Ye Qing looked at Zhao Ling quietly, under the light of the fire, she was like a fairy under the ordinary, delicate and beautiful.

He didn’t bother her, because he knew that it would be a big shock for her, and at the same time an extremely difficult decision.

I don’t know how long has passed, Ye Qingdu has already added three rounds of firewood to the fire, and just when he was about to add the fourth round, Zhao Ling finally spoke.

“Ye Qing, you said… Will we be stuck here forever and never get out? ”

Her tone was a little sad, and her expression was a little lonely, as if something she had been holding on to was suddenly gone.

Ye Qing felt a little unbearable, and comforted: “Don’t think about it, I’ll just say it casually.” ”

“You don’t have to comfort me, really, actually, I know myself, there seems to be something really wrong with this island… And you suddenly asked me this question tonight, presumably what decision has been made, right? ”

“This…” Ye Qing had to give this woman a thumbs up in his heart, and with just one question, he knew what he was thinking, and after a pause, he said: “It’s not a decision, but I think we should probably think about the next choice.” ”

Zhao Ling smiled indifferently: “You talk about it?” ”

Although she smiled beautifully, if there was a hint of despair in this smile, it would be particularly dazzling.

Ye Qing looked down at the burning flames, not looking at her smile, and said, “Our survival on this island is no longer a problem now, if we just survive, it is not difficult, but I am wondering, should we live better…”

“But this involves a problem, I can’t determine if it’s safe around here, so we have to move from here, and we have been living in a cave, this is not a way, you can see, we have been looking for so long, there is no suitable place, if we move, we need to deviate from the place where we went ashore, which will increase the difficulty of search and rescue, it is very likely that the search and rescue team came to this place but did not find us…”

“What do you think?” Zhao Ling interrupted Ye Qing’s words and looked at him with wide eyes.

Ye Qing said: “Of course, I also want to go out quickly, but this island feels too mysterious, I am not sure if the search and rescue team can find here, and the threat we are facing is real, so I plan to go out tomorrow to find out if there is a suitable place to live, in addition, I also want to live better on this island, even if the search and rescue team does not find me in the end, I will have a better life here than outside.” ”

“It’s a really critical issue.” Zhao Ling said, and then fell into deep thought.

In fact, Ye Qing’s meaning she understood that both of them went ashore near here, which shows that when the plane crashed, it was against the coastline here, and if the search and rescue team really came, the possibility of coming here was very large.

If they move away, it will make the search more difficult, and no one knows how big the island is, and the search and rescue time is extended again, and it may be months or even years by the time the search and rescue team finds them.

Thinking about it this way, the choice to stay where you are is the wisest.

But the problem is that the thatched hut behind the cliff shows that there are other people on this island, and I don’t know whether they are friends or foes, and Ye Qing lit a bonfire that night to lead the way for her, and has exposed this place, maybe enemies will come to harm them at any time.

This threat is real and powerful, and no one knows who or how much the other side is, and this is the most disturbing thing.

On the one hand, there is the hope of going out, and on the other hand, it is the problem of one’s own safety.

Choosing one means that the center of gravity on the other one is reduced, which is indeed quite torturous.

I don’t know how long I thought about it, Zhao Ling spoke again: “If we want to wait for the search and rescue team, we must first confirm that we can live until that time, right?” ”

Hearing this, Ye Qing breathed a long sigh of relief, he knew that Zhao Ling had already made a choice.

Smiled: “Don’t worry, before we leave, I will make some marks on the beach to let the search and rescue team know that we are on this island, so that it will be more convenient for them to search and rescue.” ”

“How do you say you did it? It should be us together. Zhao Ling said.

After speaking, the two looked at each other and laughed.

One night without a word.

When he got up the next morning, Ye Qing directly sent Xiao Lan out, anyway, everything he saw would appear in his mind, it was better to let him help him find out if there was a suitable place to live.

Then he went to the woods to pick some herbs like yesterday and treat the panther, and then beckoned Zhao Ling to go to the edge of the woods together.

Even if they leave, they have to make some preparations here, the bonfire last time is obviously not big enough, this time Ye Qing not only plans to build the bonfire bigger, but also more, it is best to be able to spell out the distress pattern.

This makes it easier for search and rescue teams to spot them.

Then, if there is a search and rescue team, when they get here, they can also light a bonfire, so that even if they are far away, they can see it and come and join them.

To do this, the workload is not small, Ye Qing has to complete it alone, at least for several days, can only find Zhao Ling to help.

The two worked all day and finally built five bonfires on the beach, but it was not enough.

Ye Qing’s goal was to pile up on the entire beach.

In the evening, Xiao Lan returned, and the places it had explored in this day were more than five times more than Ye Qing’s original time, and there were indeed many cliffs and caves and the like, but none of them were satisfied with Ye Qing.

Either the cliff is too low and easy to be flooded by the sea, or the cliff is too steep for people to go up at all.

For such a result, Ye Qing was slightly disappointed, but he was not discouraged, this is just searching the side where he went ashore, Zhao Ling’s side has not searched, he was worried about the people on the fighter before, now there is Xiaolan, this “reconnaissance plane”, he is not worried about anything, he plans to let Xiaolan search there tomorrow.

It is worth mentioning that the panther’s recovery seems to be good, this is only one day, it looks a little energetic, and the injury is much better.

In fact, this is still thanks to Ye Qing’s mercy at the beginning, don’t see that he almost beat this goods half to death, but after all, it is going to become his own pet in the end, and the key point is not started at all, at most, it will be injured by some flesh and skin, and no matter how serious it is, the internal organs have received some shocks.

After a day of rest, it should also slow down a little, and at this rate, it is estimated that there are about two days left before you can walk normally.

Since discussing with Zhao Ling and deciding to move away, everything seemed to be going on in an orderly manner, and Ye Qing felt somewhat relieved.

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