Ye Qing didn’t expect Zhao Ling to get up so quickly, and smiled faintly: “Why don’t you sleep more?” ”

“It’s dawn, can’t sleep.”

Zhao Ling shook his head and stretched out his hand to tease Xiao Lan, but was glared at by the other party’s big eyes, and retracted again, asking Ye Qing: “Where did you catch such a cute little bird?” ”

Ye Qing was speechless for a moment and said, “This is not a little bird, this is called an owl, it flew over by itself, it seems that it is not going to leave, I named it, Xiaolan.” ”

“It’s ugly.” Zhao Ling pouted and said, “Do owls have blue ones?” Why haven’t I seen it? ”

“There are more places on this island that rise.” Ye Qing said, not wanting to continue this topic, pointing to the water and potatoes on the side: “Look, I picked up something from the beach last night, enough for us to eat for several days.” ”


Zhao Ling only found something next to him at this time, and immediately covered his mouth in surprise, and whispered: “Ye Qing, you won’t be Doraemon, right?” Why did we go to the beach so many times and didn’t see anything, and you yourself kept watch for a while and picked up so many things overnight? Or are they all necessities for our survival? ”

“Hehe, luck, it’s all over to you now.” Ye Qing shrugged.

“What kind of luck are you!”

Zhao Ling complained, but inadvertently met Ye Qing’s gaze, suddenly a heartbeat accelerated, quickly moved away, did not dare to look again, he found that it seemed that after a night, Ye Qing really had some changes, but what it was, she couldn’t tell.

Turning my attention to the water and potatoes, I touched it here and looked there, and my mood became much better again.

“By the way, are we going to look for the cave today?” She suddenly remembered yesterday’s energy and was a little discouraged.

Ye Qing said: “Don’t go first, yesterday I walked for almost a day, and I found that cliff, and if we are farther away, we can’t come back, so I went for nothing.” ”

Zhao Ling nodded and said, “That’s what I said, the situation on the side where I went ashore before is estimated to be similar, so what should we do now?” Didn’t you move away? ”

“It’s still going to be moved, I thought for a moment, if we want to continue searching far away, we must be fully prepared, so gather some supplies today before continuing to set off.”

“You mean, ready to spend the night outside?” Zhao Ling reacted, a little scared.

Ye Qing comforted: “Now that the cave we live in is no longer safe, so we must move, rest assured, as long as we are well prepared, nothing should happen.” ”

“That’s it.” Zhao Ling said.

Ye Qing’s next plan is to collect some food that is easy to preserve first, so that even if you spend the night outside, you will not be hungry, of course, fresh water is also to bring, but it is somewhat unrealistic to carry a bucket of water directly and look for a cave.

So he is ready to collect some coconuts first, throw out the coconut water inside, and then use coconut shells as a container to hold water, as for food, he also thought about it, and went directly to the green crab settlement to catch some green crabs, let Zhao Ling process it and bring it, and don’t worry about having nothing to eat.

Of course, in addition to coconut shells, food or something, because now there is Zhao Ling’s fish oil, as long as it is not some perishable food, it is no problem to fry and save it for a day or two.

The reason why I want to go to the green crab settlement is naturally for that degree of exploration.

The coconut grove and blue crab colonies are not yet fully explored, and for now, these two places are the easiest to complete and not dangerous, and it would be nice to give yourself some nice rewards afterwards.

Have breakfast, wash your teeth, wash your face, and go.

Coconut groves and blue crab colonies are not far from the cave, and the distance between the two is also very close.

But Ye Qing insisted that Zhao Ling act with him, which made Zhao Ling a little confused.

However, Ye Qing’s explanation for this is that because the surrounding area is not safe, it is better for the two to act together.

Just kidding, if I let you go to the other side, how will I finish exploring?

The green crab settlement where the two went first, Zhao Ling had never been here before, and when he saw that there were so many green crabs running around like fools on the beach, he couldn’t help but be excited, and directly ran over and grabbed two in his hand, shouting for Ye Qing to see.

Of course, Ye Qing was not interested, he had already been to this place a few times, and he would not catch a cold if he saw this situation too much.

Regardless of Zhao Ling, he pretended to look for green crabs while wandering on this beach, thinking about how to complete the exploration task.

After walking for a while, I clicked on the map and found that the degree of exploration had reached 78%, three percentages more than before, and looked at my feet and found that it was a place I hadn’t walked before.

Is the task to walk this place through?

In order to verify his idea, Ye Qing thought about walking a distance in the distance, and when he looked at the search degree again, he found that it had reached 80%.

It seems that he is right.

After determining the direction, Ye Qing directly walked through all the places where there were green crabs, and then found that the search degree had indeed reached 100%.

And on the map, a faint blue aperture circled the words “green crab settlement”, and compared it, Ye Qing found that it was the place he had walked before.

Because Zhao Ling was around, Ye Qing was not good to receive the reward directly, in case it was still the kind of last night that suddenly made himself hurt, it would be troublesome.

Since the exploration degree has been completed, there is no need for him to continue to hang out, Zhao Ling over there has already collected a lot of green crabs, and Ye Qing also hurriedly looked for green crabs on the beach.

It took the two of them a morning to collect dozens of green crabs.

After returning to the cave, Zhao Ling couldn’t help it, and asked directly: “What are we doing with so much?” How many days does it take to eat this? ”

Green crab is delicious, but if you eat this thing for several days in a row, the delicacy is estimated to become stinky.

Hearing Zhao Ling’s question, Ye Qing said seriously: “Be prepared, anyway, it is not easy to break after frying, we may have to look for caves in the next few days, and we don’t have time to prepare food.” ”

If you really want to continue exploring other places, then adequate food is essential.

And after discovering the exploration progress and rewards last night, Ye Qing’s interest in exploring this island has become unprecedentedly strong, even if it is not to find a new place to live, he will go out to explore.

After lunch, Ye Qing began to go to the coconut grove again, this time Zhao Ling did not go, because she wanted to fry those green crabs in the cave.

Ye Qing left Xiaolan in the cave and let it monitor the surrounding environment to ensure Zhao Ling’s safety.

Coming to the coconut forest, Ye Qing tried it, and sure enough, the method of increasing the degree of exploration was still the same as in the morning, and he immediately drew a scoop based on the gourd.

Although the coconut grove is larger than the green crab settlement, Ye Qing can explore faster.

Because the coconut grove is easy to identify, the range is easy to figure out, and the next step is to walk through the woods.

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