Reluctantly, this is not a question that Ye Qing needs to think about, what he has to think about is how to live better on this island, if in the end there is really a search and rescue team to rescue them, then naturally it is best, even if not, he will be able to mix here.

After comforting Zhao Ling for a few words, they each went to sleep.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Ye Qing and Zhao Ling took Xiao Hei Xiaolan and set off towards the thatched hut behind the cliff.

With the experience of the last time, plus Xiao Hei now looks quite spirited, even if he encounters an enemy, there is no need to be afraid, so the two did not advance cautiously, but went straight to the thatched hut.

Ye Qing didn’t know how to complete that exploration degree by himself, but it was obvious that this landmark location should not need to explore the entire area like the “green crab settlement” and “coconut grove”.

The main goal is to put it in a thatched hut.

Letting Xiao Hei and Xiao Lan guard outside, he and Zhao Ling entered the house.

The room was empty, with nothing but some moldy furniture.

“Ye Qing, we’ve all rummaged through here, there’s nothing, I really don’t know why you came back.” Zhao Ling said a little puzzled.

In fact, Ye Qing also wondered, obviously this place has been turned over by the two of them, how could it not complete the degree of exploration?

In the face of Zhao Ling’s question, he didn’t know how to answer, so he could only say: “I’ll leave here tomorrow, and I always feel that I don’t feel comfortable in this place without finding something.” ”

“What are you looking for?” Zhao Ling asked.

“I don’t know.” Ye Qing shrugged: “Just go out for a walk, search thoroughly, let’s leave without regrets, don’t you say?” ”

“Okay, what do you say, I’ll go outside and take a look, something is called.” Zhao Ling said, turned around and went out, not because she was impatient, but because there was really nothing in this room.

Ye Qing was also a little discouraged, all the things in the room added up, and he could count them on one hand.

A wooden bed, a table, a chair, and some tattered rattan baskets, but there really wasn’t anything else.

And these things, when they first came, had already been carefully examined, and they found nothing at all.

“Forget it, maybe not finding it is the best result, shit exploration, don’t do it.”

Thinking so, Ye Qing planned to go out.

But just when he walked to the door, he glanced at Wu Nei a little unwillingly, and was immediately attracted by a place.

“What’s that?”

Ye Qing noticed that at the foot of the table covered with penicillium, there seemed to be something.

It was not that he and Zhao Ling had not found that thing before, but it was just a wood chip used to fix the table.

After all, this wooden house is not yet up to the extent of using wooden boards to lay the floor, using logs one by one, and the table is placed on it, and it is normal to be unstable.

But from Ye Qing’s current perspective, there were different discoveries.

It didn’t look like wood chips, but more like a few folded pieces of paper.

“Could it be that the system deducted 15% of the exploration degree because of this?”

Somewhat incredulously walked over and took out the thing from under the foot of the table, and sure enough, it was indeed a few pieces of paper.

There are three pieces of paper, all of which are very old grass papers, folded together, and eroded by the years, and if you don’t look closely, they really look like tree bark or something.

After opening it, there were some words scrawled on it, and after reading it for a long time, Ye Qing didn’t understand what it was, anyway, it wasn’t Chinese or English.

Although Ye Qing’s English is not good, he can still judge whether this written text is English or not.

Of course, although he couldn’t read the content, he could easily distinguish the Arabic numerals at the top, which looked like a date, which might be a few diaries.

This discovery is definitely significant to the current Ye Qing, because if this is a diary, then the owner who built this thatched house is definitely not an indigenous, and it is very likely that he came down from that fighter.

This means that his previous guess was correct.

After calling Zhao Ling a few times, Zhao Ling quickly ran in, Ye Qing waved the paper in his hand in front of her and asked, “Can you understand what this is?” ”

Zhao Ling was stunned at first, and then he was shocked: “This… How many diaries are these, where exactly did you find them? ”

“It’s been used to pad the legs of the table.” Ye Qing pointed under the table and asked, “Can you understand?” What is written on this? ”

Unexpectedly, Zhao Ling shook his head and said, “This is German, I can’t understand it, so I can only translate some of these words.” ”

Ye Qing thought for a while and said, “In this way, then let’s see what you can understand, maybe we can deduce the general meaning from these words.” ”

This matter is very important to him and Zhao Ling, and there is no room for sloppiness.

If you can understand the meaning of this, you may be able to know what happened to the fighter in the first place, or where the owner of this place went.

Zhao Ling also knew that it was related to his and Ye Qing’s safety, and nodded at Ye Qing.

Then arrived: “These three diaries are not connected, the time span is a bit large, you wait first, I’ll take a look.” ”

Ye Qing nodded, and then walked outside, leaving the space for Zhao Ling.

About half an hour later, Zhao Ling came out of it, sat down next to Ye Qing, and said instead: “Your previous guess is correct, there are indeed survivors on that plane, and the owner of the diary is one of them.” ”

“Did he say inside where he went?” Ye Qing asked, this is what he desperately wants to know.

“I don’t know, maybe I wrote it, but I didn’t understand it.”

Zhao Ling said lightly: “There are a lot of words such as “sir”, “magic”, “time”, “space” and “beast” in the diary, and I guess that this person is very likely to have encountered animals that do not exist or are extinct outside after coming here. ”

“If you look at this sentence, it roughly means: that beast is around here, I don’t know if I will be able to see the commander alive, but the war is not over, we have not lost yet…”

Saying that, Zhao Ling changed another piece of paper and pointed to a sentence on it: “And here, it is written: I am separated from the chief, this is the worst thing, but I can’t go to him yet, because I must live and dedicate this useless body to a noble and great cause…”

“I’m leaving, last night I saw the signal from the commander, far away from me, but I am still happy that the commander is still alive, which means that he will definitely bring us back to the battlefield…”

“Except for these three sentences, the rest are scattered words, sorry, if I had been more serious when I learned German, I might have known where this person went.” Zhao Ling held the paper, a little frustrated.

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