“This, how can there be a pistol here?” Surprised said.

Ye Qing shook his head and said, “I don’t know, I only know that the shape of this pistol is decades ago…”

After a pause, he said: “It seems that it should have fallen with the plane, it may have flown out and been buried after the plane crashed, of course, it may also be that there were people alive when the plane crashed, which was hidden here.”

After speaking, Ye Qing tilted his head, but found that Zhao Ling didn’t seem to be listening to him, and his expression was a little wandering.

“Are you all right?” Ye Qing stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her.

Zhao Ling came back to his senses: “Huh? I’m okay, I’m okay, just want to get something into God, what did you just say? ”

Ye Qinghu glanced at her suspiciously, thoughtfully, but did not say anything, let her rest in place first, and then went to the surrounding area to continue the reconnaissance.

Zhao Ling watched Ye Qing walk away, and sat on the beach in a trance.

In fact, she was not fine, she was originally a little defensive against Ye Qing, but now after seeing the pistol in Ye Qing’s hand, she was really afraid.

Saber, pistol, these two things are the Lord who can take people’s lives at any time, he is a girl, and there is nothing to defend himself, if Ye Qing suddenly thinks about himself one day, then he can say that he can only be at his mercy.

There are some problems with Zhao Ling’s mentality.

After getting the pistol, Ye Qing felt that his safety was more guaranteed, and then he investigated the surroundings again, but he didn’t gain anything, so he returned to Zhao Ling’s side and planned to go back.

Zhao Ling’s spirit was already much better, and he also caught two lobsters, which were said to be used for dinner.

The two came to the edge of the cliff, only to find that the road they came to before had been flooded by the sea for most of the time, you can still walk, a few minutes to arrive, but it is too dangerous, a little careless, will fall into the sea, and as the tide gets higher and higher, it may even fall and be swept away.

It’s not too high to look at the top of the cliff, and if you climb up from one side and come down from the other side, it may take a little longer, but at least it is a safe road.

After weighing it up, Ye Qing decided to take the above road when he went back.

He told Zhao Ling his thoughts, and Zhao Ling had no opinion.

Fortunately, the slope is gentle, and there are no accidents on the way.

Finally, I came to the top of the cliff, and from here I looked out to the sea, and I saw that the sea was sparkling under the setting sun, which was very beautiful.

But neither was in the mood to enjoy the view and continued walking.

When he was halfway there, Zhao Ling, who had not spoken much, suddenly said: “Ye Qing, look over there, there seems to be a thatched house.” ”

Ye Qingxin snorted, and quickly looked in the direction Zhao Ling pointed, behind the cliff, in a small valley with low ground, there was really a faint appearance of a thatched house.

His brows furrowed into iron bumps, and he hesitated in his heart whether to go over and take a look.

Just when he couldn’t make up his mind, Zhao Ling said: “Why don’t you go and see, there are thatched houses that show that there are still people on the island, maybe it is our companions.”

Ye Qing frowned and said: “I think it’s impossible, you think, we have only been on this island for a few days, the scale of that thatched hut does not seem to be small, even if someone with relevant knowledge builds it like this, it will take two or three weeks, and when we first arrived on the island, there was nothing, we were busy looking for food and drink, it was good to have a cave, how could there be this time?” ”

Like a child who had done something wrong, Zhao Ling lowered his head and said, “You’re right, I ignored it, I’m sorry.” ”

“Hey, don’t tell me you’re sorry, you just want to find someone else as soon as possible, besides, we’re just discussing countermeasures, and no one is right or wrong.” Ye Qing said seriously.

“So shall we go over?”

Ye Qing pondered and said, “Go, this thatched hut is very close to our cave, it’s best to make sure if there is anyone, whether the other party is good or bad, otherwise you can’t sleep well at night… But let’s not go directly in first, find a high place to observe first. ”

For Ye Qing’s suggestion, Zhao Ling did not object, and the two gradually slowed down and walked towards that side.

Finally came to the vicinity of the valley, found a rock, hid behind and observed the situation below.

The thatched house was so dilapidated that most of the thatch on top had been blown away by the wind, revealing the frame inside.

“It looks like no one has lived in it for a long time.” Zhao Ling said leisurely, his tone a little lost.

Ye Qing breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but was also slightly disappointed.

“Do you want to go down?” Zhao Ling said again.

This time Ye Qing did not object, it seems that no one has lived here for a long time, and I don’t know where the original owner of this place went, what happened to him, maybe some clues can be found inside, which is also helpful to the two of them.

After thinking about it, Ye Qing directly handed the pistol to Zhao Ling: “You take this, just in case.” ”

Zhao Ling was slightly stunned, did not take it, and asked rhetorically: “You gave it to me, what should you do?” ”

Ye Qing smiled and said, “It’s okay, I won’t use it anyway… You take it first, I remember that you didn’t say on the variety show before that you were trained in firearms? ”

Saying that, Ye Qing took out the saber again and held it in his hand, slashing out a piece of sword light.

When he used to go to college, he was idle and bored and learned a few daggers with a friend from the police academy to attack and defend against the elbow, although he was not sophisticated, but for him now, he really encountered the enemy, unless it was the kind that came up to death, otherwise the pistol really did not have the effect of a dagger on him.

And the reason why Zhao Ling was allowed to hold a pistol, on the one hand, was to increase her safety, and on the other hand, it was to give her some comfort.

Along the way, Ye Qingke found that this girl’s expression was a little wrong since she saw that she was holding a pistol.

What Zhao Ling was thinking in his heart, he could also guess one or two.

Now the two people can be said to be grasshoppers on a rope, only by working together, it is possible to survive on this strange island, if they do not trust each other, it is better not to come together in the first place.

Zhao Ling looked at Ye Qing with a strange look on his face: “The variety show you said was in the early days of my debut, but I didn’t expect that you had already paid attention to me at that time?” ”

“No, I watched a replay, you are so good in recent years, there is a lot of content about you on the Internet on TV, and some previous programs have also been dug up and broadcast many times!” Ye Qing was telling the truth, and he also accidentally saw it when he was bored watching TV at home.

But Zhao Ling obviously didn’t believe it, thinking that Ye Qing was shy, so he couldn’t help laughing, stopped for a while, and then asked: “You give me the gun, aren’t you afraid that I will be bad for you?”

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