Rao had already seen the route through Xiaolan’s eyes, but when he really walked all the way to his final destination, Ye Qing still had to complain that this migration journey was too far.

Since their departure in the morning, they have only rested once, and they have been many times faster than when they first searched for the cave, and they still only arrived before dark.

Ye Qing calculated that according to the footsteps of himself and Zhao Ling, they could walk about 5 kilometers in an hour, and it was almost 12 hours in this day, that is, this place was 60 kilometers away from the cave where they originally lived.

Of course, this refers only to the length of the coastline, which is actually not that much, but it is still far enough.

At such a distance, it should be safe.

With a slight sigh of relief, Ye Qing and Zhao Ling walked into the cave, and after putting things down, they began to look at the surrounding environment.

This is a concave terrain in the mountains, except for a narrow exit, it is high on three sides, and it is extremely steep, so ordinary animals will not come here, so it is definitely the best place to stay from a safety point of view.

At the entrance of the cave, less than a hundred meters away is a huge beach, where the products are similar to those over there, and there is no food to worry about.

In addition, the space inside the cave is more than three times larger than the previous one, which can be said to be very suitable for living.

After probing up and down, there was no trace of human habitation, nor the smell of other animals, apparently they were the first to discover the cave and live in it.

Everything was perfect!

The only thing that worried Ye Qing and Zhao Ling was that the signal on the radio station here seemed to be much worse than the previous one, and even in the evening, when the signal was the best, receiving news from the outside was intermittent, let alone contacting the outside.

But they all knew that since they had decided to live better on this island, they had to give up some other things, and now they didn’t have to worry about food and drink, and they had a safer place to live, which was already very good.

Because it was already dark when they moved in, the two only had time to pick up some dry firewood nearby to make a fire in the cave, and there was no time to look for new food nearby.

But it didn’t matter, before coming, the two had already prepared enough food to not worry about this.

After hastily eating dinner, Xiao Lan flew outside to guard as usual, Xiao Hei had fallen asleep in the corner of the cave, most of the things were put on its back today, and after walking for a day, it was exhausted.

And because of this, Zhao Ling’s attitude towards it can be said to have changed 180 degrees, and the eyes looking at it have changed from vigilance to pampering.

For this, Ye Qing is happy to see it.

Compared with the long night, the time was still early, and there was no hurry to go to sleep, Ye Qing looked at the flames that were soaring, and discussed the next plan with Zhao Ling.

“I’ll take care of it tonight, anyway, the cave is very dry, and I don’t worry about getting wet, but I plan to make two wooden beds tomorrow, otherwise it’s not good to sleep on the ground all the time.”

Zhao Ling said with a smile: “Actually, I have had this idea for a long time, but I had to spend every day in worry before, and I was really not in the mood to think about this, but if you need some thick wood, this is difficult to do without tools, right?” ”

Ye Qing said: “Don’t worry, there are many stones around here, and it is still very easy to find a suitable stone axe, although it is definitely much worse than the iron one, but it can only be used at present.” ”

Now Ye Qing’s mind has the method of making Shi Gong, including the selection of materials and how to build it, and he is not worried about this.

The two discussed in front of the fire again, and finally agreed to make a plan for what needed to be done most at the moment.

Find the right stone to make a stone axe.

After the stone axe is made, start cutting down the trees, one can add some simple furniture to the cave, such as wooden bed shelves, etc., and the other is to use wood to build a fence at the exit in front of the cave to prevent the invasion of wild beasts and increase the safety of the two people.

To accelerate the exploration of the surrounding environment, the most important thing is to find a source of water to ensure the needs of daily life.

In fact, from the perspective of survival, the third point of finding water is the most important thing for the two at present, but because there was a large bucket of fresh water before, enough for them to survive for several days, they put it at the end.

In addition to these three points, Zhao Ling also proposed that the previous bag of potatoes could not be completely used as food, but also a field could be opened up around the area for planting, so as to ensure that even if no new food could be found in the future, there would be no fear of starvation.

Of course, Ye Qing agreed with this proposal, but compared with the previous three points, it was not very important, so I put it for later.

After making these plans, it was almost dark, and both of them were tired enough that day, so they went to bed early.

Of course, only Zhao Ling slept, and Ye Qing waited for her to fall asleep before getting up from the ground and coming to the entrance of the cave.

Sitting at the entrance of the cave, he entered the system interface.

As early as when they stepped into this cave, the system had already prompted the [Find a New Camp] task to be completed, but at that time, Ye Qing was as tired as a dog and was not in the mood to pay attention to it.

Plus the store has been updated, but he hasn’t had time to check what has been released.

Now, the 50 points completed by the mission plus the 61 points left over from the previous use, there are 111 points, and it’s time to buy and buy a wave.

First enter the [Mission Achievement] option, find the [Find New Camp] task, Ye Qing found that although the same tasks completed before, they all show “completed”, but because the reward has not yet been claimed, the task is still lit, unlike the previous ones, they have been dimmed.

Click the [Find New Camp] task, and a string of text will pop up on the system interface.

“Congratulations on completing the [Find a New Camp] mission and earning system points*50.”

“Ding! Detects that the host has changed camps, inherit the previous camp properties? ”

“Huh? What does it mean? ”

Ye Qing remembered that the previous camp seemed to have a function of “repelling mosquitoes”, could it still be inherited to the current camp?

This kind of good thing, of course, he did not hesitate at all, and directly chose “inheritance”.

“Congratulations to the host, the camp attribute has been inherited, please continue to improve your camp, camp upgrades will get more rewards.”

“Ding! Trigger the [Rabbit Three Caves] mission, do you accept it? ”

The two prompts sounded continuously, making Ye Qing stunned for a moment.

Camp upgrade?

What the hell is this?

And how did this mission come so diligently?

…… The dividing line….

Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass!

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