these goods, Ye Qing couldn’t help but complain, a bottle of mineral water actually costs 2 points, and a bread costs 3 points, but this seasoning bag is only 1 point, which is completely inconsistent with the outside.

However, considering that he is on an island, the price of these things should be delimited according to his own demand level on the island.

After silently complaining that the system was too pitted, he directly exchanged bandages and band-aids with deep pockets, although the injuries on his body were minor injuries, but if they were ignored, the bump injuries were better, but those wounds with broken skin could kill people if they became inflamed.

With a burst of white light, there were two more bags of things in his hand, a bandage in his left hand and a band-aid in his right hand.

The bandage is still a normal bandage, but seeing this band-aid, Ye Qing’s face darkened.

These band-aids are the kind that is big, like plastering. It’s nothing, but it’s printed with cute cartoon pictures, or pink, which is a bit hard to accept.

If it is attached to the body, it will be covered with clothes, but if it is attached to the face, think of the band-aid with a cartoon picture on his face, Ye Qing will be speechless for a while.

But now he is alone on the island, and he is not worried about being laughed at.

Another bottle of mineral water was exchanged, and what he didn’t expect was that the system was actually generous, and the mineral water with 2 points was actually the kind of large barrel used by the water dispenser at home.

This is very affordable, just the spring he saw before he did not dare to go for the time being, now this bucket of water in addition to cleaning the wound, but also can solve his own water supply in a short time.

Gritting his teeth, he grinned and cleaned the wound with clean water, and then the bandages were all wrapped around his hands and feet, and as for the rest of his body, he could only put a band-aid.

Ye Qing was sure that if he could see his current appearance, he would definitely laugh out loud, because where he could see, the band-aid attached to his body was like a patch on his clothes, or something from east to west, which matched his current situation and complemented each other.

I originally wanted to take a bath, but for the sake of my own life, Ye Qing still held back.

In case the sea water touches the wound and finally gives yourself a tetanus or something, then it is really not far from God.

After packing up, it was already dark, and he couldn’t look for food, so he quickly ran to the side of the cave, but he ran too quickly, didn’t pay attention to his feet, kicked something, and almost fell again.

Angrily looked at his feet, but it turned out to be a great joy.

A striped fish weighing about five pounds!

Good fellow, I should have hadn’t had time to sink to the bottom of the sea, I was brought up by the waves, and I was still jumping alive, and I got dinner again.

After returning to the cave, two fires were built, one for warmth in the cave and one for the beast at the mouth of the cave.

Fortunately, he picked up a lot of dry firewood last night, at least enough for tonight.

Originally, I wanted to go to sleep after grilling and eating the fish, but after thinking about it, it was not good to eat grilled things every day, and there was just water, so Ye Qing directly exchanged a large iron pot for another and drank the fish soup tonight.

This is the kind of iron pot that the countryside put on the stove, which is very strong, but Ye Qing now has no stove, so he can only use wood to frame it and temporarily replace it.

While cooking the fish, Ye Qing had nothing to do, and took out the radio to tinker with it.

After turning on the radio and debugging it, he was pleased to find that the problem of the previous bad signal seemed to be gone, and at least several band channels were adjusted without lag.

Recalling that yesterday seemed to be this time period, the signal was the best, could it be related to this?

After guessing wildly, Ye Qing decided to try to contact the outside world again. You can’t have a radio station just to listen to lace news.

After trying it for a while, the fish soup began to boil, Ye Qing’s stomach was already croaking with hunger, and he planned to eat dinner and try again.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the radio: “Hey, can anyone hear it?” ”

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